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Mrs. Sarah Huntington Third Grade September 13, 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Sarah Huntington Third Grade September 13, 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Sarah Huntington Third Grade September 13, 2016
Welcome to Back-to-School Night Read the letter your child wrote to you. Make sure to write back and leave it on the desk for them to read tomorrow morning! Please use the white Back to School Night Survey to voice any questions, concerns or information you would like us to know about your child. Place it in the basket on the side table on your way out tonight, or finish it at home and send it in with your child in a sealed envelope. Please take the stapled packet of papers home with you. Thank you for coming!

2 "No Horse Gets Anywhere Until He Is Harnessed
"No Horse Gets Anywhere Until He Is Harnessed.  No Steam or Gas Ever Drives Anything Until It Is Confined.  No Niagara Is Ever Turned into Light and Power Until It Is Tunneled.  No Life Ever Grows Great Until It Is Focused, Dedicated, Disciplined."  -Henry Emerson Fosdick Goals for my students: To achieve greater independence, responsibility, and organization To enjoy learning with a focus on PROGRESS, reflection, confidence, and self-motivation Meeting Challenges Understanding his/her strengths and weaknesses, and that we all have them! Willing to take risks with their learning Mastering Verbal Communication With me and with others – a life skill!

3 Philosophy and Practices All for one and one for all!
I offer a structured environment where students feel their teacher knows and cares about them. Each child is different and I strive to help each individual receive what is needed to be successful and love school. A little success breeds lots more! I want the children to feel there is no problem we can’t solve if we talk about it and work together. 3-H’s Motto All for one and one for all! We are a team!

4 More About Responsibility
How can you help? Be their guide on the side! An Important Third Grade Goal is Independence: Their assignment book They are growing up and benefit from responsibility and helping Students should primarily work alone on homework Please have students check off completed homework and pack it in his/her school bag. Missing Homework Book: How we can make this unnecessary. If a problem develops.

5 What To Do If? You need information: - Try our Third Grade website
Communication: Notes and “Notes From Home” box is preferred for anything that can wait up to 24 hours. Phone calls to the office ( ) – urgent issues. Dismissal: Please send a note for all dismissal changes Students may only ride a different bus for child care purposes. Absences: Missed work -Family Trips district policy PSSA testing window: Language Arts April 3 – 7, 2017 Math April 24 – 28, 2017 Spring vacation is April 8 – April 16

6 Homework Council Rock School District’s policy : 30 minutes per night in third grade. If your child is taking much longer, please contact me. My policy is a no tears policy! Homework Assignments are very similar each week and changes are noted in the assignment book. Math Practice Page M – Th Memorization of basic facts through home practice. Ongoing flash cards and website practice. (+ - x ÷) SFE Homepage Math Links: “Untangling the Math Web” (games and activities) “Pearson Success Math K-5” ( Math Series On-line) “First in Math” Link is on SFE home page Minimum of 15 Minutes of Independent Reading M-Th. Students must log this reading on their blue reading log I also encourage students to read for 15 minutes twice each weekend. 1 Reading Response Journal entry each week (About 5 per marking period) The students write a well thought out paragraph response to a prompt which they receive and glue into their journal. This is assigned the middle +/- 5 weeks each marking period. It is always recorded in their assignment book

7 Additional Homework Information to Help at Home
The Book Baggie Should hold: Blue “Nightly Reading Log” Independent Reading Book The expectation is that students read their approved book for independent reading at home and in school. Each new book needs to be approved by me for a comprehension check. Reading Response Journal (RRJ) – Instructions are on the inside cover of the RRJ and examples are on my website. I go over the prompt in class A well thought out response will be written at home and turned in on the day indicated on the cover of the RRJ. Projects: Biography Bash Market Day (No food products allowed)

8 Important Odds n’ Ends Instrumental Music Lessons:
Some children are more developmentally ready for the responsibility than others. Students miss learning time Responsible for the work that is missed while they are at their lessons. Work at recess or sent home Healthy Snacks: 1:45 PM 1 snack that can be eaten neatly in approximately 5 minutes. Birthday celebrations are part of snack time. Please provide treats that are individually wrapped and easy for your child to pass out. Please Remember: We are a Nut-Free classroom. Send labels for store bought and homemade treats.

9 Thank You For Your Support!
Any Questions? Remember: I will only believe half of what they tell me, if you promise to only believe half of what they tell you Please sign up for a conference time in the hall before you leave tonight. Thank You For Your Support!

10 More Important Odds n’Ends
Nurse visits: Bathroom visits: Emergency School Closings: please make sure your child knows where to go Cell phones must be off and in back packs during the school day and on bus. Electronics (Gameboys, Ipods, etc.) are not allowed in school or on the bus, so… maybe just leave them at home. E-readers must be approved using permission form in SFE e-Friday Folder

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