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1 Open Forum Discussion:
Open Forum Discussion: Opportunities and Challenges in Data Sharing for Population Based Payment Models June 20, 2016 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Open Forum Discussion: Opportunities and Challenges in Data Sharing for Population Based Payment Models

2 Welcome Sarah Callahan Population-Based Payment Work Group Lead
CMS Alliance to Modernize Healthcare (CAMH) Sarah Callahan: Good afternoon and welcome. I am Sarah Callahan, the Population-Based Payment Work Group Lead. The Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network, or LAN, is a project led by the CMS Alliance to Modernize Healthcare, known as CAMH, operated by the MITRE Corporation on behalf of CMS. We were established to help the private sector and states meet or exceed the Secretary’s goals for Medicare moving to alternative payment models. I think you all know the LAN’s purpose, but it’s always worth restating – this is all aimed at better care, smarter spending, and healthier people. I’m delighted to be with you today for this important discussion on Data Sharing.

3 Session Objectives Learn about the work of the PBP Work Group and its principles and recommendations for Data Sharing. Provide an open forum for audience questions on Work Group principles and recommendations. Discussion with Population Based Payment Work Group members. Sarah Callahan: During this session, we will first provide you with a brief overview of the Data Sharing principles and recommendations that were released for public comment on June 10 Then we will move into the open forum, where we encourage everyone in the audience to ask questions and/or share comments related to the Data Sharing recommendations. We encourage you to do that through the chat feature.

4 Speakers Glenn Steele, MD, PhD
Today’s discussion is designed to be an participant driven, interactive forum regarding the principles and recommendations from our Population Based Payment Work Group on Data Sharing. Throughout this open forum discussion today, we would like to encourage all of the audience members to participate by asking questions about the recommendations and providing us with your feedback. Leading this discussion, we have Glenn Steele, the PBP Work Group co-chair, Chairman of xG Health Solutions and Immediate past President and CEO of Geisinger Health System and WG member and lead on the data sharing sprint, David Muhlestein, Senior Director of Research and Development at Leavitt Partners. Before we get started, please note that today’s slides will be available on the LAN Website, within a couple of days after this presentation. Glenn Steele, MD, PhD Work Group co-chair PBP Work Group Chairman, xG Health Solutions, Inc. Immediate past President and CEO, Geisinger Health System David Muhlestein, PhD, JD Member PBP Work Group Senior Director of Research and Development Leavitt Partners, LLC

5 DATA SHARING Development Draft Release Public Comment Revise
For Population-Based Payment Models Development April – June 2016 The PBP Work Group’s draft White Paper, Accelerating and Aligning Population-Based Payment Models: Data Sharing outlines a vision for data sharing in PBP models. Sharing data is critical to supporting clinicians and health care stakeholder groups in providing care, responding effectively to patient needs, and enabling the transition to alternative payment models (APMs). The paper offers several guiding principles, recommendations, and outlines use cases for data sharing. The goal is to create an environment where data follows the patient and is available to stakeholders (patients, providers, purchasers, and payers) in a timely manner. Sarah Callahan: The PBP Work Groups data sharing paper offers guiding principles, recommendations, and outlines several use studies for data sharing. The goal is to create an environment where data follows the patient and is available to stakeholders (patients, providers, purchasers, and payers) in a timely manner. Now I will turn this over to Glenn Steele. Glenn, the floor is yours… Draft Release June 10, 2016 Public Comment June 10 – July 1, 2016 Revise July – August 2016 Final Release August 8, 2016

6 Data Sharing Principles Data sharing is foundational for the successful operation of PBP models and makes it possible for each stakeholder to carry out their individual role. Data sharing in PBP models will need to be fundamentally different from data sharing in traditional FFS models. Data sharing for PBP requires multi-stakeholder relationships built on trust, cooperation, and transparency. Identifiable, patient-level data should follow the patient. De-identified, population-level data should be treated as a public good. Providers who undertake PBP models with multiple payers will need to receive, use and share data with each of them, giving rise to a complexity that may benefit from collaboration with third-party intermediaries. Glenn

7 Data Sharing Recommendations
Payers and providers should identify in advance aligned approaches and polices for data sharing to support PBP models. In order for data to follow the patient, payers should collaborate on approaches to patient identifiers that enable mapping across systems. This effort should be scalable. Payers, providers, purchasers, and patients should convene a multi-stakeholder group to recommend solutions that ensure patients that their personal data are used appropriately. David

8 Data Sharing Continued
Recommendations Requirements for data sharing should be made explicit in agreements between purchasers and payers that participate in PBP models. Payers should give patients and purchasers easy access to information on what it costs to see different providers for the same, common procedure, alongside relevant quality indicators. Payers, providers, and purchasers should actively participate in pilot programs to evaluate approaches to the sharing of data across multiple payers and providers. David

9 discussion Sarah: So, with that, let’s start the discussion. Please type a question into the chat box and we will read them out and discuss. [If there are no questions, Sarah can ask the question about what might be some unintended consequences of our presented recommendations and challenges of Data Sharing etc.]

10 Access the Data Sharing Draft Paper: http://hcp-lan
Sarah: Thank you to everyone for your participation, that’s all we have time for. I would like to take this time to thank our speakers, Glenn and David, and to thank all of you for your thoughtful questions and discussion today. Also remember, the comment period for the Data Sharing closes on Friday, July 1. I encourage all of you to visit the website on this slide to download and review the paper, and provide us with any comments.

11 Connect with us @Payment_Network
We want to hear from you! Sarah: If you have any additional questions about our discussion today, feel free to send them to You can also contact us through any of the methods listed here. We’re pleased so many of you could join us today, and we look forward to your continued participation with the LAN. @Payment_Network Search: Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network Search: Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network

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