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The Criminal Justice System

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Presentation on theme: "The Criminal Justice System"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Criminal Justice System
Tyler lindblade

2 The main components of Criminal Justice
Page 1 Law Enforcement State police Federal agencies Courts Local courts Supreme court Corrections Prison

3 Problems that keep the system from functioning effectively and efficiently.
Page two and three Police Corruption Selling evidence (drugs) Racial profiling Overly violent Jails Too many prisoners Too quick to sentence This hurts the economy, and the jails

4 The federal Uniform Crime Reporting Program.
Page four UCCR Crime report from each police department Allows more accurate allocation of resources Can reveal discriminations in arrests

5 Criminal Justice, Then Vs Now.
Page 5 and 6 Justice system must adapt sentence length mandatory sentencing alternative sentencing Protecting victims No attention to victims in the past laws now in place attempts to amend constitution

6 The Peelian Principles
Page 7 and 8 Nine rules set in place by Robert Peel Principles on how police should act Just as relevant now as in the past

7 The Procedures an offender undergoes in his/her progression through the system.
Page 9 and 10 Law Enforcement Investigation warrant arrest booking Court first appearance info/indictment adujudication Corrections sentencing corrections

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