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Vendor Performance Program Overview

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1 Vendor Performance Program Overview
Created: 6/2/17

2 GENERAL OVERVIEW: CWS encourages open and honest communication, which is one of the Core Values of our organization. The Purchasing Department has established a Vendor Performance Program to capture internal and external supplier interactions throughout the life cycle of the supplier relationship. The objective of this program is to improve our Supply Chain by creating a systematic means to track and communicate our vendor performance experience with critical suppliers. The Vendor Performance Program will also enable CWS to address performance indicators in an efficient manner and support the goals of the organization. Successful results can be achieved through strong relationships that are initiated through a clear understanding of the goals and expectations of our associates, and our suppliers during the early stages of the procurement process. The vendor performance evaluation process will require that Associates complete a performance evaluation form for “Commodities and General Services” to identify performance issues (as they arise) and submit the completed form to the Purchasing Department for analysis and documentation. The Contractor performance evaluation form for Non-Water/Sewer Related Construction Services”, is to be completed and submitted after each construction project. When performance issues cannot be resolved by the Using Department, Purchasing will intervene and work with the vendor to identify basic key requirements for improvement, and to develop corrective action plans.

3 GENERAL OVERVIEW – pg. 2 Vendors and General Service providers with multi-year agreements will also be scored annually using performance indicators established by the Vendor Performance Program evaluation criteria. \ As performance issues are addressed and resolved with Vendors, General Service Providers and Contractors, completed performance evaluation(s) will be shared with them in an effort to encourage a dialog dialogue consisting of expectations for continuous improvement while demonstrating one of our core values of open & honest communications. As Annual Performance Evaluations are completed they too will be shared with Vendors and General Service Providers in the same manner.

4 3 – Types of Performance Evaluations
Commodities & General Services Construction Services for Non-Water/Sewer Related Projects Annual Reviews

5 Commodities & General Services Consist of the Following Twenty (20) Performance Indicators.
Late Delivery Unauthorized Substitution Poor Quality Failure to Respond to , Letter or Call Poor Service Failure to Respond to Service Call Incorrect Invoices Failure to Meet Specifications Failure to Identify Shipments Shipment Made Freight Collect Request to Cancel Order Due to Bid Error Failure to Comply with EMS Policy Failure to Replace Damaged Goods Repair Parts Not Available Poor Workmanship Failure to Provide Warranty Shipment of Used Goods Short or Over Shipment Unauthorized Price Change Request Damaged Goods Received

VENDOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION for SALES OF COMMODITIES & GENERAL SERVICES Vendor:__________________________ Dept.:_________________________________ Address:__________________________ CWS Contact:___________________________ City:______________________________ P.O. No.:_________________ Amount:___________ State:_________ Zip Code:__________ P.O. Date:__________ Contact:__________________________ Commodity/Service:______________________________ NATURE OF COMPLAINT 1 Late Delivery 11 Request to Cancel Due to Bid Error 2 Unauthorized Substitution 12 Failure to Comply with EMS Policy 3 Poor Quality 13 Failure to Replace Damaged Goods 4 Failure to Respond to Letter or Call 14 Repair Parts Not Available 5 Poor Service 15 Poor Workmanship 6 Failure to Respond to Service Call 16 Failure to Provide Warranty 7 Incorrect Invoices 17 Shipment of Used Goods 8 Failure to Meet Specifications 18 Short or Over Shipment 9 Failure to Identify Shipments 19 Unauthorized Price Change Request 10 Shipment Made Collect 20 Damaged Goods Received DETAILS OF COMPLAINT: (attach 2nd page if necessary) Has complaint been resolved? ______Yes ______No Complainant's Signature:_____________________________ Title:_____________________________ Phone No.:____________________ Date: _________________ ACTION TAKEN BY THE BUYER: Buyer:_________________________________ Date:________________

7 Construction Services for Non-Water/Sewer Related Construction Projects Consist of the Following Nine (9) Key Performance Indicators. Documentation Change Orders Job Site Safety Public Interest Optimized Installation Quality Owner/Contractor Relationship Prompt Correction

8 Charleston Water System’s Purchasing Dept
Charleston Water System’s Purchasing Dept. Contractor Performance Evaluation For Non-Water/Sewer Construction Services CWS Project No.: Date of Completion: Project Name: Contractor: Project Manager: Superintendent: Principal Subs: Contract Value: $ Contractor’s performance is represented by the following rating scale: Strongly Disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neutral (4) Agree (5) Strongly Agree Under Comments: Highlight items of concern or poor performance and those items of performance noted to have been excellent. DOCUMENTATION Documentation from bid documents through close-out are timely, thorough and complete. Score: Comments: CHANGE ORDERS: Change Order Proposals represent meaningful changes in the contractor’s job cost, are documented to the owner in a timely manner, are thoroughly described and are fairly priced. Score: Comments:

9 Contractor Performance Evaluation For Non-Water Related Construction Services – cont.
JOB SITE: Equipment and materials are well organized on the job site and job site is left in a clean and orderly manner at close of daily business. Score: Comments: SAFETY: An emphasis on safety is always emphasized, practiced and apparent. Contractor adheres to CWS EMS Policy. Score: Comments: PUBLIC INTEREST: A concern for the public and CWS customers is routinely demonstrated through effective communications with the property owner in advance of property disruption and in responding to customer/public concerns or complaints. Score: Comments: OPTIMIZED INSTALLATION: More effective or lower cost means of executing the project than called for by the design documents were frequently sought and prospects brought to the attention of the owner and design engineer. Score: Comments:

10 QUALITY: Contractor’s crew demonstrated sound knowledge of their work, performed their work in a professional manner such that the quality of the finished product is considered high. Crews reporting for work in a timely manner and adhering to work schedules meets expectations. Score: Comments: OWNER/CONTRACTOR RELATIONSHIP: Contractor’s business personality, cooperation & joint resolution of issues in a timely manner and in a team-like manner produced an atmosphere for professional and enjoyable working relationship. Score: Comments: Contractor Performance Evaluation For Non-Water/Sewer Construction Services – cont. PROMPT CORRECTION: Construction errors, damages, mishaps and the like are corrected promptly; damage to private property is corrected in the same day if possible. Score: Comments: TOTAL SCORE Most Significant Performance Feature:________________________________________________________ Suggested Points for Improvement:___________________________________________________________ Evaluation Conducted/Reviewed By: Name:___________________ Dept.:__________ Date:_________

Innovation & Creativity: Does the vendor routinely evaluate project’s assigned scope against project objectives to determine if the project, as defined, remains valid, needs adjustment, and/or are there other possible events that if addressed may improve the service capability of the entire process? (20 pts.) Superior (20) ______ Comments:______________________________ Successful (15) ______ _______________________________________ Improvement Needed (5) ______ _______________________________________ Unsatisfactory (0) ______ _______________________________________ Initiative & Motivation: Does vendor display drive and energy in accomplishing it’s the assigned projects to include identifying opportunities for related improvements? Also, does this initiative carry-over to self-initiated interaction with the CWS staff? (25 pts.) Superior (25) ______ Comments:________________________________ Successful (20) ______ _________________________________________ Improvement Needed (10) ______ _________________________________________ Unsatisfactory (0) ______ _________________________________________ C. Team Role: Does the vendor work well with CWS staff to deliver the full value of the team’s talent? Do you believe the vendor routinely acts as an integrated component of the CWS organization? (25 pts.) Superior (25) ______ Comments:________________________________ Successful (20) ______ _________________________________________ Improvement Needed (10) ______ _________________________________________ Unsatisfactory (0) ______ _________________________________________

D. Quality & Dependability: Does the vendor routinely meet its commitments to CWS and on time deliveries/schedules? Is the quality of products/services commensurate with CWS needs? (25 pts.) Superior (25) ______ Comments:__________________________________________ Successful (20) ______ ___________________________________________________ Improvement Needed (10) ______ ___________________________________________________ Unsatisfactory (0) ______ ___________________________________________________ Adaptability & Flexibility: Changes in direction do occur. Does the vendor tend to cope well with change? (25 pts.) Superior (25) ______ Comments:________________________________________ Successful (20) ______ _________________________________________________ Improvement Needed (10 ______ _________________________________________________ Unsatisfactory (0) ______ _________________________________________________ Total Score:________ Pts.

Summation of Strengths Delivered to Purchasing Vendor Performance Program: __________________________________________________________________________ Summation of Improvements Needed to Remain in Program: Reviewer Recommendations: Retain:________ Release:________ ________________________________ __________________________________________ Reviewer Signature: Purchasing Manager Signature: _______________ _______________ Date: Date: CHARLESTON WATER SYSTEM VENDOR ANNUAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL – CONT.

14 IN SUMMARY: The Vendor Performance Program will ensure our Key Suppliers receive information about our procurement policies and procedures, which promotes cooperation and identifies process improvement opportunities through two-way communications. The Vendor Performance Program provides opportunities to build stronger relationships and to gather feedback and create dialogue for continuous improvement. This type supplier engagement improves operations and promotes the integrity of the procurement process by providing insight to the question, “How do we gauge the customer trust in our work processes and business relationships?”

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