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First quarter performance report to Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs 5 September 2017 Type your topic here Electoral Matters May 2016
Introduction: Performance in the first quarter was achieved against the backdrop of the following environmental factors: (a) a highly contested and fractious political environment, including increasing intra- and inter-party tension and violence; (b) continued economic difficulties and constrained fiscal conditions; and (c) The urgent need to require and record addresses of voters on the voters roll. These factors had a huge impact on the financial and human resources of the Electoral Commission. 1
OVERVIEW SUMMARY FOR QUARTER 1 (2017/18) continued
Programme # of targets # achieved / exceeded # not achieved % Achievemen t Programme 1: Administration 8 5 3 63% Programme 2: Electoral Operations 4 1 80% Programme 3: Outreach 100% Total 16 12 75%
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION The following performance targets were not achieved during the quarter under review: Indicator which deals with the number of quarterly internal audit progress reports per annum prepared by the Chief Audit Executive and reviewed by the Audit Committee was not achieved due to the Audit Committee meeting taking place later than planned; Indicator which stipulates the number of short courses attended by staff was not achieved due to budget constraints and resultant essential budget reprioritisations; and Indicator which deals with the performance agreements of permanent staff for the 2017/18 financial year. The non-achievement relates to maternity leave, illnesses, non-submissions and suspensions.
PROGRAMME 2: ELECTORAL OPERATIONS The following performance target was not achieved during the quarter under review: Indicator which deals with the number of liaison sessions with political parties on national, provincial and local levels. The non-achievement is due to the late capturing of liaison sessions held in the first quarter in the Party Liaison System. All stakeholders will again be reminded of the importance of capturing liaison sessions held timeously. PROGRAMME 3: OUTREACH All performance targets set for quarter 1 have been achieved.
Strategic Objective 1.1 linked to Strategic Goal 1 Exercise oversight (monitoring, evaluation and leadership) to ensure the effective implementation of the Electoral Commission’s core mandate, strategic goals and objectives, aligned with the corresponding budget allocation. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 1.1 Quarterly targets and actuals Comments on deviations Target Q1 Actual Varian ce Comments 1.1.1 Number of Commission meetings held per annum 3 Target met. Meetings held on 21 April; 26 May and 30 June 2017. 1.1.2 Number of quarterly reports per annum reviewed by the CEO within 30 days after the start of the next quarter 1 Target met. Report reviewed on 31 July
Strategic Objective 1.2 linked to Strategic Goal 1 Exercise efficient oversight (monitoring, evaluation and support) by the provisioning of assurance and risk management services. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 1.2 Quarterly targets and actuals Comments on deviations Target Q1 Actual Variance Comments 1.2.1 Number of risk based annual internal audit plans the Audit Committee each year by 30 June in the financial year to which the plan relates. 1 0 The plan was approved at the AC meeting on 24 May 2017. 1.2.2 Number of quarterly internal audit progress reports per annum prepared by the Chief Audit Executive and reviewed by the Audit Committee each year within 30 days after the start of the next quarter. -1 To be considered by the AC at the next quarter meeting scheduled for 16 Aug 2017 i.e. not within 30 days as required. 1.2.3 Quarterly review and update the Electoral Commission’s strategic risk register by the Executive Risk Management Committee within 30 days after the start of the next quarter. Target met. Risk register reviewed and updated at the ERMC meeting of 25 July 2017.
Strategic Objective 1.3 linked to Strategic Goal 1 Build institutional capacity to enable the Electoral Commission to deliver on its constitutional mandate. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 1.3 Quarterly targets and actuals Comments on deviations Target Q1 Actual Variance Comments 1.3.1 Number of permanent staff positions filled per annum (Posts filled for part of the year will be counted on a pro rata basis) 0 Not applicable in Q1. 1.3.2 Number of permanent staff who were provided with developmental training interventions per annum. 146 52 -94 Due to budget constraints most of the training interventions were put on hold in Q1 1.3.3 Extent of compliance with performance management system as evidenced by the existence of performance agreements and performance assessment for the year under review 100% performan ce agreemen ts of qualifying staff (930 staff) Performa nce agreemen ts 95.5% (892/934) -4.5% Performance agreements variance 42 : Due to various reasons like maternity, illness, non-submission, suspension.
Strategic Objective 1.4 linked to Strategic Goal 1 Manage financial resources efficiently to protect the public image of the Electoral Commission as an accountable institution. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 1.4 Quarterly targets and actuals Comments on deviations Target Q1 Actual Variance Comments 1.4.1 Achieve an unqualified audit report on the annual financial statements each year n/a Not relevant in first quarter
Strategic Objective 2.1 linked to Strategic Goal 2 Manage free and fair elections in accordance with the applicable electoral timetables to ensure the efficient and credible execution of the mandate of the Electoral Commission. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 2.1 Quarterly targets and actuals Comments on deviations Target Q1 Actual Variance Comments 2.1.1 Average number of calendar days in which elections are conducted from date of vacancy in each year covered by this plan. The date of the vacancy is the date on which the Electoral Commission receives the notification. Within 90 days There were 47 by-elections in Q of which 33 were due to the dissolved local council of Nquthu. All of the by-elections were held within 90 days with the exceptions of uPhongolo ward 7 and Moretele ward 18 - both of which were filled in days owing to the Electoral Commission being granted permission to extend the by-elections beyond the 90 days by the Electoral Court following objections to the voters’ roll. The average time to fill all 47 vacancies was 90 days in Q 2.1.2 Average number of calendar days in which to replace PR seat vacancies in each year covered by this plan. Within 35 days Within 10 days 25 days Within 10 days indicates greater efficiency 2.1.3 Number of calendar days in which election results for each election are announced by the Electoral Commission in each year covered by this plan. By-Elections Within 7 days By-elections within 1 day 6 days The results for all by-elections in Q were announced the day after the by-elections. This indicates greater efficiency. 2.1.4 Number of elections set aside in each year covered by this plan 0 (None) 0 none No elections were set aside in Q
Strategic Objective 2.2 linked to Strategic Goal 2 Maintain an accurate national common voter’s roll to ensure the credibility of elections. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 2.2 Quarterly targets and actuals Comments on deviations Target Q1 Actual Variance Comments 2.2.1 Number of registered voters reflected on the voters' roll as at 31 March each year n/a Not applicable in the first quarter 2.2.2 Reduction in number of registered voters who appeared on the voters roll as at 31 March 2016 for who the Electoral Commission did not have addresses or sufficient particularities for each year covered by this plan*
Strategic Objective 2.3 linked to Strategic Goal 2 Ensure efficient election delivery by the timely establishment of accessible and suitable voting facilities and processes and by applying infrastructure and logistical resources to meet operational demands for main electoral events. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 2.3 Quarterly targets and actuals Comments on deviations Target Q1 Actual Variance Comments 2.3.1 Number of contracted voting stations in place on main registration weekends or general election days in the years where applicable Non election year Non election year n/a Not applicable in the current financial year 2.3.2 Timely sourced electoral materials in accordance with the approved materials requirement plan (MRP) and bill of material (BOM) delivered to voting stations, for each main electoral event (i.e. NPE and LGE).
Strategic Objective 2.4 linked to Strategic Goal 2 Provide consultative and cooperative liaison platforms between the Electoral Commission and political parties to facilitate free and fair elections. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 2.4 Quarterly targets and actuals Comments on deviations Target Q1 Actual Varianc e Comments 2.4.1 Number of liaison sessions held with members of party liaison committees (PLCs) at national (x1), provincial (x 9) and municipal (x213) levels per annum 223 liaison session s 1 Nat / 9 Prov / Local 217 liaison session s 1 Nat / 5 Prov / Local -6 The Q1 performance against target for liaison sessions was missed by 6 liaison sessions due to late capturing of session held on the Party Liaison System. Provinces will be reminded of the importance to capture liaison session timeously to avoid incorrect reporting.
Strategic Objective 2.5 linked to Strategic Goal 2 Strive for excellence at voting station level to enhance the integrity of elections and to enable the Electoral Commission to deliver on its mandate. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 2.5 Quarterly targets and actuals Comments on deviations Target Q1 Actual Variance Comments 2.5.1 Number of electoral staff recruited and trained per annum. Non electio n year Non electio n year n/a Not applicable in the current financial year
Strategic Objective 3.1 linked to Strategic Goal 3 Encourage the electorate’s engagement with, and participation in, electoral processes in order to facilitate the right to vote as enshrined in the Constitution. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 3.1 Quarterly targets and actuals Comments on deviations Target Q1 Actual Varianc e Comments 3.1.1 Number of voters who turnout in national and local government elections, as a percentage of registered voters in years when applicable Non election year Non election year n/a Not applicable in the current financial year 3.1.2 Number of civic and democracy education events held per annum. 3,750 3,973 223 The 2017 Schools Democracy Week was held in April, with some provinces continuing into May. This key component of the Schools Democracy Programme boosted the number of events to exceed the quarterly target. 3.1.3 Audience reach for television and radio democracy education content as evidenced by the relevant viewership and listenership figures in each year covered by the Annual Performance Plan. n/a 3.1.4 Public perceptions of the Electoral Commission held as evidenced by the media reports for each year covered by the Annual Performance Plan 75% 77% 2% Target met. Higher than projected positive public perceptions.
Strategic Objective 3.2 linked to Strategic Goal 3 Achieve a low rate of spoilt ballots as a measure of the effectiveness of civic and democracy programmes. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 3.2 Quarterly targets and actuals Comments on deviations Target Q1 Actual Varian ce Comments 3.2.1 Recorded number of spoilt ballots in National and local elections in the years when applicable. Non electio n year Non electio n year n/a Not applicable in the current financial year
Strategic Objective 3.3 linked to Strategic Goal 3 Enhance the Electoral Commission’s reputation as a credible and trustworthy Electoral Management Body. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 3.3 Quarterly targets and actuals Comments on deviations Target Q1 Actual Variance Comments 3.3.1 Number of interactions / liaisons internationally achieved per annum. 6 9 3 6 April-Elections in Gambia; 1-12 May – AWEB Capacity Building; 15 June – Elections in Lesotho; May – Uganda delegation; May – Elections in Palestine; 2 June – Kenyan judiciary visit; June – ECF CEO’s & EXCO; June – Elections Georgia; June – SADC Electoral Advisory Council. Target exceeded by 3 due to unforeseen international events.
Strategic Objective 3.4 linked to Strategic Goal 3 Provide thought leadership in the field of electoral management and related fields as per Vision 2018 in order to strengthen electoral democracy. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 3.4 Quarterly targets and actuals Comments on deviations Target Q1 Actual Varianc e Comments 3.4.1 The number of research and thought leadership initiatives achieved per annum n/a n/a Not applicable in first quarter
Budget - First Quarter of 2017/18
Budget 2017/18 – unfunded projects
ICT Platform upgrade 2017/18 - R61 million 2018/19 - R89 million Total - R150 million Address harvesting 2016/17 - R180 million 2017/18 - R299 million (inclusive of R180 million request in the 2018 Adjustment Estimates) Total – R479 million New Registration Device 2018/19 – Only partially funded 19
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