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DEVELOPING a WORLD of LEADERS: From Leadership to SuperLeadership

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1 DEVELOPING a WORLD of LEADERS: From Leadership to SuperLeadership
Charles C. Manz Nirenberg Professor of Leadership University of Massachusetts

2 PETER DRUCKER said … Efficiency is Doing Things Right.
Effectiveness is Doing the Right Things. Similarly it follows … Management - Doing Things Right. Leadership - Doing the Right Things.

3 WEST Meets EAST The West (e.g., U.S.) –More Individualistic, Shorter Term View, Search for One Truth (avoid uncertainty) The East (e.g., Asia) – More Collective, Longer Term View, Search for Virtue w/ Multiple Views/Truths (accept uncertainty)

4 Inc. magazine interview
Peter F. Drucker Inc. magazine interview Inc. -- Do you think that we in the United States are the best practitioners of entrepreneurship, that we are way ahead of other countries? Drucker -- Absolutely not! Inc. -- Who’s number one? Drucker -- Undoubtedly Korea.

5 Tin Cup 1 As a leader… would you want this person working for you?

6 The Knowledge Explosion
Knowledge is Growing at an Ever-Increasing Rate World Wide. No One Person Can Have All the Answers Anymore (if they ever could). The Knowledge and Experience of Everyone is Needed.

7 Most definitions say Leadership is about the influence of others.
(e.g., “process of influencing followers toward goal achievement”)


9 “Leader Centered” Leadership
Focus: commands, rewards, leader’s vision ... Power: based on position, rewards, charisma… Leader: does primary thinking …others follow Develop Followers: “yes persons,” “calculators,” “enthusiastic sheep.”


11 A Japanese company and an American company had a boat race …

12 Michael Walsh Late CEO, Tenneco Corp
“In a hierarchical organization bosses don’t do much… They just preside and take all the credit … A lot of people are buried down there and their bosses are happy to keep them buried.” Michael Walsh Late CEO, Tenneco Corp

13 Tin Cup 2 Now, as a leader… would you want this person working for you?

14 Leadership is about the influence of others.
Self-Leadership is about the influence of oneself. All Influence is ultimately self-imposed. (SuperLeaders help “followers” become their own leaders.)

15 Two Primary Challenges of Leadership …
1) To not harm others and 2) To not make others weak

16 A man found a cocoon with a small hole made by a struggling butterfly … then the butterfly stopped and made no further progress … so he decided to “help” …

17 Leaders develop Leaders … the first step to becoming a leader of others is to learn to effectively lead oneself.

18 “Give a man a fish and he will be fed for a day; teach a man to fish and he will be fed for a lifetime.”

19 SuperLeadership: Leading Others to Lead Themselves
Focus: on self-leaders Power: shared Self-leaders (“followers”): do primary thinking; “leader” coordinates for good of the organization Develop Leaders: independent and interdependent self-leaders … and SuperLeaders

20 “The best leader is the one who has the sense to surround himself with outstanding people and the self-restraint not to meddle with how they do their jobs.” F.C. Harrison


22 7 STEPS TO SuperLeadship
Become a Self-Leader Model Self-Leadership

23 Self-Help! Self-Help!

24 7 STEPS TO SuperLeadship
Become a Self-Leader Model Self-Leadership Encourage Self-Set Goals Reward & Feedback for Self-Leadership Create Positive Thought Patterns


26 7 STEPS TO SuperLeadship
Become a Self-Leader Model Self-Leadership Encourage Self-Set Goals Reward & Feedback for Self-Leadership Create Positive Thought Patterns Facilitate Self-Leading Teams Develop a Self-Leadership Culture

27 Tin Cup 3

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