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Current Indo-US S&T cooperation

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1 Current Indo-US S&T cooperation

2 Five Pillars of INDO - US V 3.0

3 INDO - US S & T Agreement Signed on October 17, 2005
This agreement establishes for the first time the intellectual property rights protocols Encourages Science based Public-Private Partnership. Under the above agreement a Bi-National S&T Commission has been set up on March 2, Indo-US S&T Endowment Board & Fund has been constituted on 20th July 2009 for Joint Research and Development, Innovation, Entrepreneurial and Commercialization Activities in Science and Technology .

4 Highlights of the Ongoing Indo-US S&T Cooperation
Indo US S&T Forum (IUSSTF) [ CATALYST to facilitate, seed and promote US-India bilateral collaboration in science, technology, engineering and biomedical research through substantive interaction among government, academia and industry. Program Portfolio Flagship Programs - Frontiers of Science (FOS) - Frontiers of Engineering (FOE) Special Initiatives on Strategic Partnership Initiatives of National Relevance Industry – Academia Connect Programs Visitation & Exchange Programs - Internships/ Fellowships Program with Professional Societies Bilateral Workshop/ Symposia Public – Private Networked Centres Knowledge R & D Networked Centres Training / Advanced Schools Travel Grants

5 Highlights of the Ongoing Indo-US S&T Cooperation (cont…)
Health Science US Food & Drug Administration (USFDA) has opened two offices in India Eight collaborative programmes between US National Institute of Health (NIH) and DBT, DST & Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). 14 cooperative projects and programmes with Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) Indo-US Cooperation in Indian System of Medicine. DST-NSF Programme of Cooperation for Scientists and Engineers. High Technology Cooperation Group (HTCG) : Information Technology, Nano-Technology, Biotechnology and Defense Technology. Atmospheric Science and Earth Observation . Civil Nuclear Cooperation.

6 S&T wing in the Embassy of India
Goal: To strengthen Indo-US bilateral S&T relationship. Objectives: - Improving the Indo-US S&T Research and Development Eco-System. - To catalyze strengthening the R&D capacity of Indian institutions through bilateral cooperation. Main activities: Development and following up the implementation of joint programmes of cooperation in the sectors of bilateral importance. Catalyzing interaction and building partnership of Indian scientific organizations and R&D personnel with their counterparts in the USA on areas of mutual interest and benefits. Focal point for information on Science and Technology activities in India Understanding the innovation dynamics of knowledge to product transformation path way in the US and catalyzing its application in India’s context. Understanding the linkage between academic institution, research organizations and industry and catalyzing the change process in India. Liasoning with STIOs and Development of a database of STIOs in the USA and a website focused on Indo-US S&T collaboration.

7 Fellowships and awards available for Scientists and Technologists of Indian Origin (STIOs)
Ramanujan Fellowship : SwarnaJayanti Fellowship: Collaborative Project with Scientists and Technologists of Indian Origin (CP-STIO) : Ramalingaswami Fellowship: CSIR Distinguished / Senior Foreign Scientists Award Scheme : Research Internships In Science And Engineering (RISE) :

8 S&T wing in the Embassy of India
Goal: To strengthen Indo-US bilateral S&T relationship. Objectives: - Improving the Indo-US S&T Research and Development Eco-System. - To catalyze strengthening the R&D capacity of Indian institutions through bilateral cooperation. Main activities: Development and following up the implementation of joint programmes of cooperation in the sectors of bilateral importance. Catalyzing interaction and building partnership of Indian scientific organizations and R&D personnel with their counterparts in the USA on areas of mutual interest and benefits. Focal point for information on Science and Technology activities in India Understanding the innovation dynamics of knowledge to product transformation path way in the US and catalyzing its application in India’s context. Understanding the linkage between academic institution, research organizations and industry and catalyzing the change process in India. Liasoning with STIOs and Development of a database of STIOs in the USA and a website focused on Indo-US S&T collaboration.


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