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Mitosis Review.

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1 Mitosis Review

2 Name the item labeled “A”
Centromere Name the item labeled “A” “A”

3 Plant / Prophase Name the type of cell (Plant or Fish Blastula) and the phase of mitosis Shown.

4 Interphase During which stage of the cell cycle does the cell carry out its metabolic functions?

5 The Blastula This structure consists of a spherical layer of approximately 128 cells surrounding a large fluid filled space.

6 Metamorphosis This process of change that occurs between the larval and adult stages of life.

7 Fish / Telophase & Cytokinesis
Name the type of cell (Plant or Fish Blastula) and the phase of mitosis Shown.

8 List, in order, the phases of interphase.
G1, G0, S, G2 List, in order, the phases of interphase.

9 Metaphase During which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes (sister chromatids) line up in the middle of the cell?

10 When an egg and sperm unite the form a _________.
Zygote When an egg and sperm unite the form a _________.

11 The region of differentiation.
This region of the root tip where cells develop into different tissues of the root.

12 Plant / Anaphase Name the type of cell (Plant or Fish Blastula) and the phase of mitosis Shown.

13 Anaphase During which phase of mitosis do the sister chromatids separate into individual chromosomes?

14 Are animal cells prokaryotic or Eukaryotic cells?

15 Are animals typically unicellular or multicellular?

16 Are animals typically unicellular or multicellular?

17 Gravitropism As plant cells elongate they begin to demonstrate a sensitivity to gravity called?

18 Upward, against gravity.
If plant cells show a negative gravitropism are they growing with or against gravity?

19 Plant / Metaphase Name the type of cell (Plant or Fish Blastula) and the phase of mitosis Shown.

20 Name the items labeled “B”
Sister Chromatids Name the items labeled “B” “A” “B”

21 Plant cells form a cell plate between new daughter cells.
What is the main difference between cytokinesis in plant and animal cells?

22 What major event occurs during “S” phase of interphase?
The DNA duplicates. What major event occurs during “S” phase of interphase?

23 Plant / Telophase & Cytokinesis
Name the type of cell (Plant or Fish Blastula) and the phase of mitosis Shown.

24 The cell grows and it performs its day-to-day functions.
What 2 major things occur during the “G1” phase of interphase?

25 List, in order, the stages and phases of the entire cell cycle.
Interphase (G1, G0, S, G2) Mitosis (Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase and Cytokinesis). List, in order, the stages and phases of the entire cell cycle.

26 During which specific phase of mitosis does the cell divide?
Cytokinesis During which specific phase of mitosis does the cell divide?

27 Fish / Prophase Name the type of cell (Plant or Fish Blastula) and the phase of mitosis Shown.

28 G0 If a cell does not enter the “S” phase of interphase it will not divide. It still performs its day-to-day functions. What phase of interphase is it in?

29 46 If a cell starts with 46 chromosomes and divides by mitosis, how many chromosomes will the two new daughter cells have?

30 The Region of Elongation
Plant cells that have gone through mitosis and are lengthening are in what region of the root?

31 The Meristem The region of the root tip where cells are undergoing active mitosis is called?

32 The Root Cap The covering on the end of the root that protects the meristem is called the ________

33 Plant / Interphase Name the type of cell (Plant or Fish Blastula) and the phase of mitosis Shown.

34 Mitosis During which stage of the cell cycle will you be able to see condensed chromosomes?

35 Prophase During which phase of mitosis does the nuclear membrane begin breaking down?

36 Microtubules The spindle fibers that connect to the centromeres are made up of what?

37 Fish / Anaphase Name the type of cell (Plant or Fish Blastula) and the phase of mitosis Shown.

38 Prophase and Metaphase
During which part(s) of mitosis might you be able to view this object?

39 Asexual Reproduction When a single cell divides into 2 new genetically identical daughter cells what is this process called? Is it sexual or asexual reproduction?

40 Fish / Metaphase Name the type of cell (Plant or Fish Blastula) and the phase of mitosis Shown.

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