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Dave Cronin Assistant Director Crissy Godfrey Program Manager

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1 Dave Cronin Assistant Director Crissy Godfrey Program Manager
Maryland Energy Administration Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Programs for Local Government Dave Cronin Assistant Director Crissy Godfrey Program Manager

2 MEA’s Mission To maximize energy efficiency and use of renewable technologies while promoting economic development, reducing reliance on foreign energy supplies, and improving the environment. Strategic Goals: Make the State of Maryland a leader in energy efficiency; Reduce costs to our citizens; Leverage public/private partnerships in order to improve the competitive position of Maryland industry; and Lower the operating expenses of State and local governments while contributing to the improvement of air and water quality in Maryland.

3 EE/RE Programs for Local Government
Community Energy Loan Program (CELP) Energy Performance Contracts (EPCs) Wind (Working Groups, Demos, Anemometer Loan Program) Solar Energy Grant Program

4 Community Energy Loan Program (CELP)
For nonprofits, such as hospitals, private schools, local governments, including public school systems and community colleges Simple payback of seven years or less Up to 40% of each year's allocation, or approximately $600,000, available per loan Average interest rate of 3%, negotiated by individual loan and is guaranteed to be below market rate

5 Energy Performance Contracts (EPCs)
An EPC is an agreement for the provision of energy services to improve the energy efficiency of a building. Costs are paid from the savings generated by the project over time. Energy savings are GUARANTEED

6 Wind -Maryland does have the potential for developing wind energy.
-A significant portion of the state, especially in Western Maryland and along the Eastern Shore have Class 3 winds which may be adequate for small and large scale wind energy production. Several wind developers, including Clipper, Synergics, and Windforce, are currently working on siting projects in Western Maryland. MEA is following the development of these projects very closely. -Other areas such as the coastal waters and Chesapeake Bay also maintain strong winds that could foster wind energy development. MEA is following the developments in other regions of the U.S. as to how to further explore the potential of these opportunities.

7 Wind: Demo Projects & Incentives
State Anemometer Loan Program Demo projects (Eastern Neck Wildlife Refuge) Federal and state production tax credits, grants, loans (EPACT, CEIA, Farm Bill, and Green Buildings Tax Credit) and net-metering State Anemometer Loan Program -Launched a loan program for wind measuring devices for landowners -First step in determining the feasibility of installing a wind turbine on the property -No cost to the landowner -MEA can then work with landowners to help find funding sources Demo Projects -In May 2004, MEA sponsored a small wind demo project at the Eastern Neck Wildlife Refuge which included a 10kw wind system and a 5kw solar panel system. This project demonstrated the feasibility of a small scale project as well as provide an opportunity to examine wildlife impacts, specifically on birds. Federal/state production tax credits -EPACT – wind energy generated through businesses and industry can receive a federal tax credit of 1.9 cents/kwh for 10 years -Clean Energy Incentive Act – residential, commercial, or industry can receive .85 cents/kwh for 5 years -Farm Bill Section 9006 – agricultural producers and rural small businesses are eligible for grants or loans to install renewable energy production. USDA announced for FY06 that $ million in funding for grants and $176.5 million for guarantee loans under the Section 9006. -Green Buildings Tax Credit – In 2003, the State allowed a state tax credit for the installation of wind turbines on commercial buildings Eastern Neck Wildlife Refuge -10kw turbine FPL Energy’s wind turbines in WVA, similar to those proposed in Western MD

8 Wind: Outreach & Partnerships
Maryland Wind Working Group Annual Maryland Wind Energy Symposium Other partnerships with state and federal agencies Maryland Wind Working Group -Forum to address issues/barriers associated with wind energy production such as licensing, transmission, siting, and wildlife -In March 2005, nearly 50 individuals representing govt, private industry, and non-profits participated -Intend to continue to meet with this group on a quarterly basis Annual Maryland Wind Energy Symposium -Discussing coordinating a symposium that will bring together and educate interested stakeholders to help promote wind energy production, likely on a university campus Other partnerships (handouts?) -MEA has established relationships with many state and federal agencies. For example, we partner with the U.S. DOE to help leverage funding the deployment of our projects and disseminating information. We also partner with state agencies such as MD Dept of Environment (air quality implications), Dept of Natural Resources Power Plant Research Program (technical/transmission issues), and other agencies to gauge interest in renewable power purchases.

9 Solar BP Solar PV Manufacturer DGS Central Services Annapolis 9.5 KW
Demonstration Projects: DGS Central Services Annapolis 9.5 KW Maryland Science Center 12 KW Hard Bargain Farm Takoma Park Middle School

10 Solar Programs & Projects
Photovoltaics Residential 20 % of system costs up to $3000 Nonresidential 20%; Up to $5000 Solar Water Heating Residential Up to $2000

11 DGS Annapolis

12 Frederick Davis, Director Michael Li, Assistant Director, Renewable Energy David Cronin, Assistant Director, Administration Crissy Godfrey, Program Manager, Wind & Climate Change Chris Rice, Program Manager, Biomass Lauren Robbins, Program Manager, Transportation Alternative Fuels Tim LaRonde, Program Manager, Solar

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