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The Future of the Ombudsman Association

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1 The Future of the Ombudsman Association
Presented by Batool Reza

2 Introduction & Methodology
The aim of the survey was to provide all Ombudsman Association Members with the opportunity to provide their feedback regarding how they would like the Association to develop and meet their needs in the future. Surveymonkey was used to produce an anonymous online survey of all Ombudsman Association members. The survey took place over a three week period from 19 December to 16 January 2014. Methodological Advantages Inclusive Cost effective Timely Confidential

3 Quality of Services “newsletter is an excellent source of information” OM 7 out of10 of Ombudsman Members said the biennial conference was good/very good, compared with half of Complaint Handler Members. 1 in 3 Ombudsman Members said expert advice was good/very good, compared with 1 in 5 of Complaint Handler Members.

4 Future Services “newsletter and ability to access individual members via s/phone for advice/sharing of good practices” - OM Half of Ombudsman Members consider it essential that the OA provides responses to consultations, compared with 2 out of10 Complaint Handler Members. 4 out of 10 of Ombudsman Members consider policy guidance and research to be essential, compared with a quarter of Complaint Handler Members. Only a quarter of Complaint Handler Members think the biennial conference is essential, compared to 6 out of 10 Ombudsman Members.

5 Complaint Handlers are more likely to agree that the OA should offer training and official qualifications than Ombudsmen members “Continue to provide relevant training to ombudsman's staff and continue to contribute to professionalisation of staff.” - OM “Work out what OA is for, is it a training provider? or an institute defending a brand?” - CH “It would be good for the OA to be more proactive in this area and consolidate and continue to enhance current training provision.” - CA

6 All member groups expect the ADR to have significantly more impact on the OA than on their own organisation “Ensure it is not side-lined by the outcome of the EU directive. Continue raising its profile as the key representative of ADR to government etc. for policy matters, consultations etc.” - IA

7 The majority of members are satisfied with the membership fees
The majority of members are satisfied with the membership fees. However, the majority would consider paying more for a greater range of products and services. “The fee is reasonable, but the conference is very expensive for individual members, especially when residence is compulsory” - IA “Very satisfied as is but would welcome an extended policy role which would require extra funding. Would have preferred to keep Ombudsman newsletter also” - OM

8 “Should be the same for all” - CA
The majority of respondents think that the size of the organisation should determine the fees paid. “Should be the same for all” - CA "Where members are unfunded consideration should be given to grants so they can attend.“ - IA “I value OA highly and the things in London, cannot afford others, or fee if it went up.” - IA 8 out of 10 Complaint Handler members agree membership fees should be determined by the levels of service used, compared to 4 out of 10 Ombudsman members

9 “Value and acknowledge the work of complaint handlers more” - CH
A third of Ombudsmen think Complaint Handler members should have a greater voice compared to three quarters of complaint handlers. “Value and acknowledge the work of complaint handlers more” - CH “Decide where it sits on Ombudsman/complaint handler membership (remembering some of the large complaint handlers are dealing with a volume of cases with a complexity and process that many Ombudsmen would never see ” - CH

10 Key Suggestions For The Next Year
“Develop a clear view about what it wants to be, then put in place a plan to deliver it” “It needs to develop its policy role... It should continue with the interest groups, conferences and seminars. It should review the Blog to see whether it is a suitable replacement for the printed Ombudsman. It should actively promote the role of Ombudsmen in ADR” - OM

11 Next Steps Following feedback from the committee a more detailed final report will be produced in February 2014. The survey database will be available for any follow-up analysis (to all OA members) in March 2014. Conclusions -the following quote encompasses the majority of suggestions made by survey respondents: “Increasing the profile of the OA and the ombudsman institution generally. Simplifying the landscape for complaint handling and redress. Responding to the challenges of the ADR directive. Consolidating and enhancing the training and development opportunities for members. Developing the research agenda and facilitating collaboration between academics and organisations.” - CA

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