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ICT1 LESSON PLANS Week 6– Computer & Career Based Weekly Project- Week of April 24-28, 2017—ICT1 By Mrs. J. Leverette.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT1 LESSON PLANS Week 6– Computer & Career Based Weekly Project- Week of April 24-28, 2017—ICT1 By Mrs. J. Leverette."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT1 LESSON PLANS Week 6– Computer & Career Based Weekly Project- Week of April 24-28, 2017—ICT1
By Mrs. J. Leverette

2 Weekly Objectives Students will create PowerPoint presentations.
Students will explore digital literacy and responsibilities through learning modules. Students will learn about their selected careers Unit 7 Competency 1 by investigate social media in the context of the Government & Public Administration and the Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security career cluster Students will explore their skills, interests, and aptitudes and analyze chosen careers based on their skills, interests, and aptitudes. Students will perform touch typing by keying words, sentences, and paragraphs (ongoing).

3 Monday-Thursday, April 24-28, 2017 Day 1-4 State Test Assessment-This Week
Complete Time writing for Pre-bell 2Times each day, on Internet Research on The teacher will introduce lesson below and give the purpose. Students will complete Alphabets PowerPoint. (See Handout). Teacher will explain/demonstrate Alphabets PowerPoint to students. (See Handout) The teacher will explain the Everfi Modules-7 modules on Digital Literacy The students will work on one module per day 30 minutes by going to by logging in with username and password each day. The teacher will explain the Computer & Career Based Weekly Project. (Due Friday). See Handout

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