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Lymphatic & Immune System Biopardy

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1 Lymphatic & Immune System Biopardy
Vessels & Organs Innate Immunity Acquired Immunity Active vs. Passive Immunity Immune Responses $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Biopardy

2 Vessels & Organs- $100 Which of the following are true of lymphatic vessels? A) Larger lymphatic vessels are similar in structure to veins B) Lymphatic vessels have valves to prevent backflow C) Depend on contraction of muscles for fluid movement D) All of the above are true D

3 Vessels & Organs - $200 Which two organs comprise the primary lymphatic organs? A) Red bone marrow & spleen B) Red bone marrow & Thymus gland C) Lymph nodes & Red bone marrow D) Spleen & Lymph nodes B

4 Vessels & Organs - $300 Which two organs comprise the secondary lymphatic organs? A) Red bone marrow & spleen B) Lymph nodes & red bone marrow C) Spleen & Lymph nodes D) Red bone marrow & Thymus gland C

5 Vessels & Organs - $400 Which of the following is not a lymphatic organ? A) liver B) spleen C) thymus gland D) tonsils A

6 Vessels & Organs - $500 Which of the following is NOT true of the thymus gland? A) critical to immunity B) located between the trachea and sternum C) Site where T cells mature D) site of production of B and T cells D

7 Innate Immunity - $100 Which of the following is NOT a nonspecific defense of the immune system? A) Natural killer cells B) Barrier to entry C) Antibiotic cells D) Protective proteins C

8 Innate Immunity - $200 What does innate immunity mean? A
A) the body has immunity without previously being exposed to the pathogen B) the body has immunity after being exposed to the pathogen C) a molecule that stimulates an immune response D) the steps the body takes during an immune response A

9 Innate Immunity - $300 Which of the following is not a barrier to entry for pathogens in the body? A) skin an mucus membrane B) antibodies C) acidic pH of the stomach D) oil glands in the skin B

10 Innate Immunity - $400 Which of the following is NOT a protective protein? A) lymph nodes B) interferons C) blood plasma proteins D) membrane attack complex A

11 Innate Immunity - $500 Which of the following shows the correct order of the inflammatory response? A) damaged tissue  neutrophils and monocytes releasedcapillaries dialate macrophages enter capillaries and phagocytize pathogens B) damaged tissuehistamine releasedcapillaries dialateneutrophils and monocytes enter capillaries and phagocytize pathogens C) damaged tissuehistamine realeasedcapilaries constrictneutrophils and monocytes enter capillaries and phagocytize pathogens B

12 Acquired Immunity- $100 What does acquired immunity mean? B
A) body has the capacity to kill pathogens without previously being exposed to them B) immunity that is enhanced by exposure to specific antigens C) the natural barriers the body has to prevent invasion of antigens D) the body’s ability to recognize “self” proteins B

13 Acquired Immunity - $200 Which of the following is true about T cells?
A) mature in bone marrow B) mature in the thymus gland C) give rise to plasma cells D) none of the above are true B

14 Acquired Immunity - $300 Which of the following is true about B cells?
A) mature in the thymus B) produced in the thymus C) produced and mature in red bone marrow D) differentiate into helper cells C

15 Acquired Immunity - $400 What is the purpose of “self” proteins? D
A) to produce antibodies B) to destroy your own cells that are infected by the immune system C) to have clones made of your stem cells D) to prevent destruction of your own cells by your immune system D

16 Acquired Immunity - $500 Which of the following is true of the clonal selection theory? A) antigen binds to the antigen receptor of only one type of B cell B) antigen binds to the antigen receptor of only one type of T cell C) helper T cells stimulate B cells to divide D) all of the above D

17 Active vs. Passive Immunity- $100
What is active immunity? A) when the body produces an immune response on its own B) when the body produces an immune response after given prepared antibodies C) the body’s ability to kill pathogens without previous exposure D) the body’s ability to kill pathogens with previous exposure A

18 Active vs. Passive Immunity- $200
What is passive immunity? A) when the body produces an immune response on its own B) when the body produces an immune response after given prepared antibodies C) the body’s ability to kill pathogens without previous exposure D) the body’s ability to kill pathogens with previous exposure B

19 Active vs. Passive Immunity- $300
Which of the following is true of specific defenses (active immunity) of your immune system? A) takes 8-10 days to activate B) lasts forever once activated C) depends on the action of B&T cells D) all of the above are true C

20 Active vs. Passive Immunity- $400
The transfer of antibodies from mother to baby is a good example of A) active immunity B) passive immunity C) innate immunity D) acquired immunity B

21 Active vs. Passive Immunity- $500
Which of the following is the most important for providing protection when an individual is in immediate danger of getting an infectious disease? A) active immunity B) passive immunity C) innate immunity D) acquired immunity B

22 Immune Responses- $100 Swollen ____ indicates the body is fighting infection A) lymphatic vessels B) red blood cells C) thymus gland D) lymph nodes D

23 Immune Responses - $200 What is the universal blood donor type? D A) A
B) B C) AB D) O D

24 Immune Responses - $300 What is the universal blood recipient blood type? A) A B) B C) AB D) O C

25 Immune Responses - $400 The clumping of red blood cells is known as ____ A) coagulation B) glutination C) lymphatic obstruction disorder D) agglutination D

26 Immune Responses - $500 If you have A and B antibodies present in your blood, then your blood type is A) A B) B C) AB D) O D

27 Final Biopardy Make your wager
What is an allergy? And how is Anaphylaxis different from an allergic response? Allergy= hypersensitivities to allergens Anaphylaxis= immediate life threatening response to allergen because it entered the blood stream

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