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“Freedom” helps The North.

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Presentation on theme: "“Freedom” helps The North."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Freedom” helps The North.
The Emancipation Proclamation

2 Confederate Slavery Why slavery helps The South. ●labor force
●give soldiers a break What if Slavery is taken away? ●The system collapses

3 Lincoln on Slavery, The Union.
“If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do that…If I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would do that.”

4 Why do you think this is a good time to issue
Who wins the Battle of Antietam? Why do you think this is a good time to issue the Emancipation Proclamation?

5 Emancipation Proclamation
●Freed slaves in confederate states. ●Did not free slaves any place else. ●Most slaves were in locations where the government was unable to enforce the law.

6 Reaction to Emancipation
●Angered slave owners in South. ●Angered most abolitionists. ●Caused slaves to join the military.

7 African Americans: The new Union Soldier.
●180,000 by the end of the war. ●Organized into segregated regiments with white leaders. ●Received less pay than white soldiers.

8 Homework: 1. How was slavery both a strength and weakness for the Confederacy during the Civil War? 2. Did Lincoln issue The Emancipation proclamation too late, too early, or at the perfect moment?

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