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Motivating Middle Ability

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Presentation on theme: "Motivating Middle Ability"— Presentation transcript:

1 Motivating Middle Ability

2 Common Strategies Varied teaching style Praise and rewards
Competitions Giving ownership and choice Knowing the students and engaging them in conversation Improving students’ self esteem Group work and discussion

3 Triangle Groups (Ken Wilson)
Student on target/HA Student below target/MA Student below target/LA

4 Tom’s Tip As students are working put their initials on the board so that they know they’ll need to read out their work or provide a verbal contribution when asked. Students work harder knowing they’d be expected to share and others focussed more knowing it could be them next!

5 Natalie’s Tip Middle ability students plan and deliver a lesson on a topic that they are struggling with. Working as a group, students had to write out a full lesson plan, create the PPT and teach the rest of the class. Teaching the topic themselves meant that students developed a better understanding.

6 Modelling Answers

7 Student Model Answers

8 Timings Keep explanations short and simple
Provide odd time limits for tasks – students take time limits more seriously if you seem to be sticking to a precise schedule Time teacher-talk. Do middle ability students find it harder to stay focussed for longer periods of time?

9 Seating Plans (Kagan)

10 Seating Plans If you can’t vary your tables then strategically place your middle ability students RAG seating plans To evaluate your seating plan: track your questioning and where you focus your attention

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