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Duquesne University Special Student Services

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1 Duquesne University Special Student Services
Students with Disabilities and Faculty Responsibilities February 27, 2013 A Center for Teaching Excellence workshop with the Office of Freshman Development and Special Student Services Announce title of work shop. Quick introductions. Much to cover in a short amount of time. If we miss anything, we’ll be happy to answer along the way or you can save them for the panel Q&A at the end of the workshop. Part 1 = Laws and Policies, why we do what we do, how our office works together with faculty to provide accomodations, Part 2 = Myths and misconceptions Part 3 = Panel discussion

2 Laws and Policy Duquesne Universities Mission
Serves God by serving students We are mission-centered and mission driven Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Requires students with disabilities admittance into all programs and courses based on the students’ merits. The university is not required to alter basic academic requirements or to lower its standards The university is required to reasonably accommodate students with disabilities. As many of you may know, there is a history of laws and policies that are a guide to what we do and how we do it.

3 Laws and Policy Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 Because the nature of accommodations is based on diagnoses and affiliation with the counseling center, the right to medical privacy extends to our office. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 The use and application of accommodations fall under a student’s right to academic privacy under the Buckley Amendment. And there also laws and policies the dictate the privacy of our students.

4 Disability Services As of 2008
100% of USA Institutions over 3,000 students offer disability services. 88% of Not for profit 4 year universities offer disability services. Compliance with the laws are evident. National Center for Educational Statistics (2011)

5 Office Documentation Requirements
The Office of Special Student Services is responsible for verifying the eligibility of students requesting accommodation on the basis of disability. A student who plans to request accommodations must first disclose his or her disability to this office by submitting a report that documents his or her needs. What our office requires of our students who whish to register. All this information is available on our website. We also explain these requirements to students when we conduct their intake meetings.

6 Documentation Requirements
Four Categories: Learning Disability Physical Disability Psychological Disorder ADD/ADHD We have four categories which have slightly different requirements for documentation. Many of these requirements are very detailed and complex (ten pages). The full detail of these requirements are listed on our website, but we will highlight the most common here.

7 Documentation Requirements
Qualifications of Evaluator Assessment must be administered by a trained and qualified (i.e. certified and/or licensed) professional Professional must have direct experience with adolescents and adults in their field of practice Evaluators name, title and professional credentials and affiliation should be provided Evaluator should not be a family member Documents Must be current, age appropriate, and include diagnosis with in the last three years Include relevant testing information Include a diagnostic interview, assessment of aptitude, academic achievement, information processing Include evidence of a substantial limitation to learning or other major life activity Observations of the student while being tested A full-fledged DSM-IV mood or anxiety disorder must be documented An IEP or 504 Plan A neuropsych or psycho-educational evaluation Comprehensive battery of tests to determine level of academic functioning in relevant areas Diagnosis Should indicate whether a disability is present or not Should summarize current plans for treatment including use of medication Indicate if the individual was evaluated while on medication and whether the use of medication mitigate the impact of the disorder on the individual’s ability to function in an academic setting Recommendation for accommodations Report must include suggested specific recommendations Each recommendation must include rationale Indicate how the accommodations are supported by the test results Documentation requirements in each of the four categories may include some or combination of the following…

8 The percentage of disabilities registered in each category.

9 Most Common Accommodations
Duquesne and Peers Extended time on tests (50-100%) Quiet testing environment Note taking Extra notes Recording lectures Note takers Here are the accommodations most common to our office and to our peers.

10 Registration and Accommodations
A break down of numbers for this year. This slide is registered students and students requesting letters…

11 And this slide is total number of letters sent.
*Spring 2013 Projected

12 How do we compare? Compared to nationals numbers (2008 was he most recent results reported in 2011) we are low. However, compared to our peer institution average, we are right inline. National Center for Education Statistics (2011)

13 Diagnostic Tendencies
Another outside statistic we found which may help explain why our numbers have increased is this survey from the CDC. As you can see there are greater increases of diagnosis in elementary school and high school. Important to note as well: Autism *Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Health Interview Survey,

14 What we know and how we got here
More students are registering with our office Partially due to increased awareness and acceptance Our registration numbers are increasing with our enrollment Increase of students being diagnosed nationally Significant increase in accommodation letters Our registered students are taking more classes Our registered students are requesting accommodations in more classes More students will be coming to us with special needs We see these results now and these numbers will continue to increase So what do we gain from all this information…

15 Things to keep in mind: It is the student’s responsibility to register and request accommodations. Registration and accommodations are a part of a process spanning more than one day. Test taking Accommodation: Extra time and Reduced Distraction Upon your clearance, students can take tests in and monitored by our office Test Request Forms and Procedure (three days notice) Use recommended language for syllabi Our doors are always open and we are happy to help. Questions about accommodations, our process, suggestions, challenges, etc. Students don’t think we talk to each other Here are some things to keep in mind when working with students who need these accommodations:

16 If you get to this slide, Sean has talked too much and needs to give someone else a chance.
Hold here until Anne and Shannon introduce the next section. Once introduced, move to next slide.

17 Misconceptions 1.  SSS will accept a student's IEP or 504 plan from high school, as long as it is from the last 2-3 years.          2.  The explanation for our increased numbers may be that the office of SSS is actively recruiting students with disabilities from various high schools.            3.  Having a disability can actually help a student gain admission to the University.     

18 Misconceptions 4. If a professor learns from the student that another professor has provided accommodation for that student based on a letter from their doctor (or psychologist) then they should do the same. 5. The professor may discuss a student's disability in the classroom, as long as diagnosis relates directly to what is currently being taught in the classroom. 6. Our office is able to accommodate any student who wishes to take an exam in within our office since we have multiple testing rooms.

19 Misconceptions 7. A "separate area" to take a test can be as simple as a table outside the classroom in the hall. 8. If a student is able to explain their diagnosis to us clearly, we may not need to request documentation from their doctor. 9. If the student wishes to take an exam in the evening hours, or on a weekend, we have a graduate assistant that will work those hours. 10.If a student thinks they may have ADD or a learning disability, we have tests in our office that we can administer to see what the diagnosis is.

20 Contact information: Office of Freshman Development and Special Student Services – 309 Duquesne Union Main Line: SSS Line: Web address: Thank you to CTE!

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