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MEETINGS Reference: Pinner, D, 1998, Communication Skills, Addison Wesley Longman New Zealand Limited, pp. 231-252.

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Presentation on theme: "MEETINGS Reference: Pinner, D, 1998, Communication Skills, Addison Wesley Longman New Zealand Limited, pp. 231-252."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEETINGS Reference: Pinner, D, 1998, Communication Skills, Addison Wesley Longman New Zealand Limited, pp


3 Introduction Forum for a group or team
Efficient way to pool individual expertise, experience, knowledge & ideas Collective energy generated - foster creative ideas & solutions to problems that individuals can not find alone.

4 Reasons to meet Convey & share information
To reach a consensus (agreement) To build a group

5 Advantages Creates opp. to pool ideas & info
Provides human face to the org. Outcomes can be creative and helpful Builds morale, commitment & sense of belonging Enhances individual’s acceptance & commitment to tasks Provides opportunities to co-operate and co-ordinate

6 Disadvantages Meetings are not needed for simple tasks that can be done through s, telephones or memos Can be time wasting and expensive Sometimes increases pressure towards fixed group thinking Some people let others do all the work at meetings Conforming to CLIQUES

7 Good Meetings Create a safe and comfortable environment for asking questions and sharing information Do more than convey information View participants as sharing responsibility and decision making Share ideas which are developed/extended by the group Establish positive attitude toward change Reinforce relationships and channels of communication

8 Help establish commitment to the proposed actions/solution
Increase feelings of belongings to the organization and of the team working together towards a common goal

9 Bad Meetings Treat questions as interruptions or attempts to side-track the meeting Only present information which could have been better sent in another form Are controlled by people with power who make all the decisions Reinforce some people’s feelings that they ‘own ‘ ideas and don’t want to change

10 Stress negative feelings towards change
Create a climate of distrust between sections of the organization Leave participants uncommitted and unsupportive of planned changes Increase feelings of not being valued or having anything to contribute to the organisation

11 Alternatives to meetings
Memo Letter Fax Telephone call Video conferencing

12 Preparing for Meeting Decide what you want from the meeting
Set the date Establish the size of the group Determine who should be invited Organize the place to meet Write a notice of meeting Set the agenda

13 Write a notice of meeting
Should include Date and time of the meeting Its purpose or topic Who should attend Where it will take place A statement to invite participants to send items for the agenda

14 Agenda - Purpose structure thinking
make sure - all topics are discussed ensure participants understand -why meeting? -what is expected of them -what they need to prepare for the meeting Provides an opp. for members to think through the issues & consider their contribution to the discussion. Acts as a guide - provides a script for the chairperson to guide the meeting Gives a focus of outcomes or measures of success.

15 Arrangement of the Agenda
1.Opening 2.Welcome 3.Apologies 4.Minutes of the previous meetings 5.Business arising of the minutes 6. New Business 7. General Business/Other Matters 8. Close

16 Duties of Office Bearers
Chairperson Helps prepare agenda Decides on order of business Calls meeting in order Signs and dates minutes of previous meeting See debates conducted correctly Answers questions Ensures that a correct record of decisions – recorded Announces date of next meeting Closes the meeting

17 Secretary prepares agenda sends out meetings notices
takes accurate notes for the meeting writes minutes prepares inwards correspondence ready for the meeting writes letters – org. keeps all official records

18 Treasurer collects money and deals with as instructed
keeps all financial records for the org prepares audited statement of income & expenditure for the financial year

19 Minutes Written details of what took place at a meeting.
Includes the information shared, the decisions made and the action decided upon. Purpose Are a source of reference and authority Help to avoid conflict and save time Encourage accountability

20 Strategies for Writing Minutes
Use the same headings as on the agenda. Record in the action column who agreed to do the task Write in reported speech Consistency –spacing & indenting Check for accuracy Send copies to all those invited to the meeting

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