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Seite 1Erstellt von: Arthur Mettinger15.03.2013 Teacher Education in Europe – and some recent developments in Austria Arthur Mettinger UNICA Bologna Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "Seite 1Erstellt von: Arthur Mettinger15.03.2013 Teacher Education in Europe – and some recent developments in Austria Arthur Mettinger UNICA Bologna Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seite 1Erstellt von: Arthur Mettinger15.03.2013 Teacher Education in Europe – and some recent developments in Austria Arthur Mettinger UNICA Bologna Lab Berlin, 05 December 2013

2 Seite 2 Sources >Council conclusions of 26 November 2009 on the professional development of teachers and school leaders - Official Journal of the European Union >Supporting Teacher Education >Supporting Teacher competence development >Commission Staff Working Document: Supporting the Teaching Professions for Better Learning Outcomes - SWD(2012) 374 final >The Profession of Teacher Educator in Europe >Teacher Learning and Perceptions Across the Professional Continuum (Journal of Teacher Education,2013, 64: 6 >Education an d Training 2010: Three studies to support School Policy Development – Lot 2: Teacher Education Curricula in the EU 2032

3 Seite 3 Main trends >Importance of teachers for Europes educational future but mostly for competitiveness (Lisbon goals) >Importance of teacher education/educators >Responsibility of the nation states, method of open coordination >Shift towards competence-based formats of teacher education >Strong interdependence of teacher education, systemic/organi- sational framework(s), teachers as a professional community >Growing importance of school leadership Erstellt von: Vorname

4 Seite 4 >Increasingly fast developments require constant adaptations >See initial teacher training, induction into practical work and continuous professional development as a coherent whole >Importance of LLL for teachers themselves >Growing need for international/European experience of future teachers Erstellt von: Vorname

5 Seite 5 The Reform Process in AT: Major Goals >Modernisation of teacher education >Development of overarching framework for all pedagogical professions, in the Bologna framework >Development of exit and entry scenarios >Introduction of common pedagogocal core >Development of age group related teacher education >Institutional collaboration instead of institutional overlap Erstellt von: Vorname

6 Seite 6 The Reform Process: Major Steps >2007: Government program; 2 ministers are responsible >2009: Expert Group: sketches overall framework >2010: Stakeholder conferences discuss results >2011: Preparation Group: checks & sketches feasibility >2012: Development Council: 4 people (2 nominated by each minister) oversee realisation >Nov.2012: Council of Ministers adopts DCs suggestions >June 2013: legal framework discussed in Parliamentary enquete >July 2013: legal changes approved by Parliament >September 2013: independent Quality Council (3+3) established Erstellt von: Vorname

7 Seite 7Erstellt von: Vorname

8 Seite 8 The Reform Process: Next Steps >(interinstitutional) curriculum development >Development of cooperation models >Development of adequate QM system Erstellt von: Vorname

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