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Software Testing Techniques

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1 Software Testing Techniques

2 Quick Example of Testing
function isLeapYear(year) if year modulo 400 is 0 then is_leap_year else if year modulo 100 is 0 then not_leap_year else if year modulo 4 is 0 else not_leap_year Testcase 1: Test inputs: 1976 Expected output: true Testcase 2: Test input: 1977 Expected output: false Did we do a good job testing?

3 Class Outline Testing background information Testing Process
Goals Common Myths Terminology Testing Process Black-box vs. white-box techniques

4 Goals of Testing Improve software quality by finding errors
“A Test is successful if the program fails” (Goodeneogh, Gerhart, “Toward a Theory of Test Data Selection”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Jan. 85) Provide confidence in the dependability of the software product (A software product is dependable if it is consistent with its specification.) Testing cannot prove the absence of errors, but only reveal their presence. If a test does not produce a failure we are either in the (extremely unlikely) case of a correct program or in the (very likely) situation of a bad test, not able to reveal failures of the program. Good tests are designed to maximize the chances of revealing failures. A special case is acceptance testing, whose goals are to provide confidence by statistically measure mean failure rate for carefully designed tests.

5 Some Important Facts Fact 1: It’s cheaper to find and fix faults at the unit level -- most faults are incorrect computations within subroutines Fact 2: It’s good to do as much testing early as you can -- you can’t test quality in, you have to build it in

6 Exhaustive Testing “Many new testers believe that:
they can fully test each program, and with this complete testing, they can ensure that the program works correctly. On realizing that they cannot achieve this mission, many testers become demoralized. [...] After learning they can’t do the job right, it takes some testers a while to learn how to do the job well.” (C. Kaner, J. Falk, and H. Nguyen, “Testing Computer Software”, 1999)

7 Exhaustive Testing - Example
How long would it take (approximately) to test exhaustively the following program? int sum(int a, int b) {return a + b;} 232 x 232 = 264 =~ 1019 tests Assume 1 test per nanosecond (109 tests/second) We get 1010 seconds… About 600 years!

8 Testing Techniques There exists a number of techniques
Different processes Different artifacts Different approaches There are no perfect techniques Testing is a best-effort activity There is no best technique Different contexts Complementary strengths and weaknesses Trade-offs

9 Development Phases and Testing
Requirements Analysis System High-Level Design Integration Low-Level Design Unit Coding Unit Delivery Acceptance Maintenance Regression

10 Terminology: Basic Application Under Test (AUT): software that is being evaluated Test input: data provided to AUT Expected output: answer we expect to see Test case: test inputs + expected output Test case (alt): Test suite: collection of test cases S1 S2

11 Terminology: Verification vs. Validation
Validation: Are we building the right product? To what degree the software fulfills its (informal) requirements? Verification: Are we building the product right? To which degree the implementation is consistent with its (formal or semi-formal) specification? Formal or semi-formal descriptions Actual needs specification” and “implementation” are roles, not particular artifacts E.g., overall design - more detailed design -> verification of the detailed design detailed design - source code -> verification of the source code Verification is a check of consistency between two descriptions (or of one description) Validation compares a description against actual needs. System Validation (usability, feedback from users, …) V e r i f i c a t i o n (testing, inspections, static analysis, …)

12 Terminology: Failure, Fault, Error
Observable incorrect behavior of a program. Conceptually related to the behavior of the program, rather than its code. Fault (bug) Related to the code. Necessary (not sufficient!) condition for the occurrence of a failure. Error Cause of a fault. Usually a human error (conceptual, typo, etc.)

13 Failure, Fault, Error: Example
1. int double(int param) { 2. int result; 3. result = param * param; 4. return(result); 5. } A call to double(3) returns 9 Result 9 represents a failure The failure is due to the fault at line 3 The error is a typo

14 Terminology: Coincidental Correctness
IMPORTANT: Faults don’t imply failure - a program can be coincidentally correct if it executes a fault but does not fail For example, double(2) returns 4 Function double is coincidentally correct for input 2 Corollary: Just because tests don’t reveal a failure doesn’t mean there are no faults!

15 Testing Process (1) while testing requirements not met n= select next testing requirement generate inputs to satisfy n run program with n, gather output o check that o matches expected output report thoroughness of testing (2) (3) (4) (5)

16 (1) When Do We Stop Testing?
Satisfy the testing criterion or criteria Rate of finding faults decreases to an acceptable level Exhaust resources---time, money, etc. Determine that cost of finding remaining faults is more than fixing faults found after release Determine that cost of lost customers greater than cost of dissatisfied customers Test Requirements: those aspects of the program that must be covered according to the considered criterion

17 (2) Test Selection Criteria
Test Selection Criterion (C): rule for selecting the subset of inputs or requirements to use in a test suite We want a C that gives test suites that guarantee correctness… but we settle for a C that gives test suites that improve confidence Types of criteria: black-box: based on a specification white-box: based on the code Complementary

18 (3) Test Input Generation
Given a testing requirement R, how do we generate test inputs to satisfy R? Examples: Path condition Functional requirement Missing branch Figuring out the inputs that correlate with a requirement can be very hard!

19 (4) Check Output of Test An oracle provides the expected (correct) results of a test and is used to assess whether a test is successful or not. There are different kinds of oracles: Human (tedious, error prone) Automated (expensive) Determining the right answer can be very challenging!

20 (5) Thoroughness of Testing
Test adequacy criteria: the adequacy score of a testsuite is the percentage of “coverable” items (as defined by the criteria) that are covered by the testsuite. Examples: Execution of statements Execution of all paths All the customer-specified requirements Any test cases we think the professor will check Some of these are not very good ways to measure thoroughness.

21 General Approaches to Testing
Black box Is based on a functional specification of the software Depends on the specific notation used Scales because we can use different techniques at different granularity levels (unit, integration, system) Cannot reveal errors depending on the specific coding of a given functionality White box Is based on the code; more precisely on coverage of the control or data flow Does not scale (mostly used at the unit or small-subsystem level) Cannot reveal errors due to missing paths (i.e., unimplemented parts of the specification)

22 Characteristics of Black-Box Testing
Black-box criteria do not consider the implemented control structure and focus on the domain of the input data In the presence of formal specifications, it can be automated In general, it is a human-intensive activity Different black-box criteria Category partition method State-based techniques Combinatorial approach Catalog based techniques ...

23 White-Box Testing Selection of test suite is based on some structural elements in the code Assumption: Executing the faulty element is a necessary condition for revealing a fault Example white-box testing criteria: Control flow (statement, branch, basis path, path) Condition (simple, multiple) Loop Dataflow (all-uses, all-du-paths)

24 Statement Coverage Test requirements: Statements in program
Cstmts = (number of executed statements) (number of statements) Is this a white box or black box test requirement?

25 Black-box vs. White-box: Example 1
Specification: function that inputs an integer param and returns half the value of param if param is even, param otherwise. Function foo works correctly only for even integers The fault may be missed by white-box testing The fault would be easily revealed by black-box testing int foo(int param) { int result; result=param/2; return (result); }

26 Black-box vs. White-box: Example 2
Specification: function that inputs an integer and prints it Function foo contains a typo From the black-box perspective, integers < 1024 and integers > 1024 are equivalent, but they are treated differently in the code The fault may be missed by black-box testing The fault would be easily revealed by white-box testing void foo(int param) { if(param < 1024) printf(“%d”, param); else printf(“%d KB”, param/124); }

27 Perceiving Software Quality
What does Quality mean? How can you see it? Poor quality software Great quality software Software Quality – two dimensions*: Functional  How well the behavior conforms to design/specifications? Structural  How well is the functionality implemented (i.e., architecture/design, code)? *Structural quality is evaluated through the analysis of the software inner structure, its source code, at the unit level, the technology level and the system level, which is in effect how its architecture adheres to sound principles of software architecture outlined in a paper on the topic by OMG.[2] In contrast, functional quality is typically enforced and measured through software testing. *

28 Implementing Quality How to implement quality at ground zero?
i.e., the level of an individual class/component Say we’re implementing a calculator with the four primitive operations: Add Subtract Multiply Divide

29 Calculator public class Calculator { public int Add(int a, int b) return (a + b); } public int Subtract (int a, int b) { return a – b;} public int Multiply (int a, int b) { return a * b;} public int Divide (int a, int b) { return a/b;}

30 Quality of Add(…) How can we ensure Add works correctly?
What does “correctly” mean? Where does the definition of correctness come from? Examples of correct behavior: 3 + 3 = 6 (and other such cases) 2 + (-2) = 0 5 + (-6) = -1

31 How to Test Add? Good, but not great  public class CalculatorTest {
public void TestAddPositiveNumbers() int a = 1, b = 2; Calculator calc = new Calculator(); int sum = calc.Add(a, b); Assert.True(sum == 3) } …TestAddNegativeNumbers Good, but not great 

32 How to Write Better Tests for Add?
public class CalculatorTest { //Assume public void … -WhenAddingTwoPositiveNumbersThenSum ShouldBePositive() -WhenAddingTheSameNumberAsPositiveAnd NegativeThenSumShouldBeZero() -WhenAddingPositiveNumberToHigherNegative NumberThenSumShouldBeLessThanZero() } You need not write a separate test method for each test case – most testing frameworks allow you to write one method and pass multiple values to that method by annotating the method using the constructs for that language. For example in C# using Xunit as the test framework you can do something like this: [InlineData(1,1,2)] //says that a = 1, b = 1, result = 2; [InlineData(1, -1, 0)] [InlineData(-3,4,1)] Public void WhenAddingTwoIntegersTheResultShouldBeTheirSum (int a, int b, int result) { Calculator calc = new Calculator(); int sum = calc.add(a, b) Assert.True(sum == result); } The above test method will be called 3 times by the testing framework with different data passed to it each time and will report 3 separate results and you’ll know exactly which test case passed or failed

33 What’s the Difference? Tests read more like specifications
Can have traceability to requirements They focus on behavior that needs to be verified Easier maintenance owing to clearer intent Numerous tests over time are difficult to manage Minimize surprises when reading a test Just read method name and you’ll know exactly what it does No need to look at the code implementation!

34 Is Add of High Quality? Can you break Add?
= 1.5 (Our calculator will return 1) 1 + (-0.5) = 0.5 (Our calculator will return 0) (May throw an exception!) (1 + 2i) + (3 + 4i) (Should it work?) Similarly, can you break Subtract, Multiply, Divide? Divide by zero? Multiplication overflow?

35 What Did We Learn? It’s possible to test for implementation quality of the expected behavior Naming the tests is as important as writing the test Only testing what is asked for may not be sufficient: Possible that functionality may be missed Possible that functionality not deemed appropriate Must think of ways of breaking the expected behavior (to identify the above) Knowing what the system should do is important and you MUST test that. That’s usually called the happy-path or sunny-day scenario. However, knowing what the system should not do probably trumps the happy-path scenario testing! In fact, testing the non-happy-paths or rainy-day scenarios is what usually ensures that your software is of high quality. Bugs are nothing but “missed” rainy-day scenarios to some extent! Hence it’s important to find ways of breaking the system under test (SUT) just so you can ensure it’s of high quality. You should be able to break it at multiple levels – the unit as well as the application. You just don’t know which path you may have missed!

36 Reminder Two general types of testing Techniques are complementary
Black-box Test requirements are the requirements in the software requirements specification* White-box Test requirements are based on the structure of the code Techniques are complementary *notice the overload of the term “requirements”

37 Tool Overview White-box testing Black-box testing
Commonly done as “unit testing” You will explore some WBT tools in your Assignment 4 Black-box testing Encode requirements as test cases You will explore some BBT tools in your Assignment 4

38 Basic Parts of a Test Setup: things to do before the test starts
Also called “given” or “arrange” Actions: things that will be done by test Also called “when” or “act” Check results: is response correct? Also called “assert,” “assertions,” or “then” Requires oracle

39 Unit Testing The act of testing the smallest possible unit of code
Usually a single class in OOP (Java, C#, PHP etc.,) Mostly white-box testing The test tests that unit in complete isolation If you have to fire the browser to test your class you’re doing it wrong Still wrong if you need a network connection It’s wrong even if you need a database It’s still wrong if you need a bunch of other classes Goal: Verify unit of the application performs as expected Unit: small part of the code (e.g., classes, functions, etc.) Done by developers Errors identified early in lifecycle Scope is small, easy to fix errors In the real world you may have code that relies on a bunch of things and isolating it may not be practical. Or just that the classes weren’t designed with unit testability in mind. In that case there is a concept of “Mocking” – that is replace these “dependencies” with mock classes that do nothing – that is, they may walk and quack like a real duck but are dummy ducks instead of the real thing. Ideally your class can’t tell the difference because your mock class has the same set of methods with the same signatures (return types, arguments) – That is, your mock implements the same interface as your real class. Basically you just fool your class into using the Mock class which you created. There are frameworks that help you auto mock classes. Or if you’ve written your code well to rely on interfaces (literally the interface keyword in Java) instead of actual classes, you can create multiple classes that implement the same interface and pass that in your test. Your class under test won’t be able to tell the difference and you’ll be able to test the logic of what you’re testing in complete isolation owing to these mock classes. The ability to do this implies a well thought out design adhering to good programming practices. It’s a valuable skill that will make you smile and remember this lecture some day. I promise 

40 Why do Unit Testing It may seem time consuming first, but pays for itself many times over: How to know if your small change didn’t break anything? How to know if your big change didn’t break anything? How to know if you preserved existing behavior? What if you ran all unit tests daily (1x) or on every check in?

41 Unit Testing Tips Write a test whenever you want to use print statement Keep unit tests small and fast Ideally run test suite before every code check-in Unit tests should be fully automated Cover boundary cases E.g.: for numbers test –ve, 0, +ve, NaN, infinity Cover as many paths in the program as possible Remember: arrange/given, act/then, assert/then

42 Testing Requirements Can we take the learning from unit-testing and apply it to requirements? YES!!  How come? By focusing on the behavior! If the requirements can be specified unambiguously their intended behavior can be correctly validated! Big “IF”

43 Two-Minute Exercise Create a means for protecting a small group of human beings from the hostile elements of their environment Missing requirements, Ambiguous words and Introducing elements by assumptions when none were stated in the problem

44 Ambiguity in Requirements
A major source of headache and cost overruns Diverse interpretations of the same requirement Cost of ambiguity: Phase in which found Cost Ratio Requirements 1 Design 3-6 Coding 10 Development/Testing 15-40 Acceptance Testing 30-70 Operation

45 Sources of Ambiguity Observational & recall errors:
(Not) seeing the same things or retaining what you saw Interpretation errors What did “points” refer too? Mixtures of above Effects of human interaction Things lost in conversation

46 Stifling Ambiguity by Examples
What if requirements were detailed using examples? What if those examples could auto compile into test cases that can be executed? Specification by examples forces thinking about (un)expected behavior Helps resolve ambiguity early on  Higher quality requirements!

47 Given-When-Then Specifications
Calculator (shall) Requirement: The system shall add two numbers and provide their sum as result Scenario: Add two positive numbers Given two numbers “3” and “2” When I add them Then I get “5” as the resultant sum Scenario: Add two negative numbers GWT Scenario definition … Given is the prerequisite When is the associated action that is supposed to happen after the prerequisites have been correctly set up Then is the validation – you actually validate the assertions here i.e., that what happened in the ‘when’ step actually agrees with the expected output (or not)

48 Gherkin The GWT syntactical specification is known as the Gherkin Language Given, When, Then, And, But etc., are keywords Adds simple structure to English specifications that can be auto converted to test cases! Used as part of the Behavior Driven Development (BDD) Paradigm BDD = Specification by example using GWT A good tutorial link:

49 Example Requirement Feature: AddTrueFalseQuestion
    As a survey admin I can add a true/false question to the prescreening question bank @some-tag Scenario: Add true/false question     Given I am on the Prescreening question bank page     When I create a true/false question titled “Do you speak English?"     And it has the following details:     | response | weight| iscorrect |     | true     | 10    | yes        |     | false    | 0     | no       |     And belongs to any category     And I save it     Then the question titled "Do you speak English?" should be shown      in the list of questions on the Prescreening question bank page

50 Automated Testing of Requirements
The method stubs can be filled with code that “tests” the requirement by driving the system They typically test the entire “flow” of the application and not a single unit They help confirm that the behavior conforms to the requirement specifications – a.k.a., black box testing Typically slower than unit tests and may be run less frequently Insanely valuable!

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