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Adolescent Support Services in Zambia

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1 Adolescent Support Services in Zambia
Dr. Lloyd Mulenga | University Teaching Hospital | Lusaka, Zambia 2016 International AIDS Society Conference | Durban, South Africa Wednesday, 20 July | 700 hours

2 Health related problems
The main health related problems facing adolescents Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STIs) including HIV and AIDS Behaviour related health problems early and unprotected sex sexual abuse early marriages and pregnancies unsafe abortions substance and alcohol abuse

3 Burden of HIV in Adolescents
3,915,000 adolescents ( about 27% of general population) 120,000 children between the ages of 0–14 years are living with HIV Among young women, HIV prevalence is more than twice that of men: The HIV prevalence for 15–24 year old males is 4.2% The HIV prevalence for 15–24 year old females is 8.9%

4 Comprehensive Knowledge of HIV among Youth by Residence
Percent of women and men age with comprehensive knowledge* of HIV Comprehensive knowledge is an indicator that measures how much young people know about transmission and prevention of HIV. Comprehensive knowledge includes knowing that condoms and monogamy prevent HIV transmission, that a healthy looking person can have HIV infection, and rejects the two most common local misconceptions about HIV transmission. This slide shows that young men are somewhat more informed than young women; and urban women and men are more informed than their rural counterparts. *Comprehensive knowledge means knowing that the risk of getting HIV can be reduced by using condoms and limiting sex to one uninfected partner, knowing that a healthy looking person can have HIV, and rejecting the two most common local misconceptions about HIV prevention and transmission.

5 Knowledge of a Condom Source among Youth by Residence
Percent of women and men age who know a condom source Young men are more likely to know where to get condoms than young women—94% of men vs. 84% of women. Urban young people are slightly more informed than rural youth.

6 Age at First Sexual Intercourse
12% of young women and 16% of young men age had sexual intercourse before age 15. 56% of young women and 50% of young men age had sexual intercourse before age 18. Young people who start having intercourse very young are at greater risk of exposure to HIV infection. Less than 20% of young women and men age had their first sexual intercourse before age 15. More than half of women and half of men age had sex before age 18.

7 Premarital Sexual Intercourse and Condom Use among Youth
Among never-married women and men age who had sexual intercourse in past 12 months, percent who: Percent of never-married women and men age who: This is a complicated slide. On the left, the slide shows that 53% of young women and 41% of young men have never had sexual intercourse; 632% of women and 41% of men had intercourse in the last 12 months. The right side of the slide shows that among the young people who had been sexually active in the previous year, 40% of women and 49% of men used a condom the last time they had sex.

8 Multiple Sexual Partners among Youth
Among women and men age who had 2+ sexual partners in past 12 months, percent who: Percent of women and men age who had: Young men are more likely than young women to report having multiple partners in the past 12 months. 11% men have had 2 or more partners compared to only 2% of women. Among both young men and women with multiple partners in the past year, only 34% of women and 40% of men say they used a condom at last intercourse.

9 HIV Testing among Youth
Among women and men age who had sexual intercourse in past 12 months, percent tested for HIV in past 12 months and received the results 56% of young women and 39% of young men who had sex in the past year have been tested for HIV and received the results.

10 Key Priorities for Adolescent Services
Service Delivery Healthcare Workforce Medical Products, Infrastructure, Equipment and Transport Health Information Healthcare Financing Leadership and Governance

11 HIV testing in adolescents
Lack of standardized definition of terms In general, adolescent is young person beginning at age 10 Legal Age for Voluntary Testing in Zambia is 16 years Adolescents under the age of 16 may seek services voluntarily (regardless of parent consent/assent process) if they fall within one of the following categories: Abused child Married Pregnant High HIV-risk behaviors such as commercial sex work, engaging in sexual activity with multiple partners, or refusal to use condoms or other prophylaxis Head of household

12 Resources in Zambia Zambia Consolidated Guidelines for Treatment and Prevention of HIV Infection Zambia National Counseling and Testing Guidelines Zambia Adolescent Health Strategic Plan Adolescent HIV Care and Treatment, A Training Curriculum for Health Workers – ICAP Zambia National Guidelines for Treatment and Prevention of HIV Infection in Adolescents (anticipated 2016) Zambian E-learning HIV Care and Treatment Training Package for Healthcare Workers Disclosure Support Guide – EGPAF (anticipated 2016)

13 Programmatic Resources – Successes
The following programmatic resources provided are available throughout facilities in Zambia: Youth Friendly Corners Peer counselors and advocates Support groups Disclosure counseling Separate clinic space/days (where available) Transition Support (where available) Examples Livingstone COE Lusaka COE Materu First Level Hospital Chongwe Rural Health Center

14 Challenges in Service Provision
Lack of standardized resources and definitions regarding adolescent care HCW Limitations Case finding and linkage to care Limited space outside of COE’s and in rural settings Age of voluntary testing Adherence and retention in care Stigma Limited pediatric formulations (adolescents in lower weight bands) Lack of adolescent specific indicators Lack of disaggregated/stratified data

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