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The Rise of Russia Ch 14 sec 2.

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1 The Rise of Russia Ch 14 sec 2

2 Origins of Russia Slavs – originally a single group of people from Central Europe. Eventually split into 3 major groups. Expanded into southern Russia. Kiev main city. Slavs – simple people that lived in small villages and organized into clans. Varangians – Vikings that sailed down Russian rivers to trade. Eventually settled among the slavs and intermarried.

3 Heir to the Byzantine Empire
Byzantine Empire influenced Russia. Traded with Constantinople. Vladimir married the Byzantine Emperor’s sister and converted. Princes of Russia took religion as own.

4 Yaroslav Kiev enjoyed a golden age. Prosperity
Issued a law code to improve justice Greek works were translated into his language. Arraigned marriages between his children and western royalty.

5 Mongols – Early 1200’s A group of nomadic people from central asia.
Overran lands from China to Eastern Europe. Genghiz Khan (World Emperor) Known as the Golden Horde – color of the tents at night.

6 Mongols rule over Russia
Batu the grandson of Genghiz Khan brought Russia under Mongol control Mongols were tolerant rulers as long as you made tribute to them Left Russian Princes to rule Russians adopted isolating women into separate quarters from the Mongols

7 Mongol rule ends As Mongol power declined the Princes of Moscow became more powerful. In 1380 Russia finally defeated the Mongols and gained independence. Mongols would continue to raid Russia but would never regain control.

8 Ivan the Great (the III)
Between he brought much of northern Russia under his control. He began to limit control of the Boyers to have absolute control over Russia. He married the niece of the last Byzantine Emperor and claimed to be Czar (Caesar). Third Roman Empire Used a double headed eagle as his symbol.

9 Ivan III Tearing the Great Khan’s Letter Requesting More Tribute in 1480.

10 Ivan the Terrible (IV) Grandson of Ivan III.
Continued to limit Boyer control Was very unstable after wife’s death. Had many people killed if suspected to be disloyal. Was taking painkillers for arthritis that had mercury in it – known to make people crazy.

11 Oprichniki Agents of Ivan IV that enforced Ivan’s will.
They would search for people that Ivan believed were against him and kill them. Dressed in black robes and rode Black horses. Symbols were the broom and head of a dog.

12 Ivan’s death Russia entered a time of troubles
Disputes over succession Peasant uprising Invasions that caused disorder Zemsky Sodor – Assembly of clergy, nobles, and townspeople who chose the next rulers. Michael Romanov chosen. Romanov dynasty ruled until 1917.

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