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Linda Vann, CCCCO, DSPS Specialist

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Presentation on theme: "Linda Vann, CCCCO, DSPS Specialist"— Presentation transcript:

1 Allocations, Auditors, and SSARCC Webinar on June 7, 2017 for DSPS Programs
Linda Vann, CCCCO, DSPS Specialist Gail Conrad, DSPS Solutions, Consultant

2 Allocation Data to prepare allocation for next year is based on the same data input from Your allocation is the same as it was for Students counted were eligible for DSPS services using the old disability groups for DSPS and had 4 contacts during that reporting year. This is the last year that old regulations are still used for the allocation.

3 Auditor Review for What you should know!

4 Auditors Review of This is the first year that the auditors will be using the NEW Title 5 regulations when reviewing documentation, expenditures, and MIS data Only PRIMARY disabilities are the required input to MIS Only ONE Contact required per student-see above! Summer and Fall require the student to be enrolled and eligible for DSPS services with at least one contact Spring students eligible for DSPS services with at least one contact are counted if they apply to the college and/or are enrolled. Those colleges on Banner, may need IT to prepare this option by updating programming.

5 Auditors Review (cont.)
For those students counted for DSPS funding you will need the following documentation An application of student requesting services with DSPS An Academic Accommodations Plan (AAP) that includes the interactive process with student that you used to determine the academic adjustments, auxiliary aids and services they will/did receive; including information to confirm that the disability identified in MIS matches the documentation provided to DSPS Measurable Progress information when in Educational Assistance Classes

6 Auditors (cont.) They can follow up on any components from Title 5
They will review your budget expenditures to be sure that they include ALLOWABLE expenses (and may include) Assuring faculty meet Minimum Qualifications Allowable DSPS expenses Allowable DHH expenses and the required match Allowable expenses for Access to Print (ATP) funds Courses reviewed and FTES distributed appropriately

7 Auditors - Final Notes for DSPS
You can refer to Auditors guidelines presented at the All Directors training for future information (Ed. Code 84040) Try to be involved in the discussion with your district/college auditors so that you are ready for their visit (Section 475 of the manual is for DSPS) Know what is required so that you can respond in confidence should a question arise as this is related to your funding and errors can impact your allocation in the upcoming year(s)

8 SSARCC Input for Data What’s in place for this year?

9 MIS Data Element Identifier
New Disability Groups in Place with New Weights (16/17 data -18/19 funding) Disability Category Weighted Count MIS Data Element Identifier Deaf and Hard of Hearing 23.7 H Autism (NEW) 3.8 U Learning Disability 3.5 L Vision 2.9 V Acquired Brain Injury 2.6 B Other (incl. Speech) O Mental Health (formerly Psych) P Intellectual Disabilities (formerly DDL) 2 D Mobility M ADHD (NEW) 1 A

10 New Disability Groups (cont.)
Speech did not go away, it is combined with Other Two new categories are required to be collected in ; Autism and ADHD If missing in the MIS data, the count will be determined by the percentages from the Other Study (5.7% & 20.1%, respectively ), Galvin Group We are no longer counting Secondary disabilities – if reported they will not be counted! Although only one contact needed, adding the student to the MIS means they have the one contact! But record ALL contacts.

11 Formula for this data to fund 2018-2019
90% of DSPS allocation is used for Weighted Student count (WSC) and 10% is used for college effort There is still a base allocation, $72,000 for each college. The other factor that can effect the allocation is the guarantee for a college that is still 95% of the previous year The actual formula changes will be considered with the data from for funding in !

12 DHH Funding Legislative action to provide funding specific to the direct needs of students that are deaf or hard-of-hearing since (approximately $9.6 million; increases with COLA) Funds provided with a required 4 to 1 match, but because expenses are higher than funding it is distributed on a percentage basis Specific allowable expenses identified by the DHH Advisory Group in 2008; also list of non-allowable expenses Reporting of expenses on SSARCC and additional requests for funds can be made on the mid-year report

13 Allowable Expenses for DHH (part 1)
Direct Sign Language Interpreting for classroom and required classroom-related activities Oral Interpreting Cued Speech Real Time Captioning Video Remote Interpreting and Captioning Live Print Communication (e.g. C-Print and Typewell, AlphaSmart, laptop, InterperType) Tactile Interpreting

14 Allowable Expenses for DHH (part 2)
Interpreting during tutoring Interpreting for athletes when they are part of a College class and team sport Study abroad – will be reviewed on a case by case basis (DHH services should be contract-based) Other live direct communication accommodations as determined by the DHHAG Salaries and Benefits for Interpreters and Real Time Captioners Salaries and Benefits for Interpreter Coordinators at the percent of time spent coordinating interpreters if engaged less than full time in this activity.

15 Non-Allowable DHH Expenses (may use DSPS funds to cover these expenses)
Notetakers Closed Captioning Counselor for DHH Instructors for DHH Prep Time Travel Time Non-Classroom-Required Extracurricular Interpreting or Real Time Captioning Awards Ceremonies Graduation This list is not exhaustive!

16 Access to Print Formula: $10,000 base + (factor based on budget & 114 colleges) X (proportionate headcount - college/system) [$10,000 + (107,849 x .00___) = Amount] Must be used to provide alternate media to students for success in the classroom course Can be used for supplies, equipment, faculty or staff to meet these needs

17 Changes to the SSARCC Hidden formula results can now be seen

18 SSARCC – top of form (note FTES)

19 Screen Shot of New SSARCC Form

20 What do you see on this SSARCC form?
Note that the 1000 and 2000 expenses are not listed here; only those employee benefits (3000). You will still be entering each person individually at the end of those & 2000 sections…. wages and benefits (3000), identifying the appropriate funding source; when completed, it will be listed on this top sheet. Due to screen size, we left the first two sections off for this demonstration only. The one exception for an entry not appearing on this front-page is in line 6 “1300 Instructor”, where you see nothing listed on this front-page other than the employee name. The reason is that in this case, the funding was from the FTES generated by your Educational Assistance Classes, which are required district/college funds to be spent first in the DSPS programs.

21 What else changes on this SSARCC page? (part 1 – The Columns)
(1) The Object code and Title; (2) Position Number – or anyway that you want to use to identify the employee for future referral; (3) DSPS Funds – the DSPS Allocation; (4) DHH Funds – the amount you received from the state for direct services to DHH students; (5) ATP Funds – the amount distributed to you for support of alternate media needs; (6) DHH Match – this is the required match [4:1] based on what you received in column #4 and this must be from district/college general funds; (7) District Funds – these are college effort funds that could be reimbursed, on a percentage formula, to the college [this is not a required college match at any percentage]; (8) View Details – allows you to go deep into your entry and see the details of this expense.

22 What else changes on this SSARCC page? (part 2 – The Rows)
As many entries as you make under each category; this includes multiple and/or duplicate object codes if the employees or the items fit under the same object code. The details of the expenses will include the specifics of the expense without having to clutter the front-page; but still provides ease in confirming your entries. If you are filling out this form for a 2nd or 3rd time, you will have entries from the previous year’s appearing in these rows. They will be zeroed out this year, but if you want to eliminate these rows from the report, you will need to delete them on your own. This is true under all sections (1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000) You need to include all expenses for DSPS activities, even if the funds are from SSSP/Student Equity. These funds do not count for College Effort, but it is helpful to know when the college is supporting the DSPS program from any fund sources that were not from the State allocation for DSPS.

Please be sure to write any questions in the chat box and if we don’t get to them online, we will respond to them in the archive. Thank you for your participation.

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