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Wonderful Sunday School Children!!

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1 Wonderful Sunday School Children!!

2 During what period did the story of Ruth
occur? (Ruth1:1) ① Captivity ② Divided kingdom ③ Judges ④ Prophets Answer: 3

3 2. At the beginning of the Book of Ruth we are
told of a famine which hit the lands of the Israelites. One man, Elimelech, left the promised land in search of food, taking his wife and sons with him. What was the name of Elimelech's wife?(Ruth1:2) ① She was called Naarah ② She was called Orpah ③ She was called Naomi ④ She was called Ruth Answer: 3

4 3. Why did Elimelech and his family go to Moab?
(Ruth1:1-2) ① An angel told them ② Famine ③ Pestilence ④ War Answer: 2

5 4. What were the names of Elimelech's two
sons? (Ruth1:2) ① Jacob & Esau ② Pharez & Zarah ③ Mahlon & Chilion ④ James & John Answer: 3

6 5. Who was Ruth's first husband, Naomi's son ?
(Ruth1:2) ① Jesse ② Obed ③ Mahlon ④ Elimelech Answer: 3

7 6. Who was the first to die in Moab? (Ruth1:3)
① Chilion ② Elimelech ③ Mahlon ④ Naomi Answer: 2

8 7. How many years did Naomi sojourn in Moab?
(Ruth1:4) ① About 2 years ② About 5 years ③ About 8 years ④ About 10 years Answer: 4

9 8. Where was Ruth from?(Ruth1:4)
① Greece ② Samaria ③ Moab ④ Judea Answer: 3

10 9. While in the land of Moab three of the four
family members died. Which one survived? (Ruth1:5) ① Elimelech, the father ② Naomi, the mother ③ Mahlon, the elder son ④ Chilion, the younger son Answer: 2

11 Naomi heard in Moab that the LORD had
10. Why did Naomi decide to return from the country of Moab? (Ruth1:6-7) ① Famine ② War ③ Her relatives invited her ④ She was afraid of how the Moabites would treat her Naomi heard in Moab that the LORD had come to the aid of his people by providing food for them Answer: 5

12 11. Why did Naomi encourage her daughters-in-law
to stay in Moab? (Ruth1:8-13) ① Because the Jews had no dealings with Moabites ② She felt they had a better chance to find a husband in Moab ③ She had no home in Judah ④ Their relatives were there Answer: 2

13 12. Who went back to her people?(Ruth1:14-15)
① Esther ② Orpah ③ Rahab ④ Ruth Answer: 2

14 13. Who said “Entreat me not to leave you, or
to return from following after you: for where you go, I will go; and where you lodge, I will lodge: your people shall be my people, and your God my God?”(Ruth1:16-18) ① Esther ② Orpah ③ Rahab ④ Ruth Answer: 4

15 14. After her family had died Naomi decided to
return home to Israel. She said farewell to her daughters-in-law but Ruth would not leave her. When Naomi and Ruth arrived back Naomi changed her name to Mara. What does Mara mean in Hebrew? (Ruth1:20) ① Bitter ② Widow ③ Lost ④ Childless Answer: 1

16 15. What did Naomi want to be called?
(Ruth1:19-21) ① Mara ② Mary ③ Rebekah ④ Sara Answer: 1

17 16. At what season did Ruth and Naomi return
to Bethlehem? (Ruth1:22) ① In the beginning of barley harvest ② The feast of the Passover ③ The feast of tabernacles ④ Winter Answer: 1

18 17. To whom was Boaz a kinsman?(Ruth2:1)
① Elimelech ② Naomi ③ Samuel ④ All of the above Answer: 1

19 18. What did Ruth do in the field of Boaz?
① Gleaned  ② Plowed ③ Pruned ④ Sowed seed Answer: 1

20 19. What did Boaz ask Ruth to do? (Ruth2:8-9)
  ① Abide with his maidens ② Glean in his field  ③ Keep her eyes on the field where they reaped ④ All of the above Answer: 4

21 20. What had Boaz heard about Ruth? (Ruth 2:11-12)
① All that she had done for her mother in law since the death of her husband ② She had left her father and mother ③ She trusted in the LORD God of Israel ④ All of the above Answer: 4

22 21. Why did Boaz allow Ruth to glean in his
field? (Ruth 2:12) ① He had a large harvest ② He was short of workers ③ She was beautiful ④ She had looked after Naomi Answer: 4

23 22. What did Boaz tell his young men to do?
(Ruth 2:15-17) ① Let Ruth glean even among the sheaves ② Let fall some handfuls of purpose for Ruth ③ Reproach her not ④ All of the above Answer: 4

24 23. How much did Ruth glean on her first day?
① 1 ephah of oats ② 2 ephahs of oats ③ 1 ephah of barley ④ 2 ephahs of barley Answer: 3

25 24. How long was Ruth allowed to glean in the
field of Boaz? (Ruth 2:23) ① To the end of barley harvest and of wheat harvest ② Until Boaz felt she had enough ③ Until they plowed up the fields ④ Until winter Answer: 1

26 25. Which other harvest did Ruth glean in?
(Ruth 2:23) ① Wheat harvest ② Olive harvest ③ Maize harvest ④ Grape harvest Answer: 1

27 26. What was Boaz doing at the threshing floor? (Ruth 3:2)
① Making bread ② Threshing grain ③ Winnowing barley ④ Treading grapes Answer: 3

28 27. What did Ruth do while Boaz was sleeping? (Ruth 3:4)
① Uncovered his feet and lay down ② Gently woke him up ③ Covered his head and sat next to him ④ Asked his servant to wake him Answer: 1

29 28. How did the townspeople regard Ruth? (Ruth 3:11)
① As a beautiful woman ② As a virtuous woman ③ As a caring woman ④ As an obedient woman Answer: 2

30 29. Where did Ruth lie down after Boaz fell
asleep? (Ruth 3:14) ① At the feet of Boaz ② At Naomi’s house ③ In the field where she gleaned ④ With the rest of the gleaners Answer: 1

31 30. What did Ruth bring to Naomi? (Ruth 3:17)
① Barley ② Flowers ③ Fruit ④ Money  Wheat Answer: 1

32 31. Boaz asked the closer relative if he wanted to
marry Ruth and to be responsible for Ruth and Naomi. He did this in front of which witnesses? (Ruth 4:1-4)   ① The local elders  ② Naomi and Ruth   ③ The Judge of the time   ④ The workers in the field Answer: 1

33 32. How many elders witnessed Boaz's
agreement with the kinsman? (Ruth 4:2) ① ② ③ ④ 12 Answer: 3

34 33. What did Boaz say Naomi was selling?
(Ruth 4:2) ① A jewel of great price ② A parcel of land ③ A vineyard ④ A donkey Answer: 2

35 34. Why does the kinsman not want to marry
Ruth? (Ruth 4:6) ① Too busy ② Didn't like her ③ Already married ④ Didn't want to spoil inheritance Answer: 4

36 They agreed between two or three witnesses
35. What was the method of confirming a transfer of property? (Ruth 4:7-8) ①A priest confirmed the transfer of property ②One man plucked off his shoe, and gave it to his neighbor ③The men walked between pieces of meat ④The men shook hands They agreed between two or three witnesses Answer: 2

37 36. What did Boaz buy and acquire?
(Ruth 4:9-12)   ① All that was Elimelech's ② All that was Chilion's and Mahlon's   ③ Ruth to be his wife ④ All of the above Answer: 4

38 37. Who became nurse to Ruth's son?
① Boaz's niece ② Ruth's handmaid, Zillah ③ Orpah ④ Naomi Answer: 4

39 38. Ruth and Boaz married and she gave birth to
a son. What was the son named? (Ruth 4:17) ① He was named Oreb ② He was named Obed ③ He was named Ornan ④ He was named Obadiah Answer: 2

40 39. Who was Ruth’s great-grandson?
  ① David ② Jesse   ③ Obed ④ Solomon Answer: 1

41 40. What is the meaning of the Hebrew word
Ruth? ① Friend ② Compassion ③ Daughter ④ Mercy Answer: 1

42 Congratulations!! 첨성대

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