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Published byKaitlyn Preston Modified over 10 years ago
Project preparation workshop Bringing a transnational project to life Project idea Challenges and chances from Climate Change for regional and local development (working title) March 12 th and 13 th 2008 Office of Vides Projekti, Riga/ Latvia
March 12th 2008.... [living conditions]........ [Dennis Ehm, ARL] 2 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions Basic level of knowledge on the Dennis Ehm, ARL
March 12th 2008 Living conditionsDennis Ehm, ARL 3 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions EU Programme Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 a mainstream Structural Funds programme for the Baltic Sea Region (Objective 3 programme on Territorial Cooperation) built on two preceding Community Initiative programmes (Baltic Sea INTERREG IIC & III B NP) addresses issues that call for intervention at transnational level
March 12th 2008 Living conditionsDennis Ehm, ARL 4 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions Focus Preparation of investments, which can: –improve the territorial potential of the region, –minimise the differences in the level of socio- economic development between the western and eastern parts of the region (East-West divide) –resolve issues of common concern for all the countries around the Baltic Sea
March 12th 2008 Living conditionsDennis Ehm, ARL 5 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions Background and aims The Programme incorporates aspects of socio-economic competitiveness (Lisbon), sustainable management of the natural resources (Gothenburg) and of the EU Territorial Agenda aims to involve several pan-Baltic networks for better policies towards an integrated development of the Baltic Sea region and for its better identity in Europe
March 12th 2008 Living conditionsDennis Ehm, ARL 6 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions Eligible area EU Member States: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and northern parts of Germany Norway north-west regions of Russia Belarus
March 12th 2008 Living conditionsDennis Ehm, ARL 7 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions Financing of the programme Co-Financing 208 MEUR from European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 22.6 MEUR from European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI, new) 6 MEUR from Norwegian national funding Total = 236,6 MEUR Plus project partners contribution (10-50%)!
March 12th 2008 Living conditionsDennis Ehm, ARL 8 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions Co-Financing rate European Commission and the Government of Norway will cover: up to 75 % of eligible project costs generated by partners from Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Finland up to 85 % of eligible project costs generated by partners from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland up to 50 % of eligible project costs generated by partners from Norway up to 90 % of eligible project costs generated by partners from Russia and Belarus
March 12th 2008 Living conditionsDennis Ehm, ARL 9 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions Programme documents –Operational Programme (97 p., Dec 21st 2007) –general programme focus, content, and guideline –Programme Manual (98 p., Feb 25th 2008) –for project level and implementation –Application form (20 p., draft of Feb 25th 2008) plus practical guide and partner declaration –to submit applications –base for approval process –in case of approval part of projects Grant Contract –work plan for project implementation –base for checking of progress reports –Several further guiding and regulating EU documents
March 12th 2008 Living conditionsDennis Ehm, ARL 10 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions Specifics for the project and the partners In brief –Selection of priority and area of support –activities, work packages, outputs, results and indicators –project phases and duration –contracting and payments
March 12th 2008 Living conditionsDennis Ehm, ARL 11 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions Strategic objectives = PRIORITIES (to be selected from) 1. Fostering innovations 2. External and internal accessibility 3. Baltic Sea as a common resource 4. Attractive and competitive cities and regions To strengthen the development towards a sustainable, competitive and territorially integrated Baltic Sea Region by connecting potentials over the borders
March 12th 2008 Living conditionsDennis Ehm, ARL 12 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions Priority 4 Promoting attractive and competitive cities and regions propagates co-operation of metropolitan regions, cities and rural areas for their better attractiveness for citizens and investors features action programmes and policies at the BSR level to make cities and regions more competitive engines for economic development strengthens urban-rural partnerships and support a viable economic transformation of BSR areas with smaller and less dense settlements special ENPI feature under this priority is joint actions dedicated to the social sphere of regional and city development - exclusively with Russian and Belarusian partners
March 12th 2008 Living conditionsDennis Ehm, ARL 13 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions Priority 4: Areas of support (to be selected from) 1.Strengthening metropolitan regions, cities and urban areas as engines of economic development 2.Strategic support for integrated BSR development and socio-economic and territorial cohesion 3.Strengthening social conditions and impacts of regional and city development
March 12th 2008 Living conditionsDennis Ehm, ARL 14 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions Some definitions –Activities –Work packages (WP) –thematically diversified components (or set of activities) –max. 8 (WP 0 preparation; WP 1 project coordination; WP 2 communication and information) –Outputs –tangible deliveries –Results –effects of the project (improved...; raised....; etc.) –shall be measurable (start and target) –Indicators –to measure described results/ effects
March 12th 2008 Living conditionsDennis Ehm, ARL 15 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions Results and indicators –Common results –three across all four priorities –at least one must be selected/ addressed by each project –output indicators for common results –to measure common results (defined to select from in application) –priority specific results (linked to areas of support) –three or four per priority –at least one must be selected/ addressed by each project –output indicators for priority specific results –to measure common results (define after approval) –additional results and their output indicators –can be defined by the projects und must be measurable
March 12th 2008 Living conditionsDennis Ehm, ARL 16 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions Project phases and duration Project preparation –officially until MC funding decisions –(max. 1 year selected costs eligible prior to application) Project duration –contracting phase (3 months) –implementation phase (12-36 months) –closure phase (3 months) Post project –10 years maintenance of accounting documents (PM p. 71) final
March 12th 2008 Living conditionsDennis Ehm, ARL 17 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions Contracting and payments Contracting –Grant contract between LP and Managing Authority (MA) after approval –Partnership agreement between partners after approval Payments –ERDF (and Norwegian) payment –activities must be 100% pre-financed by the partners –payments after bi-annual reports approved –only ERDF: 5% withhold until ca. 2018 –ENPI payment –bi-annual advance payments to the project
Project preparation workshop Bringing a transnational project to life Project idea Challenges and chances from Climate Change for regional and local development (working title) March 12 th and 13 th 2008 Office of Vides Projekti, Riga/ Latvia
March 12th 2008 Living conditionsDennis Ehm, ARL 19 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions
March 12th 2008.... [Living conditions]........ [Dennis Ehm] 20 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions Gebrauchsanweisung (1) –Neue Textfolien können über das Menü (Einfügen\Neue Folie) eingefügt werden. –Dabei wird automatisch derselbe Master (Formatvorlage) geladen wie bei der vorliegenden Folie. –Am rechten Bildschirmrand öffnet sich der Arbeitsbereich Folienlayout mit vorformatierten Layouts
March 12th 2008.... [Living conditions]........ [Dennis Ehm] 21 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions Gebrauchsanweisung (2) –Von den Folienlayouts können alle einspaltigen Layouts ohne Anpassung der Formatierung verwendet werden. –Die Angaben in der Fußzeile werden im Master geändert. Die Änderungen müssen sowohl im Folien- als auch im Titelmaster vorgenommen werden. –Vorlagen zum Einfügen von Bildern oder Graphiken befinden sich am Ende dieser Präsentation (Folien 4 und 5) – müssen aber nicht verwendet werden. –Bei Verwendung eines symmetrischen zweispaltigen Layouts müssen die Oberkanten der beiden Spalten unterhalb der Überschrift bis auf die Hilfslinie heruntergezogen werden (Cursor ), damit ein vollständiger Rahmen entsteht.
March 12th 2008.... [Living conditions]........ [Dennis Ehm] 22 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions Folie für Bilder –Version für kleine und / oder hochformatige Bilder –Bei Bedarf Folie duplizieren (Menü: Einfügen\Folie duplizieren –Bitte das Bild möglichst so weit vergrößern / beschneiden, dass es den Rahmen ausfüllt
March 12th 2008.... [Living conditions]........ [Dennis Ehm] 23 Project preparation Workshop, March 12th/13th Riga Living Conditions Folie für Bilder –Version für große und /oder querformatige Bilder –Bei Bedarf Folie duplizieren (Menü: Einfügen\Folie duplizieren –Bitte das Bild möglichst so weit vergrößern / beschneiden, dass es den Rahmen ausfüllt
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