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Presentation on theme: "CONSTRUCTION 101."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda Construction Process Players Types of Contracts
Documents – Contract Documents – Non Contracts The Job + Phases + Schedule + The Work 6) Professionalism

3 RISK vs EXPERTISE vs COST Quality Experience
Contracts RISK vs EXPERTISE vs COST Quality Experience

4 Document Types Subcontract Contract Communications



7 Specs vs Plans








15 2016 CSI Divisions

16 1995 CSI Divisions

17 Spec Types Descriptive Performance Delegated Design Hybrid

18 (Cont.) Addenda Bulletin CCD ASI Change Order Others?

19 Non-Contract Documents
Submittal RFI s, Letters, and Texts

20 Etiquette


22 The Job Phases Schedules Work – getting it done

23 Reasons for having a schedule
Contract Requirement Road for building the job (North/South, left/right) Show activities needed prior to starting any given task Reflects progress of others trades Establish time for ordering material 6) Document used for showing delays & accelerations 7) Quality control planning and execution 8) Employee evaluation 9) Manpower requirements 10) Identifies scopes and possible missed scopes 11) Updates schedule informs subcontractor/vendors of job changes 12)Serves as a tool used for recovery if needed (financial and legal!) 13) Tells how the job was built (good/bad/ugly) 14) Can be used to create more precise schedule for next job (learning tool)




27 3 Phase QC Plan Phase 1 - Preparatory Phase
The Preparatory Phase occurs usually days or weeks in advance, before you begin each construction task. For this phase, your superintendent should do the following: Review all the requirements for the task Assess the current situation Inspect the jobsite Review the findings with staff, subcontractors, and the client

28 Phase 2 - Initial Phase The Initial Phase occurs just prior to giving the go-ahead to begin work and ensures that the task will start correctly. For this phase, your site supervisor should do the following: Check that all requirements for personnel, materials, and equipment are in place Verify that the site has passed its job-ready inspection Inspect the first article (after work begins) to make sure that it is appropriate to continue work

29 Phase 3 - Follow-up Phase
The Follow-Up Phase occurs throughout the construction task. For this phase, your site supervisor should do the following: Monitor work on a daily basis to assure that all job requirements are being met in a timely manner Verify that the tasks are being performed correctly up until their completion

30 Professional Project Manager
Manages the project …truthfully & ethically!



33 ASA bModel Code of Ethics for a Construction Subcontractor
Background: Since its founding more than 40 years ago, the American Subcontractors Association, Inc. (ASA) has worked to improve the business environment in the construction industry. ASA has discussed, educated on and promoted ethical industry practices. This includes developing and marketing a “Professional Standards of Practice for the Professional Subcontractor.” In 2002, Congress enacted the Sarbanes- Oxley Act, which requires public companies to disclose whether or not they have adopted a code of ethics and other disclosures regarding such code. Subsequently, some publicly-held companies have required their own service providers and suppliers to disclose their own codes of ethics, whether or not required by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. ASA has prepared this “Model Code of Ethics for a Construction Subcontractor” to help ASA members and other subcontractors comply with both the letter and spirit of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. ASA members and other subcontractors are urged to modify and adopt this model for their own use.

34 Competition. <Insert firm name> competes fairly for contracts, avoiding any practice that might be construed to be in violation of the letter or spirit of the antitrust laws. The firm avoids any activity that could be construed as bid shopping or peddling. The firm does not knowingly violate any law or regulation governing the competitive process. Qualifications. <Insert firm name> seeks to perform contracts only for projects for which the firm has the technical competence and experience. The firm does not accept contracts for which it is not qualified. The firm assigns staff to projects in accordance with their qualifications and commensurate with the demands of the services to be provided under the contract. Standards of Practice. <Insert firm name> provides materials and services in a manner consistent with the established and accepted standards of the construction industry and with the laws and regulations that govern it. The firm performs its contracts with competence, reasonable care and diligence. The firm establishes prices that are commensurate with its services. It serves its customers with honesty and integrity. Conflicts of Interest. <Insert firm name> endeavors to avoid conflicts of interest, both corporate and individual. Where a corporate conflict exists, <Insert firm name> will disclose such conflict to its customer or prospective customer. <Insert firm name> regularly educates its staff about personal conflicts of interest and has established a procedure for internal disclosure. Public Safety. <Insert firm name> assures that the safety of its employees, the employees of others on the job site, and the general public are protected during the provision of its services.

35 Service Providers and Suppliers
Service Providers and Suppliers. <Insert firm name> treats its service providers and suppliers in an equitable manner, assuring that they are provided clear direction and prompt payment for service provided. The firm does not knowingly violate any law or regulation governing such relationships. Employees. <Insert firm name> complies with the letter and spirit of laws relating to working conditions, equal employment opportunities, and pay practices. The firm does not knowingly violate any law or regulation dealing with employment. Public Information: <Insert firm name> assures that all public statements and disclosures it makes are truthful. The firm also protects the proprietary interests of its customers. Compliance with Laws. <Insert firm name> does not knowingly violate any law or regulation. Image of the Construction Industry. <Insert firm name> avoids actions that promote its own self- interest at the expense of the construction industry and upholds the standards of the construction industry with honor and dignity. Internal Procedures. <Insert name of firm> has established internal procedures under which its failure to conform to the above practices will be handled. Each year, the firm reviews this code of ethics and its internal procedures with each of its employees. If an employee, customer or other individual becomes aware of a circumstance in which <Insert firm name> or an employee of the firm fails to conform to the above standards, he/she should immediately report such circumstance to <insert name & title of individual>. <title> will initiate an investigation of and otherwise resolve the reported issue.

36 CMAA Code of Ethics Since 1982, the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) has taken a leadership role in regard to critical issues impacting the construction and program management industry, including the setting of ethical standards of practice for the Professional Construction Manager. The Board of Directors of CMAA has adopted the following Code of Professional Ethics of the Construction Manager (CODE) which apply to CMAA members in performance of their services as Construction and Program Managers. This Code applies to the individuals and to organizations who are members of CMAA. All members of the Construction Management Association of America commit to conduct themselves and their practice of Construction and Program Management in accordance with the Code of Professional Ethics of the Construction Manager. As a professional engaged in the business of providing construction and program management services, and as a member of CMAA, I agree to conduct myself and my business in accordance with the following: ► Client Service: I will serve my clients with honesty, integrity, candor, and objectivity. I will provide my services with competence, using reasonable care, skill and diligence consistent with the interests of my client and the applicable standard of care​. ► Integrity of the Profession: I will avoid actions which promote my own self-interest at the expense of the profession, and I will uphold the standards of the construction management profession with honor and dignity.

37 CMMA Code of Ethics (cont.)
► Fair Compensation: I will negotiate fairly and openly with my clients in establishing a basis for compensation, and I will charge fees and expenses that are reasonable and commensurate with the services to be provided and the responsibilities and risks to be assumed.  ► Representation of Qualifications and Availability: I will only accept assignments for which I am qualified by my education, training, professional experience and technical competence, and I will assign staff to projects in accordance with their qualifications and commensurate with the services to be provided, and I will only make representations concerning my qualifications and availability which are truthful and accurate. ► Standards of Practice: I will furnish my services in a manner consistent with the established and accepted standards of the profession and with the laws and regulations which govern its practice. ► Fair Competition: I will represent my project experience accurately to my prospective clients and offer services and staff that I am capable of delivering. I will develop my professional reputation on the basis of my direct experience and service provided, and I will only engage in fair competition for assignments. ► Conflicts of Interest: I will endeavor to avoid conflicts of interest; and will disclose conflicts which in my opinion may impair my objectivity or integrity. ► Release of Information: I will only make statements that are truthful, and I will keep information and records confidential when appropriate and protect the proprietary interests of my clients and professional colleagues. ► Public Welfare: I will not discriminate in the performance of my Services on the basis of race, religion, national origin, age, disability, gender or sexual orientation. I will not knowingly violate any law, statute, or regulation in the performance of my professional services. ► Professional Development: I will continue to develop my professional knowledge and competency as Construction Manager, and I will contribute to the advancement of the construction and program management practice as a profession by fostering research and education and through the encouragement of fellow practitioners.

38 …Professional PM (cont.)
3) Deliver the bad news – as soon as possible! 4) Keep your eye on the prize 5) Not knowing is OK 6) Review shops and submittals! 7) Start with safety and quality!


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