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NRAO-SKA Future Collaboration Meeting

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1 NRAO-SKA Future Collaboration Meeting

2 Common Astronomy Software Applications - CASA
CASA is the primary data reduction package for ALMA and the VLA. Used daily in operations both by individual PIs and Pipeline Flexible general purpose package can be applied to many telescopes

3 Deployment Supported Operating Systems
Latest 2 OSX releases (currently and 10.12) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and 7 Most standard Linux distributions can run this version Deployment in a variety of environments Desktop systems Small institutional clusters NRAO and Academic Amazon Web Services National Supercomputing Centers via XSEDE NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

4 CASA Use Cases Calibration and imaging of interferometric data
VLA, ALMA, ATCA, GMRT,… Calibration and imaging of Single Dish data ALMA, Nobeyama, … Commissioning and testing activities But lacking some TelCal functionality Holography, Baseline Determination Currently rely on AIPS (VLA) and CLIC (ALMA) Imaging and Calibration Algorithm Research and Development Automated Data Processing Pipelines NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

5 Development Team CASA is developed by an international team led by NRAO Current worldwide effort is 31.5 FTEs: Annual investment 5.5 M$/ yr 17 FTE from NRAO (~3 M$) 5.5 FTEs are dedicated to automated pipeline production for ALMA and VLA An additional ~11 FTEs support the CASA project Project Scientists Scientific Testing Verification Testing Education & Helpdesk NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

6 Still in early days, expect workflow to evolve.
Development Process CASA is moving to Git for version control Using a feature branching workflow CI builds on the feature branches (two levels of testing) Validation performed on the branch prior to pull request Using the Atlassian Suite under an open source license Jira for issue tracking BitBucket as Enterprise Git Service Locally hosted at NRAO (not cloud hosted) Bamboo as CI system Testing of trunk and feature branches on commit Still in early days, expect workflow to evolve. NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

7 Other Collaborations JIVE Project funded by Black Hole Cam working on VLBI capabilities (~1FTE) Fringe fitting Necessary interchange for VLBI operations Tsys etc. ATCA ( < 1 FTE) Continued support for ATCA in CASA. Development of CASA guides for ATCA data GMRT (<1 FTE) Dedicated support person identified and integrated into NRAO helpdesk. MeerKAT: CASA Interoperability, Beam Patterns, Holography IDIA (South Africa): HPC and Algorithmic for wide field, wide band, full stokes imaging. 10 Nov 2016: ASIAA ALMA Regional Center

8 CASA Codebase 2 M Lines of Code AIPS / IRAF: ~1 MLOC
Astropy: kLOC NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

9 COCOMO-II Model Effort Estimates bases on COCOMO-2 default values
kLOC FTE-y ASAP 81 25 gcwrap 406 136 code 1051 370 casacore 476 160 Effort Estimates bases on COCOMO-2 default values ASAP is deprecated (functionality now exists in code) gcwrap has large amounts code generated (probably over-estimate) code + casacore is 530 FTE -Years Estimated value ~ 92 M$ NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

10 CASA Architecture: CASA Core
Maintained on GitHub as open source project Primary contributors: NRAO and ASTRON Contains: Array, Matrix, etc.: Templated mathematical objects Quanta, Measures: Quantities and Frames Table System: I/O Subsystem Image Definition: Specialization of Table System Measurement Set Definition: Primary data model FITS: Conversion to/from FITS Standard UVFITS: Conversion to/from FITS Standard FITS IDI Common Lingua Franca for many projects, do not have a complete list of stakeholders. ASAP Code GCWrap CASA Core NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

11 CASA Architecture: Code
Majority of CASA package Repository for algorithms and implementation Contains: CASA Core ASAP GCWrap Code Visibility Access Table Plot VI/VB/ TVI Plot MS HPC / Parallelization Viewer Flagging Algorithms Single Dish Heuristic Replacement for ASAP Deterministic Image Analysis Fillers Calibration Framework SDM, MIRIAD, ATCA Imaging Subsystem NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

12 CASA Architecture: gcWrap
Interface layer for functionality in lower layers IPython (code completion, syntax highlighting) AIPs like interface (list of function parameters) Much of this is code generated Definition is in XML Tools Swig binding to top level C++ objects. Stateful and powerful, but not very transparent Tasks Atomic tasks based on tool functionality Wraps most common functionality into easy to use form Interface for most “standard” users CASA Core ASAP Code GCWrap NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

13 CASA Architecture: ASAP
ATNF Spectral line Analysis Package Single dish capabilities in a pure python package ScanTable format (casacore tables) Maintained by NAOJ (in loose communication with ATNF) to support Total Power analysis for ALMA Multiple antenna support Tsys support, improved baseline subtraction algorithms, sideband separation. Deprecated in favor of C++ implementation now part of code Performance issues Interoperability with other CASA tasks in ALMA pipeline CASA Core Code GCWrap ASAP NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

14 CASA Architecture: CARTA
Cube Analysis and Rendering Tool for ALMA Developed by ALMA Development Project PI: Erik Rosolowsky Now primary development at ASIAA CASA Development Center NRAO and IDIA (ZA) are collaborating CARTA GCWrap ASAP Code CASA Core Full featured replacement for the CASA Viewer JavaScript based(both desktop and remote server configurations) Plug-in architecture for expansion First release this summer Continued development and expansion by collaboration NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

15 CASA Architecture: Pipeline
Calibration pipelines exist for both ALMA and VLA Mature design, continuing to refine heuristics Imaging Pipelines not as mature ALMA Imaging Pipeline in operations use. QA / Reference Images, science quality in some cases. VLA Imaging Pipeline under development VLASS specific heuristics currently Design All Python, not “just” a script Atomic tasks Parameters exposed to users “Inputs” come from context Weblog for User Feedback Pipeline CARTA GCWrap ASAP Code CASA Core Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 ALMA Calibration Pipeline Performance NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

16 Pipeline Weblog NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

17 ALMA Imaging Pipeline Cycle 4 Imaging Pipeline result towards NGC5728 that was delivered as part of a PI science observation. No human intervention was used to generate the image. Full calibration and imaging took 17 hours. 211 pipeline runs (plus 13% are fully manual) NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

18 CASA Performance There is a historical reputation that CASA is slow.
Benchmarking against AIPS has shown: Imaging in CASA is comparable to faster Individual tasks are comparable to AIPS in execution time. CASA used to use [still does a bit] disk for caching between tasks Vi/Vb rework designed to allow on the fly operations now in place SDM to MS Filler still under-performing; change of maintainer, will be addressed in the coming year. New CASA Liaison hire will repeat benchmarking identify current hotspots and document. NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

19 Calibration Parallelization
CASA has implemented data parallel processing using MPI. Most of the “long” calibration tasks are now parallel. Calibration solve steps not parallelized. Not a dominate term SDM to MS Filler currently under refactoring, parallization planned in future. This is tested at moderate levels of parallelization. Should scale to large data cases, but may want to parallelize the solve side as well. NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

20 Imaging Parallelization
Two approaches to parallelization: Cube: By plane (actually by chunk of planes) Continuum: Data parallel for gridding Serial in deconvolver step; but scales by image size not data NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

21 Development Drivers ALMA and VLA Operations
Must continue to support evolution of existing telescopes New observing modes, capabilities, depths, issues VLA Sky Survey All sky S-band survey in 3 epochs OTF-I observing mode Automated Calibration and Imaging Pipelines Science Ready Data Products Interactive and Automated production of Science Quality products. Will push for more automated heuristics in CASA and Pipeline Next Generation Very Large Array Push to larger N array (but still storing visibilities) New imaging regime with new challenges NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

22 Road Map Unified Visibility Access Scratchless Operation
Parallelization Documentation Update Full Polarization Imaging Time Variable Sources Build System Rework CASA-Core Refresh RFI Mitigation User Interface Redesign NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

23 Opportunities Global Radio Astronomy benefits from having a general purpose package, able to process the data from many observatories. But this flexibility comes at the expense of optimization and complexity. CASA does not currently support several modes that SKA will require Holography Multi-Beam Systems Baseline Determination All Sky Imaging The data volume challenges faced by SKA would require CASA to become more sophisticated in: Parallelization Co-Processor Use I/O and Persistence Error Trapping Workflow Mgmt Common Visualization and Analysis tools improve access and implementation time for new approaches and algorithms. NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

24 Challenges CASA is in an operational mode, used daily for VLA and ALMA (as well as other telescopes). User Support requires slow migration of interfaces and modes Changes which are disruptive and do not benefit the users directly are very unpopular. Must continue to support desktop systems (OSX and Linux) as well as cluster environments. CASA as implemented may not be a terribly good fit for the SDP design. Probably use C++ libraries directly, not passing through python layer Adding general user interface to these capabilities would be extra work CASA parallelization to date has been relatively narrow breadth, SKA requires a very different model, not clear if these scale. NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

25 SKA - CASA Interaction How we organize the interaction depends on the level of use of CASA in SKA. Minor additional capabilities for CASA: CASA is used for commissioning activities (acceptance testing etc) SDP developed in parallel for operations processing Moderate involvement from SKA: CASA used for commissioning and operations until SDP ready, CASA must support early operational modes. Separate SDP package developed but not expected to be available for early operations. Major SKA investment in CASA: CASA developed as primary operations package for SKA NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

26 Some Bad Ideas Some possible collaboration models that will not work:
Fork the CASA Project, SKA branch develops independently Two teams developing independently on the same codebase Could work for small modifications, but not at any scale Two teams working on different long lived branches, merging to a common codebase and rectifying differences. Merge is unlikely to occur, will foster “us vs. them” mentality NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

27 Proposed Organizational Structure
SKA Head of Software NRAO DMS AD CASA Product Manager SKA-SDP CASA Deputy SKA-SDP Group Lead NRAO Group Lead ESO Group Lead ASIAA Group Lead NAOJ Group Lead SDP-ZA SDP-EU NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

28 Proposed Organizational Structure
NRAO DMS AD CASA Product Manager SKA-SDP Group Lead NRAO Group Lead ESO Group Lead ASIAA Group Lead NAOJ Group Lead SDP-ZA SDP-EU NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

29 Proposed Organizational Structure
NRAO DMS AD CASA Product Manager SDP-EU SDP-ZA NRAO Group Lead ESO Group Lead ASIAA Group Lead NAOJ Group Lead NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

30 Cross Team Interaction
CASA uses sub-projects to organize major efforts Level of formality depends on scope of projects Structure and design of each sub-project can be customized Staff from different geographical areas can be matrixed in to work on a project. Some examples of Sub-Projects: CASA Core Refresh (or this could be broken into multiple bits) High Throughput Computing (again, probably better to be focused) Streaming Processing Interface NRAO-SKA Discussion May 4, Charlottesville VA

31 •
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. •

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