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WFM 6202: Remote Sensing and GIS in Water Management

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1 WFM 6202: Remote Sensing and GIS in Water Management
Geographic Information System (GIS) Analysis of Planform Changes using Satellite Images Dr. A.K.M. Saiful Islam Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM) Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) February, 2016

2 Presentation Outline Changes of River Banks
Change detection using Satellite Images Types and sources of Satellite Images Image Acquisition Processes Image Analysis Tools: ILWIS, ERDAS ILWIS: A Open Source Software Google Earth: As a free image source & analysis tool Hands on Exercise using ILWIS and Landsat Images

3 Change of Bank Line Most of the Major rivers of Bangladesh are either Meandering or Braided. Every year, millions of people are affected by erosion that destroys standing crops, farmland and homestead land. It is estimated that about 5% of the total Floodplain of Bangladesh is directly affected by erosion.

4 Bank Erosion/ Acceration
Changes during Change of width of the rivers Jamuna Ganges Padma Upper Meghna Lower Meghna Bank erosion rate (m/yr) Left   *100 -20 38 7 66 Right *84 56 121 -9 182 Maximum bank erosion rate (m/yr) *784 665 620 NA 824 Bank erosion (ha/yr) *5,020 2,240 1,800 48 1,172 Bank accretion (ha/yr) *890 1,010 233 49 402 Jamuna Ganges Padma Upper Meghna Lower Meghna Average width (m) 1984 9,720 4,367 5,689 3,406 6,661 1993 *11,220 4,693 7,116 3,391 8,897 Rate of change of width (m/yr) 184 36 159 2 248 Source: ISPAN, 1995 Note: * Rates derived for the period

5 Severity of Erosion Teesta River at Sundarganj

6 Application of Remote Sensing for Monitoring Changes of Rive Banks
Satellite data is useful for monitoring changes of Bank lines. However, careful inspection and Ground Truthing is necessary to verify the changes. Using images of various Bands, False Color Composite images are developed to identify various features of the landscape.

7 LANDSAT 5 TM of the Korotoa river
True Color Composite False Color Composite image

8 Satellites Spectral Images can be used Low resolution (<=1km):
NOAA, MODIS Moderate resolution (<100m): Landsat, SPOT High resolution (<5m): ICOKON, Quickbird, IRS, World View-2

9 Spectral Reflectance of Water, Vegetation, Soil and Rock
1 2 3 4 5 7 TM

10 Medium Resolution Satellite
Landsat-7 Orbit: 705 km, inclination, sun-synchronous Swath width: 185 km (FOV = 150) Revisit time: 16 days Spatial resolution: 15 m (PAN), 30 m (bands 1-5, 7), 60 m (band 6) SPOT-1, 2, 3, 4 Orbit: 832 km, inclination, sun-synchronous Swath width: 60 km Revisit time: 26 days Spatial resolution: 10 m (PAN), 20 m (Multispectral)

11 High Resolution Satellites
SPOT-5 Orbit: 822 km, inclination, sun-synchronous Swath width: 60 km Revisit time: 2-3 days Spatial resolution: 5 m (PAN) 10 m (Multispectral) IKONOS Orbit: 681km, inclination, sun-synchronous Swath width: 11km Revisit time: 1-3 days Spatial resolution: 1m (PAN), 4 m (Multispectral)

12 High Resolution Satellites
QuickBird WorldView-1 WorldView-2 Panchromatic (B&W) nm nm nm Multispectral: Coastal Blue nm Blue nm nm Green nm nm Yellow nm Red nm Red Edge nm Near-IR 1 nm nm Near-IR 2 nm QuickBird WorldView-1 WorldView-2 23 m 6.5 m

13 Sources of Satellite Images
High Resolution images need to be purchased. However, some of the moderate resolution images can be downloaded freely. Landsat TM and ETM images can be downloaded from USGS Global Visualization Viewer. MODIS Images can be downloaded from LP DAAC web site at


15 False color composite of Landsat TM image at Shaghata, Gaibandha on Bangali River
11 November 1989 4 November 2005

16 Shift of Bankline Bank Shifting of bankline from base year (1989) to present year (2010) in meter Left Bank Right Bank At the bridge Location +240.8 1 km upstream +190.5 1 km down stream -34.2 +67.35

17 Planform changes of the Korotoa River at Shahjadpur
November 11, 1989 November 17, 2000 November 04, 2005 January 21, 2010

18 Change of Banklines

19 Google Earth as High Resolution Image Source, Chapai Nawababganj on Mahananda

20 Bank lines using Google Earth
February 27, 2004 February 19, 2006

21 Shift of Bank lines Shifting of bank line from base year (2004) to present (m) At the bridge Location -1.9 16.2 1 km upstream -1.3 15.3 1 km down stream -2.9

22 Hands on Exercise on Planform changes of River using Satellite Images
A.K.M. Saiful Islam IWFM, BUET

23 Outline Input Data: Software: ILWIS 3.8 Assignment:
Landsat Images of Year 1989 and 2010 of Band 1-4 Bridge Location Text File (Lat, Long) Software: ILWIS 3.8 Assignment: Develop False Color Composite Images Show the location of the Bridge Site Determine the Bank lines during 1989 and 2010 Detect Changes of Banks

24 Tiles of Landsat TM+ over Bangladesh

25 Arial Khan River at Kalkini of Madaripur district

26 Import Bridge Location
Import Bridge Location Text File “Bridge_Kalkini_Madaripur.txt” It will imported as Table Create a Point Map from the Table Assign coordinate as “Lat-Lon” Longitude, Latitude ,

27 Importing Bridge Locations
Use Import Wizard, Select Text files, Press Next Button

28 Import from Text files Import as “Comma Delimited” ILWIS Table

29 Formatting as value domain
Skip 1 Lines as Header

30 Set precision as E-06 Change domain as “value”
Change precision as “1e-006”

31 Importing Bridge Text file as ILWIS Table
Finish importing table “kalkini_bridge”

32 Creating Maps file from Bridge Table
Open Table, Column1 as longitude and Column 2 as Latitude Create Point Map from the Table by Clicking right mouse > Table to Point Map

33 Create Point Maps from Table
X Column as Long and Y Column as Latitude Coordinate System as LATLON Output PointMap “Kalkini_Bridge” > Show

34 Point Map of Kalkini Bridge
Shows Bridge location As point map

35 Import of Landsat Images of 1989 and 2010 in ILWIS
Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 in folder 2010 and 1989 Import using via GDAL as TIF format Band 1-7 as TIF images Import Geo-Tif Images to ILWIS format

36 Importing TIF Image of Bands
Import using TIF format and write file name Change image format as (TIF) and give a name

37 Displaying image of a single band

38 Import Band 1 to 7 from TIF Images
Import Band 1 to 7 using the same tools with and save file name as b1 to b7. Make a Map List using Band 1 to 7.

39 Creating Maplists from maps
Make map list using “>” and name it as “maps” Add all 7 layers to create a maplist “Maps”

40 Select Bands (7-4-2) for false color composite maps
Use display tool Select band as RGB

41 False color image during 2010
False color composite of landsat image

42 Add Bridge Layer over the Image
Select bridge point map and add it Use add layer button

43 Insert Bridge location on false color composite maps
Change color to red Location of the bridge in red color

44 Zoom over the Bridge Site
Use zoom tool Zoom the map over bridge site

45 Creating Segment Maps of Bank
Create new segment For bank lines Write segment names

46 Customize Snap tools and tolerance for onscreen digitizing
Change tolerance Values to small value Customize Using right Mouse button

47 Onscreen Drawing of Bank lines
Insert tool Start digitizing using Insert tool and then save

48 Planform change during last 21 years at the Bridge site
Bank lines in 1989 Bank lines in 2010

49 Change of Planforms using Images and Field verification
Field visit to the bridge site Changes over 21 years

50 Measuring shifts at Bridge
Bank Shifting of bank line from base year (2000) to present year (2005) in meter At the bridge Location -332 1 km upstream 1 km down stream

51 Existing Bank Protection Works

52 Thank you

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