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From Standards into Practices

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Presentation on theme: "From Standards into Practices"— Presentation transcript:

1 From Standards into Practices

2 Welcome Mark Kobel MassTEC President 2

3 Dr. Bruno G. Hicks Featured Speaker Dean of Education
Fitchburg State University 3

4 Special Thanks to our Vendors!
2016 Conference Vendors AET Labs - E STEM Solutions - EverFi - Goodheart - Wilcox - Intelitek - ITEEA - Project Lead the Way - Technology Education Concepts, Inc. - Technical Education Solutions, LLC - WPI, STEM Education Center - Special Thanks to our Vendors! 4

5 Kurt Lichtenwald MassTEC High School Teacher of the Year
Physics / Robotics /Engineering Teacher Gloucester High School Gloucester, Massachusetts 5 5

6 Doug Shattock MassTEC Middle School Teacher of the Year
Concord Middle School Concord, Massachusetts 6 6

7 MassTEC Program of the Year
John Barry Kurt Lichtenwald David Schneider Gloucester High School Gloucester, Massachusetts 7 7

8 MassTEC Founders Award
Tony Ruscito John Glenn Middle School Bedford, Massachusetts 8 8

9 Conference Sign Up Survey "Who are we?"
9 9

10 Conference Sign Up Survey "Where are we educationally?"
10 10

11 Conference Sign Up Survey "Where do we go with PD from here?"
Updates at 11 11

12 TEECA Dr. James Alicata Fitchburg State University 12

13 Lunch is ready! 13

14 Back to our regularly Scheduled program… 14

15 We need you to join the Board
Charles Corley, DTE William Cosenza Scott Jewell, Treasurer Scott Karpuk Mark Kobel, President Dr. Ray McCarthy Tony Ruscito Doug Shattuck, Secretary Tom Sullivan Rhonda Theroux, Vice President Peter Wahlstrom Bill Wolfson MassTEC Executive Board We need you to join the Board 15

16 Joint Rollout Events Coming to your neighborhood this winter / spring
Run by MAST /MSELA / MassTEC Updates at 16 16

17 Session 3 Debriefing 17

18 From Standards into Practices
By Mark & Scott

19 What Are Standards? They are a guide to “what” you to teach
2001 standards - what students should “know” 2016 standards - what students should “understand”

20 ETS3. Technological Systems
7.MS-ETS3-1(MA). Explain the function of a communication system and the role of its components, including a source, encoder, transmitter, receiver, decoder, and storage. (MA) = Written by the Massachusetts Review panel. Not in the NGSS. (MA) = Included in the 2016 Massachusetts STE Standards (which were adapted from the NGSS)

21 What are the frameworks?
They are a guide to what students need to know, understand and do.

22 What is in the frameworks that could be useful to me?
There are Tools: Strand maps pp & web site Disciplinary core idea pp Safety practices and legal requirements pp ANSI Z87.1 - Applicable Massachusetts Law -1 - Safety Goggles - OSHA standard— ) Protective eye and face protection devices must comply with ...ANSI / ISEA Z87.1

23 These are the skills we expect our students
Practices pp These are the skills we expect our students to learn and master.

24 Science and Engineering Practices
1. Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering). 2. Developing and using models. 3. Planning and carrying out investigations. 4. Analyzing and interpreting data. 5. Using mathematics and computational thinking. 6. Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering). 7. Engaging in argument from evidence. 8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.

25 Asking questions and defining problems

26 Developing and using models

27 Planning and carrying out investigations

28 Analyzing and interpreting data

29 Using mathematical and computational thinking

30 Constructing explanations and designing solutions

31 Engaging in argument from evidence

32 Obtaining , evaluating and communicating information

33 AET Labs - E STEM Solutions -
2016 Conference Vendors AET Labs - E STEM Solutions - EverFi - Goodheart - Wilcox - Intelitek - ITEEA - Project Lead the Way - Technology Education Concepts, Inc. - Technical Education Solutions, LLC - WPI, STEM Education Center - 33

34 From Standards into Practices

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