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Prof. Annamaria Campanini

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1 Prof. Annamaria Campanini
Introduction of The International Association of Schools of Social Work Prof. Annamaria Campanini President IASSW Milano Bicocca University

2 History of IASSW IASSW was founded in 1928 at the First International
Conference of Social Work, held in Paris. .

3 Important Figures of IASSW
There are many important personalities who devoted their work to the IASSW. Alice Salomon, founder of social work education in Germany and the first president of the IASSW.

4 IASSW Honorary President (1978-2010)
Katherine Kendall (USA) joined IASSW in the 1950s and was IASSW Secretary and than Honorary President ( ) . Kendall worked in the UN from 1947 to 1950 as Social Affairs Officer and has developed an international social work training for developing countries. She continued to serve as an official non-governmental representative at the UN for the IASSW.

5 The Katherine A. Kendall Memorial Award
The Katherine A. Kendall Memorial Award was introduced in 1992 to honor the late IASSW Honorary President, Dr. Katherine A. Kendall RECIPIENTS 1992: Arrnaiti Desai (India) 1994: Herman Stein (USA) 1996: Robin Huws Jones (UK) 1998: Harriet Jakobbsen (Sweden) 2000: Maria del Carmen Mendoza Rangel (Mexico) 2002: John Maxwell (Jamaica) 2004: Terry Hockenstad (USA) 2006: Sven Hessle (Sweden) 2008: Shulamit Ramon (UK) 2010: Silvia M. Staub-Bernasconi (Germany) 2012: Lena Dominelli (UK) 2014: Lynne Healy (USA) 2016: Abye Tasse (Ethiopia) L-R: In young Han, Abye Tasse, Antoinette Lombard

6 The latest Presidents of IASSW
Abye Tasse (Ethiopia) Vimla Nadkarni (India) Angelina Yuen (Hong Kong) Annamaria Campanini (Italy)

7 Board Members at Seoul Conference-2016

8 Vision of IASSW ‘Excellence in social work education, research and scholarship across the globe, in pursuit of a more just and equitable world’.

9 Our Mission To develop and promote excellence in social work
education, research and scholarship globally in order to enhance human well being. To represent social work education at the international level To support and facilitate participation in mutual exchanges of information and expertise To promote social change and social development through different task forces and committees

10 IASSW Structure General Assembly convened once in two years, usually during the biennial congress. Representatives of IASSW member schools, and individual members, are invited to attend the General Assembly, participate in the discussions and vote for President, Secretary, Treasurer and member at large

11 IASSW Structure Officers : President, Secretary, Treasurer
Executive Committee : The Officers plus the 5 Vice Presidents (Regional Presidents) and the 4 Members at large. The executive committee meets twice a year before every board meeting.

12 IASSW Structure The Board of Directors : consists of the officers, the presidents of the five IASSW regions, representatives of national, sub-regional and regional associations, representatives of interest groups, and members at large elected by the entire membership. The board usually meets twice a year.

13 Education: Capacity Building, Research, International projects
IASSW Committees IASSW COMMITTEES Education: Capacity Building, Research, International projects Advocacy and International Collaborations: IASSW-UN International; Sustainability, Climate Change, Disaster Intervention; IASSW-UNAIDS; Global Agenda Communications and Publications: Website; Social Dialogue online, International Social Work journal, Book publications; World Census Administrative: Budget and Finance (includes Solidarity Fund); Nominating Committee; Language Committee

14 Members of IASSW 403 member schools and 5 affiliated members from 65 countries from all continents around the world; 231 individual members, mostly social workers and social work educators; 3 life individual membership (introduced in 2015)

15 Membership benefits Right to vote vote at the General Assembly held biennially. Each school has one vote, individual members have a pro rata right to vote at the General Assembly Reduced registration fees at the Biennial International Congress organised by IASSW

16 Membership benefits Participation in ongoing projects related to social themes – poverty, macro development, peace, human rights, ecology, women, children, AIDS… Participation in the activities of the IASSW committees and task forces

17 Membership benefits Eligibility to apply for IASSW funding regarding joint projects with other schools of social work, designed to advance IASSW Mission and to the enhancement of cooperation among schools of social work worldwide.

18 Membership benefits Free subscription to the IASSW - Google groups and Social Dialogue magazine; Free subscription to International Social Work journal (for IASSW individual members) and discounted subscription to International Journal of Social Welfare (for IASSW individual members);

19 IASSW Activities In cooperation with IFSW and ICSW has developed:
Biennial International conferences on Social Work and Social Development the Global Agenda (

20 IASSW Activities In cooperation with IFSW has developed the:
International Definition of Social Work (2014, Melbourne) ‘Ethics in Social Work, Statement of Principles’ (Adelaide, 2004) Global Standards for Social Work Education and Training (Adelaide, 2004)

21 IASSW Activities Through the different committees IASSW members are carrying on many activities: Participation in Tripartite Meeting (IASSW- ICSW-IFSW) for the organization of the conference, the enhancement of the Global Agenda Workshops for member schools linked to Board Meetings and organisation of Conferences

22 IASSW Activities Supporting development of social work education through “capacity building initiatives” or curricula review Representing social work education at UN (IASSW holds consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) at United Nations and participates as an NGO in UN activities in Geneva and New York.

23 Publications Social Dialogue (on line) and books publication 23

24 International Social Work Journal
Expanding knowledge of international social work/social work internationally through co-sponsorship of the journal, International Social Work 24

25 Workplan of IASSW Outreach to countries where social work education is slowly developing (Arab, South East Asia, some parts of Africa etc.) Provide communication and learning platform to the new schools for sharing their curriculum and learning with others. Development of Resource materials. Review and support services on social work curriculum. Implementation of the Global Agenda. International exchange program for faculty and students

26 For more information on IASSW
IASSW official web-site:  IASSW at Facebook: IASSW at IASSW at Linkedin: International Association of Schools of Social Work (group)

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