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Robotic Urologic Surgery: where does it fit?

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Presentation on theme: "Robotic Urologic Surgery: where does it fit?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Robotic Urologic Surgery: where does it fit?
Riccardo Autorino Conflict of interest: None

2 Recent evolution of urologic surgery
Autorino Espinho 2011

3 Brief history 1980s: DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) remote surgery research program 1999: first da Vinci™ System introduced 2000: US FDA clears da Vinci™ for laparoscopy 3D vision Endowrist™ Intuitive™ motion Autorino Espinho 2011

4 Brief history 2003: major upgrade with 4th arm
2006: da Vinci S™ introduced HD vision TilePro™ Multiquadrant access Autorino Espinho 2011

5 Brief history 2009: da Vinci Si™ introduced Dual console
Enhanced HD vision (1080i) Refined master controllers Simplified energy control footswitch panel Additional ergonomic settings Autorino Espinho 2011

6 As of April 6th 2011 Autorino Espinho 2011

7 Robotic surgery: current urologic indications
Autorino Espinho 2011

8 As of April 6th 2011 Autorino Espinho 2011

9 Robotic RP: initial case report
Autorino Espinho 2011

10 Robotic RP: after a decade
Autorino Espinho 2011

11 Robotic RP: after a decade
Autorino Espinho 2011

12 Robotic RP: after a decade
Autorino Espinho 2011

13 Outcomes in RP: the age of «…fecta»
Autorino Espinho 2011

14 Outcomes in RP: the age of «…fecta»
Autorino Espinho 2011

15 Robotic prostatectomy: an ongoing debate
Autorino Espinho 2011

16 Robotic RP: an ongoing debate
Autorino Espinho 2011

17 Robotic RP: an ongoing debate
Autorino Espinho 2011

18 Robotic RP: where is the truth? The surgeon factor
Autorino Espinho 2011

19 Robotic Partial Nephrectomy
Autorino Espinho 2011

20 Robotic Partial Nephrectomy
Autorino Espinho 2011

21 Robotic Partial Nephrectomy: an open debate
Autorino Espinho 2011

22 Pyeloplasty Autorino Espinho 2011

23 Pyeloplasty Autorino Espinho 2011

24 The cost issue Autorino Espinho 2011

25 The cost issue Autorino Espinho 2011

26 The cost issue Autorino Espinho 2011

27 Internet & medicine Autorino Espinho 2011

28 Internet & medicine Autorino Espinho 2011

29 Internet & medicine Autorino Espinho 2011

30 Internet & medicine Autorino Espinho 2011

31 Robotic Urologic Societies
Autorino Espinho 2011

32 Robotic urologic meetings & courses
Autorino Espinho 2011

33 The traininig issue Autorino Espinho 2011

34 The patient perspective: one side…
Autorino Espinho 2011

35 The patient perspective: the other side…
Autorino Espinho 2011

36 The patient perspective: the other side…
Autorino Espinho 2011

37 New indications Autorino Espinho 2011

38 New indications Autorino Espinho 2011

39 New indications Autorino Espinho 2011

40 New applications Autorino Espinho 2011

41 New applications Autorino Espinho 2011

42 Obrigado Autorino Espinho 2011

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