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Published byBernice Jennings Modified over 6 years ago
EIC Realisation Plans Rolf Ent (Jefferson Lab)
For the JLEIC Collaboration With acknowledgement to Fulvia Pilat (Jefferson Lab) and Ferdi Willeke (Brookhaven National Lab) for their slides that I could freely borrow from. And with thanks to many of my EIC User Group colleagues DIS Birmingham April 3-7, 2017
Outline Electron-Ion Collider (EIC):
Science Introduction – Imaging the Gluons and Quark Sea of Nucleons and Nuclei The requirements of the EIC – unique and perhaps counterintuitive 2015 US Nuclear Science Long-Range Plan The conceptualizations of the EIC Ongoing and next steps for the EIC 2
Why an Electron-Ion Collider
Interactions and structure are mixed up in nuclear matter: Nuclear matter is made of quarks that are bound by gluons that also bind themselves. Unlike with the more familiar atomic and molecular matter, the interactions and structures are inextricably mixed up, and the observed properties of nucleons and nuclei, such as mass & spin, emerge out of this complex system. Gaining understanding of this dynamic matter is transformational: Gaining detailed knowledge of this astonishing dynamical system at the heart of our world will be transformational, perhaps in an even more dramatic way than how the understanding of the atomic and molecular structure of matter led to new frontiers, new sciences and new technologies. The Electron Ion Collider is the right tool: A new US-based facility, EIC, with a versatile range of beam energies, polarizations, and species, as well as high luminosity, is required to precisely image the quarks and gluons and their interactions, to explore the new QCD frontier of strong color fields in nuclei – to understand how matter at its most fundamental level is made.
A new facility is needed to investigate, with precision, the dynamics of gluons & sea quarks and their role in the structure of visible matter: How are the sea quarks and gluons, and their spins, distributed in space and momentum inside the nucleon? How do the nucleon properties emerge from them and their interactions? How do color-charged quarks and gluons, and colorless jets, interact with a nuclear medium? How do the confined hadronic states emerge from these quarks and gluons? How do the quark-gluon interactions create nuclear binding? How does a dense nuclear environment affect the quarks and gluons, their correlations, and their interactions? What happens to the gluon density in nuclei? Does it saturate at high energy, giving rise to a gluonic matter with universal properties in all nuclei, even the proton? gluon emission gluon recombination ?=?
The Electron Ion Collider
For e-N collisions at the EIC: Polarized beams: e, p, d/3He e beam 3-10(20) GeV Luminosity Lep ~ cm-2sec-1 times HERA 20-~100 (140) GeV Variable CoM v3 A. Accardi et al For e-A collisions at the EIC: Wide range in nuclei Luminosity per nucleon same as e-p Variable center of mass energy World’s first Polarized electron-proton/light ion and electron-Nucleus collider Two proposals for realization of the science case - both designs use DOE’s significant investments in infrastructure 6
Physics vs. Luminosity & Energy
1032 1034 1033 Tomography (p/A) Transverse Momentum Distribution and Spatial Imaging 100 Spin and Flavor Structure of the Nucleon and Nuclei Luminosity (cm-2 sec-1) Integrated Luminosity (fb-1/yr) 10 QCD at Extreme Parton Densities - Saturation Parton Distributions in Nuclei 1 40 80 120 √S (GeV) 7
Physics vs. EIC Design Requirements
What the nuclear physicists dream off and drives the EIC designs, with upgrade paths included either in luminosity or in CM energy 1032 1034 1033 EIC range – with 100% acceptance 100 Flexibility in energies Polarization – e- and p/d/3He Range of nuclei – H to Pb/U Excellent acceptance Good particle identification and resolution Luminosity (cm-2 sec-1) Integrated Luminosity (fb-1/yr) 10 1 Polarized luminosity and the capability to measure physics of interest is what counts 40 80 120 √s (GeV)
The US Nuclear Science Long-Range Planning Process
Nuclear Science Long-Range Planning
Every 5-7 years the Nuclear Science community produces a Long-Range Planning (LRP) Document Previous versions: , 1983, 1989, 1996, 2002, 2007 The final document includes a small set of recommendations for the field of Nuclear Science for the next decade For instance, 12 GeV construction was the highest recommendation of the 2007 plan. How does it work: The Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society organizes a series of Town Meetings, where the community provides input in the form of presentations and in the form of contributed “White Papers” Each Town Meeting produces a set of recommendations and a summary “White Paper” The Nuclear Science Advisory Committee, extended to about 60 people into a Long-Range Plan Working Group, then comes together for a week and decides on a final set of recommendations and produces a LRP document
2015 NSAC LRP Recommendations - shorthand
The progress achieved under the guidance of the 2007 Long Range Plan has reinforced U.S. world leadership in nuclear science. The highest priority in this 2015 Plan is to capitalize on the investments made. 12 GeV – unfold quark & gluon structure of hadrons and nuclei FRIB – understanding of nuclei and their role in the cosmos Fundamental Symmetries Initiative – physics beyond the SM RHIC – properties and phases of quark and gluon matter The ordering of these four bullets follows the priority ordering of the 2007 plan We recommend the timely development and deployment of a U.S.-led ton- scale neutrinoless double beta decay experiment. We recommend a high-energy high-luminosity polarized Electron Ion Collider as the highest priority for new facility construction following the completion of FRIB. We recommend increasing investment in small and mid-scale projects and initiatives that enable forefront research at universities and laboratories.
2015 NSAC LRP Initiatives - shorthand
A number of specific initiatives are presented in the body of the report to follow. Two initiatives that support the recommendations made above and that will have significant impact on the field of nuclear science are highlighted here. To meet the challenges and realize the full scientic potential of current and future experiments requires new investments in theoretical and computational nuclear physics. Computational nuclear theory FRIB theory alliance Topical Collaboration expansion We recommend vigorous detector and accelerator R&D in support of the neutrinoless double beta decay program and the Electron Ion Collider. Note: also an initiative on Workforce, Education, and Outreach to recruit and educate early career scientists, including items like REU, SULI, Summer Schools, etc.
The Conceptualizations of the (US-Based) EIC
US-Based EICs JLEIC 14
eRHIC Realization Use existing RHIC Up to 275 GeV protons
Existing: tunnel, detector halls & hadron injector complex Add 18 GeV e-accelerator in the same tunnel Use either high intensity Electron Storage Ring or Energy Recovery Linac Achieve high luminosity, high energy e-p/A collisions with full acceptance detectors Luminosity and/or energy staging are possible Spin and Flavor Structure of the Nucleons and Nuclei Internal Landscape of Nuclei QCD at Extreme Parton Densities - Saturation Tomography (p/A) Transverse Momentum Distribution and Spatial Imaging 1032 1034 1033 50 100 150 e-N Center-of-Mass Energy [√(Z/A) GeV] e-N Luminosity [cm-2 s-1] 1 10 e-N Annual Integrated Luminosity [fb-1]
eRHIC - Main Parameters for Maximum Luminosity
eRHIC slides – collection from talk by Ferdi Willeke (BNL) who presented eRHIC update this week at JLEIC Collaboration meeting This luminosity profile assumes CEC (Coherent Electron Cooling) eRHIC Choice is to go with CeC, but will consider other schemes as well if necessary Ecm
Cooling (eRHIC) – Risk Mitigation
Installed in RHIC IR-2pm Coherent Electron Cooling studies planned for FY18 Coherent electron cooling is a novel technique There are number of risks associated with the technical implementation, if not with the principle itself. Thus there is a risk that strong Hadron cooling will be not available or will be delayed These risks are mitigated as follows: A moderate Luminosity solution with 3 ∙1033 cm-2s-1 luminosity would support a compelling physics program A moderate solution can be upgraded to 5 ∙1033 cm-2s-1 by increasing the number of bunches by factor ~1.7 and the beam current. No cooling would be required and the high beam currents are addressed in the design Magnetized cooling is equally challenging as its implementation constitutes a considerable risk as though, there are somewhat less concerns about the cooling principle. Implementation is not impossibly but certainly quite expensive. RHIC is preparing unmagnetized electron cooling as part of FY19-20 low energy operations plan.
eRHIC Interaction Region Layout
Note distorted scale (JLEIC detector and interaction region layout in separate talk this afternoon) Interleaved arrangement of electron and hadron quadrupoles 22mrad total crossing angle, using crab cavities Beam size in crab cavity region independent of energy – crab cavity apertures can be rather small, thus allowing for higher frequency Forward spectrometer (B0) and Roman Pots (R1-R4) for full acceptance
JLEIC Realization Use existing CEBAF for polarized electron injector
Figure 8 Layout: Optimized for high ion beam polarization polarized deuterons Energy Range: √s : 20 to GeV (magnet technology choice) Fully integrated detector/IR JLEIC achieves initial high luminosity, with technology choice determining initial and upgraded energy reach 1035 1034 1033 ( LHC 400x12 GeV 100x10 GeV
JLEIC energy reach and luminosity
Recently implemented a baseline modification (essentially: no change of concept, but add strong cooling back in and optimize collider parameters) Baseline = 3T LHC technology Note: Baseline choice is a mix of risk, total detection capabilities, energy/luminosity needs. Baseline gives access to start all science of EIC white paper.
JLEIC Baseline New Parameters
CM energy GeV 21.9 (low) 44.7 (medium) 63.3 (high) p e Beam energy 40 3 100 5 10 Collision frequency MHz 476 476/4=119 Particles per bunch 1010 0.98 3.7 3.9 Beam current A 0.75 2.8 0.71 Polarization % 80 75 Bunch length, RMS cm 1 2.2 Norm. emitt., hor./vert. μm 0.3/0.3 24/24 0.5/0.1 54/10.8 0.9/0.18 432/86.4 Horizontal & vertical β* 8/8 13.5/13.5 6/1.2 5.1/1 10.5/2.1 4/0.8 Vert. beam-beam param. 0.015 0.092 0.068 0.008 0.034 Laslett tune-shift 0.06 7x10-4 0.055 6x10-4 0.056 7x10-5 Detector space, up/down m 3.6/7 3.2/3 Hourglass(HG) reduction 0.87 Luminosity/IP, w/HG, 1033 cm-2s-1 2.5 21.4 5.9
Bunched Ion Beam Cooling – preliminary results
A collaboration of JLAB and Institute of Modern Physics (IMP), China The 1st experiment was carried out on May 17-22, 2016, at Lanzhou, China A 7MeV/u 12C6+ ion beam stored in the IMP CSRm ring, either coasting or captured by 450kHz RF system (two long bunches) Cooling of both coasting and bunched ion by a pulsed electron beam are observed: first successful step of experimental demonstration of bunched beam cooling Data analysis both at IMP and JLAB is in progress Initial 1D modeling with RF capture and bunching shows the ion cooling and synchrotron sideband effects, agree with experimental observations Experiment data observation on BPMs cooled ion bunches uncooled ion bunches Electron bunches 1.5ms
Integration IR: JLEIC total acceptance detector
Possible to get ~100% acceptance for the whole event Scattered electron Particles Associated with Initial Ion Particles associated with struck parton Relatively large crossing angle (50 mr) combined with large aperture final focus magnets, and forward dipoles are keys to this design.
Comparison JLEIC and eRHIC (Jan. 2017)
Note: luminosity projections shown by Ferdi Willeke for eRHIC R-R low-risk this week seem a bit higher *eRHIC parameters taken from F. Willeke slides (F. Pilat talk) from EIC opportunities meeting for INFN, Genova (17 January, 2017) JLEIC parameters can be found at (January, 2017 update)
JLEIC possible timeline (eRHIC similar)
Activity Name 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 12 GeV Operations 12 GeV Upgrade FRIB EIC Physics Case NSAC LRP NAS Study CD0 EIC Design, R&D Pre-CDR, CDR CD1(Down-select) CD2/CD3 EIC Construction pre-project on-project Pre-CDR CDR CD0 = DOE “Mission Need” statement; CD1 = design choice and site selection CD2/CD3 = establish project baseline cost and schedule update: 1/13/17
Ongoing and next steps 26
EIC Realization Imagined
With a formal NSAC/LRP recommendation, what can we speculate about any EIC timeline? It seemed unlikely that a CD-0 (US Mission Need statement) will be awarded before completion of a National Academy of Sciences study – Indeed, a study has been initiated and is ongoing – 1st meeting February 1-2, 2nd meeting April 19-20 – This would/could imply CD-0 Late 2017? EIC accelerator R&D questions will not be completely answered until ~2018 (DOE/NP peer review held November 30-December 2, report released in February, FOA for EIC accelerator R&D expected) Site selection may occur at CD-1 Level, perhaps around 2019 EIC construction has to start after FRIB completion, with FRIB construction anticipated to start ramping down near or in FY20 Most optimistic scenario would have EIC construction start (CD3) in FY20, perhaps more realistic (yet optimistic) FY22-23 timeframe Best guess for EIC completion assuming NAS blessing would be timeframe 27
DOE budget in FY 2015 dollars for Modest Growth scenario
What’s ongoing, what’s next
As “Town Meeting” of US Nuclear Science Long-Range Planning effort: June EIC Users Group Meeting at Stony Brook ~180 participants from all over the world After NSAC Long Range Plan, first preparatory EIC UG Meeting: January 2016 EIC Users Group Meeting at Un. California at Berkeley ~120+ participants…from all continents EIC UG meeting (EICUG charter accepted), joint with detector R&D meeting July 6-7, 2016 Generic EIC-related detector R&D meeting at ANL July 7-9, EIC Users Group Meeting at ANL EIC User Group Satellite Meeting at INPC in Adelaide, September 12, 2016 EIC User Group Meeting (electronic) to prepare National Academy of Science talk on EIC representing EICUG and Labs, March 18, 2017 Next EIC UG meeting: July 18-22, 2017 in Trieste, Italy 29
NAS Study - Charge to the EIC (2016)
The committee will assess the scientific justification for a U.S. domestic electron ion collider facility, taking into account current international plans and existing domestic facility infrastructure. In preparing its report, the committee will address the role that such a facility could play in the future of nuclear physics, considering the field broadly, but placing emphasis on its potential scientific impact on quantum chromodynamics. In particular, the committee will address the following questions: What is the merit and significance of the science that could be addressed by an electron ion collider facility and what is its importance in the overall context of research in nuclear physics and the physical sciences in general? What are the capabilities of other facilities, existing and planned, domestic and abroad, to address the science opportunities afforded by an electron-ion collider? What unique scientific role could be played by a domestic electron ion collider facility that is complementary to existing and planned facilities at home and elsewhere? What are the benefits to US leadership in nuclear physics if a domestic electron ion collider were constructed? What are the benefits to other fields of science and to society of establishing such a facility in the United States?
Worldwide Interest in EIC Physics
The EIC Users Group: EICUG.ORG (no students included as of yet) 670 collaborators, 28 countries, 150 institutions... (December, 2016) Map of institution’s locations
Conclusion The EIC will profoundly impact our understanding of the structure of nucleons and nuclei in terms of sea quarks & gluons Can we provide a bridge between sea quarks/gluons and nuclei? EIC will enable IMAGES of yet unexplored regions of phase spaces in QCD with its high luminosity/energy, nuclei & beam polarization There is high potential for discovery Outstanding questions raised both by the science at RHIC/LHC and at HERMES/COMPASS/Jefferson Lab, have naturally led to the science and design parameters of the EIC There exists world wide interest in collaborating on the EIC Accelerator scientists at RHIC and JLab, in collaboration with many outside interested accelerator groups, can provide the intellectual and technical leadership to realize the EIC, a frontier accelerator facility. The future of QCD-based nuclear science demands an Electron Ion Collider 33
2015 NSAC LRP Recommendations - shorthand
The highest priority in this 2015 Plan is to capitalize on the investments made. 12 GeV – unfold quark & gluon structure of hadrons and nuclei FRIB – understanding of nuclei and their role in the cosmos Fundamental Symmetries Initiative – physics beyond the SM RHIC – properties and phases of quark and gluon matter The ordering of these four bullets follows the priority ordering of the 2007 plan We recommend the timely development and deployment of a U.S.-led ton-scale neutrinoless double beta decay experiment. We recommend a high-energy high-luminosity polarized Electron Ion Collider as the highest priority for new facility construction following the completion of FRIB. We recommend increasing investment in small and mid- scale projects and initiatives that enable forefront research at universities and laboratories.
2015 NSAC LRP Initiatives - shorthand
A number of specific initiatives are presented in the body of the report to follow. Two initiatives that support the recommendations made above and that will have significant impact on the field of nuclear science are highlighted here. To meet the challenges and realize the full scientic potential of current and future experiments requires new investments in theoretical and computational nuclear physics. Computational nuclear theory FRIB theory alliance Topical Collaboration expansion We recommend vigorous detector and accelerator R&D in support of the neutrinoless double beta decay program and the Electron Ion Collider. Note: also an initiative on Workforce, Education, and Outreach to recruit and educate early career scientists, including items like REU, SULI, Summer Schools, etc.
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