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Published byMartha Cooper Modified over 6 years ago
Budget Management for Schools Schools Front End (SFE)
Budget Services & Financial Planning Division School Fiscal Services Branch
agenda Key Terms and Concepts
Schools Front End (SFE) Budget Adjustment Workflow Accessing Schools Front End (SFE) in BTS Enter Budget Adjustment in Schools Front End (SFE) Print School Budget Signature Form – WIP (Work in Progress) Version School Site Approval Process Delete a WIP (Work in Progress) Reports in Schools Front End (SFE) Hyperlinked Control Sheets
Key Terms and concepts
SAP BTS SFE COFE Key Terms and Concepts
Systems, Applications and Products SAP Software system purchased by LAUSD to complete the goals of integrating various systems into one Central Office Front End COFE Interface used by Central Office to perform budget planning and maintenance Schools Front End SFE Interface used by schools and Educational Service Centers to perform budget planning and maintenance Business Tools for Schools BTS Name of the project implemented to replace the aging financial, purchasing, payroll and human resource system of LAUSD
SACS Account String Fund 010-0000 Functional Area 1110-1000-13027
Key Terms and Concepts For time reporting and budgeting, we use Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) to represent school locations and specific programs in SAP SACS Account String Fund Functional Area
Key Terms and Concepts Fund 010-0000 Comprised of 2 SACS fields.
SACS FUND 010 Consists of a 3 digit SACS Fund number SACS Resource 0000 Consists of a 4 digit SACS Resource number
Composed of 3 groups of numbers
Key Terms and Concepts Functional Area Composed of 3 groups of numbers 1110 SACS Goal is the first 4 digits of the functional area. It groups costs by population, setting, and/or educational mode 1110-Regular Education, K-12 4760-Bilingual 1000 SACS Function is the middle 4 digits of the functional area. It describes activities or services performed to accomplish one or more objectives in the Goal. 1000-Instruction 2700-Adminstration 13027 Program is the last 5 digits of the functional area. General Programs start with 1XXXX 13027=General Fund Categorical Funds and Grants start with 7XXXX 7S046=Title I Program
Cost Center/Fund Center
Key Terms and Concepts Cost Center/Fund Center 1 1234 (Location Code) 01 Cost Center/Fund Center Cost Centers are composed of 7 digits. Cost Centers begin with a 1 followed by (4) digit Location Code and ending with (2) additional digits for sub- location designation, such as Magnet Centers and Small Learning Communities. Magnet Cost Center (subsequent numbers used if more than one Magnet location)
Key Terms and Concepts Commitment Item/General Ledger (GL) Account 430010 Instructional Material Account The commitment item/GL Account is composed of 6 digits. The commitment item, general ledger, and the cost element are equivalent or interchangeable expenditure codes that represents salaries, goods, and services that may be budgeted. Examples are salaries, employee benefits, supplies, contracts and equipment.
Key Terms and Concepts Budget Versions
- FN0 – Final Version – Used during Budget Development - CM0 - Current Maintenance
Budget Line Types Key Terms and Concepts
“1POSITN” Position budget line items “2OTHS-L” Other Salary budget line items-Limited Community Rep, Teacher X, Clerical Overtime “3OTH-L” Other Budget Limited line items IMA, General Supplies
Key Terms and Concepts Position Status
Active Activates a position and calculates the position cost based on the entered start and end date. Closed Closes a position and releases the funds associated with the position based on the end date. Suspend Used to capture salary savings within an active position start and end date. For example, if a Teacher Assistant position was vacant from 10/1/2014 to 12/1/2014, the position can be suspended for those dates, which generates salary savings that can be repurposed. For Categorical Programs, positions can only be suspended if they are vacant for 20 or more consecutive work days.
Key Terms and Concepts Budget Status Before WIP (Work in progress)
Status of the program budget prior to any changes. WIP (Work in progress) Indicates unapproved budget changes that have been saved in SFE awaiting approvals. An “unofficial” saved change to the budget. Submitted Indicates that the budget adjustment has been reviewed at the school level, and submitted for Local District approval. Approved Indicates that the budget has been reviewed at the Local District level and accepted in SFE by the Fiscal Specialist.
Schools Front End (SFE) User Roles
Key Terms and Concepts Schools Front End (SFE) User Roles SFE School Budget Adjuster Allows user to display and maintain budget, and generate selected reports. Who: School Administrative Assistant (SAA), Categorical Program Advisor SFE School Budget Submitter Allows user to display, maintain, and submit budget adjustments, and generate selected reports. Who: School Site Principal
Key Terms and Concepts SFE Matchbox feature
Clicking in some fields in SFE will give you access to a matchbox. Clicking on the matchbox will provide a dropdown menu with options for filling in that field.
Schools Front End (SFE) Budget Adjustment Workflow
Schools Front End Budget Adjustment Workflow
Accessing Schools Front End (SFE) in BTS
Accessing Schools Front End (SFE) in BTS
1 On the LAUSD home page type to access the Business Tools for Schools sign on page
Accessing Schools Front End (SFE) in BTS
2 Enter single sign on User ID and password & click Log on
Accessing Schools Front End (SFE) in BTS
3 Click on the “Financials/Budget” Tab, then click on “SAP Budget-Schools Front End”
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
1 Input the following fields: Fund Center – 7 digits SACS Fund – always 010 LAUSD Program - 5 digits 2 Click “Save Selection Criteria” (saves entered data), then click “Budget Maintenance”
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
3 A new Work In Progress will be created
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
Navigation menu similar to the button in the School Budget Maintenance Screen (save changes, back, delete WIP) Menu Saves changes and return the user to the SFE home screen Save Navigates back to the previous screen Back Cancels last action and navigates back to the previous screen Cancel Expandable tools menu – not applicable to SFE System Available to Administrators Submit for Approval Displays incumbent warnings Warnings Displays cost limits (Indirect, PD, IMA, etc.) when applicable Cost Limits Allows user to delete a Work in Progress and return to the last approved budget Delete WIP
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
Exercise 1 Create a Budget Adjustment to Move Dollars Between Existing Budget Line Items. Locate the budget line items to be adjusted Reduce “OTH NON INSTRL CONT” line item Click on the “Total Cost” field and reduce the amount in this line to $0 Click “Validate” Add dollars to “CURRICULAR TRIPS” Note: The Total Difference field will reflect the total of the two lines (Oth Non Instrl Cont + IMA). Add $20,000 to CURRICULAR TRIPS (amount in Total Difference field) Click “Validate” to complete the transaction and check for errors. The message “All budget entries are valid” should display at the bottom of the screen. Once you have completed all the steps, the budget adjustment is ready to be printed, signed (Principal & SSC Chair if applicable), and submitted to Fiscal Specialist for Approval
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
Locate the budget line items to be adjusted. You may have to scroll down to display additional budget lines. 1
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
2 Reduce “Oth Non Instr Cont” line item Click on the “Total Cost” field and reduce the amount in this line to $0 Click “Validate” b a
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
Add dollars to “Curricular Trips” Click on the “Total Cost” field – Curricular Trips and reduce the amount in this line to $0 Click “Validate” 3 b a
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
The difference field now reflects the total Oth Non Instrl Cont + Curricular Trips
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
3 Add dollars to Curricular Trips Add $20,000 to “Curricular Trips” (amount in “Total Difference” field) Click “Validate” to complete transaction and check for errors -system displays “All budget entries are valid” d c
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
7 4 6 5 The “Total Difference” field reflects a difference of $0 The “Difference” column will show the dollars transferred between the two line items. The “Total Cost” column will show the new budget for each line. Click “Save” to go back to the SFE home screen
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
Exercise 2 Create a Budget Adjustment to Add a New Item Based Detail Line Teacher Assistant Position. Add New Teacher Assistant position a. Locate “Line Type” under “Add New Item Based Detail Line”. Use matchbox to select “1POSITN”. b. Enter the item number for a Teacher Assistant Degree Track c. Use the matchbox next to “Goal” to select the goal. d. Use the matchbox next to “Function” to select the function. e. Click “NEXT” (under “Temp Position”) to generate a temporary position control number. f Click “Add Entry”. Notes: When entering positions in Program 13027, you must click on the Item matchbox and enter the job code, select the budget item number, and press enter. The system will populate the job description, goal, and function. Clicking on the Item matchbox will give the option to search for a position by job code. The job code is available on the Estimated Rates Sheet. The Fund/Functional Area Translator can be used to identify the correct goal and function.
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
Exercise 2 Create a Budget Adjustment to Add a New Item Based Detail Line Teacher Assistant Position. Enter additional required information on newly added item based detail line Input the following: Start date – 7/1/2015 (if the item is to be funded for the entire fiscal year) End date – 6/30/2016 Hours per day - 3 Days per week - 5 Fund % - 100% Click “Validate” and the system will generate the total cost for the position Move funds from “DAY-TO-DAY SUBS” Locate the “DAY-TO-DAY SUBS” budget line item Click on the “Total Cost” of the Day to Day Subs budget line item and reduce to $0 Click on “Validate” Input the amount in the “Total Difference” field in the “Total Cost” column of the IMA budget line item Click “Validate” Once you have completed all the steps, the budget adjustment is ready to be printed, signed (Principal & SSC Chair if applicable), and submitted to Fiscal Specialist for Approval
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
1 Select “1POSITN” under Line Type Enter the “Item Number” Teacher Assistant (see note below regarding positions in program 13027) Use the “Goal” matchbox to select the goal. Use the “Function” matchbox to select the function. Click “NEXT” (under “Temp Position”) to generate a temporary position control number. Click “Add Entry” e a b c d Note: When entering positions in Program 13027, click the matchbox in “Item”, enter the job code, select budget item number, press enter, and job description name, goal, and function will populate.
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
2 Enter additional required information Input the following: Start date – 7/1/2015 (if the position is to be funded for the entire fiscal year) End date – 6/30/2016 Hours per day - 3 Days per week - 5 Fund % - 100% a
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
2 Click Validate The system will generate the total cost for the position The total cost of the position added will show in the “DIFFERENCE” field The message “All budget entries are valid “ will display
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
3 Move funds from “DAY-TO-DAY SUBS” Locate the “DAY-TO-DAY SUBS” budget line item Click on the “Total Cost” of the “DAY-TO-DAY SUBS” budget line item and reduce to $0 Click “Validate” c a b
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
The Total Difference field now reflects the total amount to return to Day to Day Subs less the cost of the Teacher Assistant Position ($12,000 (Day to Day Subs) - $7,762 (TA) = $4,238).
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
3 Move funds to “DAY-TO-DAY SUBS” Input the amount in the “Total Difference” field in the “Total Cost” column of the DAY-TO-DAY SUBS budget line item. Click “Validate” e d
Enter Budget Adjustment in SFE
7 4 The “Total Difference” field reflects a difference of $0 The “Difference” column will show the dollars transferred between the two line items. The “Total Cost” column will show the new budget for each line. Click “Save” to go back to the SFE home screen 6 5
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
Exercise 3 Create a Budget Adjustment to Add a New Item Based Detail Line – Non-Position This process can be used to add either a 2OTHS-L or 3OTH-L Line Type Add a new item based detail line for “General Supplies Techno” a. Locate Line Type under Add New Item Based Detail Line. Use matchbox to select “3OTH-L” b. Use the “Item” matchbox to select the budget item c. Use the “Goal” matchbox to select the goal d. Use the “Function” matchbox to select the function e Click “Add Entry” Notes: When entering 2OTHS-L or 3OTH-L lines types in program 13027, select the “Item” using the matchbox feature or manually enter “Item” and press enter. The system will automatically populate the goal and function. Budget Item numbers are available on the Estimated Rates Sheet. The Fund/Functional Area Translator can be used to identify the correct goal and function.
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
Exercise 3 Create a Budget Adjustment to Add a New Item Based Detail Line – Non-Position Enter additional required information on newly added item based detail line Input the following: Start date – 7/1/2015 End date – 6/30/2016 Total Cost Click “Validate” Move funds from “Curricular Trips” Locate the “Curricular Trips” budget line item Click on the “Total Cost” of the Curricular Trips budget line item and reduce to $0 Click on “Validate” Input the amount in the “Total Difference” field in the “Total Cost” column of the Curricular Trips budget line item Once you have completed all the steps, the budget adjustment is ready to be printed, signed (Principal & SSC Chair if applicable), and submitted to Fiscal Specialist for Approval
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
c d e 1 Select “3OTH-L” under “Line Type” Use the “Item” matchbox to select the budget item Click on chosen “Budget Item” Click on checkmark to select Use the “Goal” matchbox to select the goal Use the “Function” matchbox to select the function. Click “Add Entry” Note: When entering 2OTHS-L or 30THS-L line types in program 13027, after selecting or entering the item number, press the “Enter” key and the system will automatically populate the Goal and Function. The Goal and Function fields will be “blue” (locked) with the correct Goal and Function information assigned to the budget item.
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
2 Enter additional required information Input the following: Start date – 7/1/2015 End date – 6/30/2016 Total Cost Click “Validate” b a
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
3 Move funds from “CURRICULAR TRIPS” Locate the “CURRICULAR TRIPS” budget line item Click on the “Total Cost” of the Curricular Trips budget line item and reduce to $0 Click “Validate” c a b
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
The Total Difference field now reflects the total amount to return to Curricular Trips less the cost of the amount moved to General Supplies Techno. ($10,000 (Curricular Trips) - $2,000 (Gen Supplies Techno) = $8,000)
Enter Budget Adjustments in SFE
3 Move funds to CURRICULAR TRIPS Input the amount in the “Total Difference” field in the “Total Cost” column of the “CURRICULAR TRIPS” budget line item. Click “Validate” e d
Enter Budget Adjustment in SFE
4 1 3 2 The “Total Difference” field reflects a difference of $0 The “Difference” column will show the dollars transferred between the two line items. The “Total Cost” column will show the new budget for each line. Click “Save” to go back to the SFE home screen
Print School Budget Signature Form (WIP)
Print School Budget Signature Form (WIP)
1 From the School Budget Planning and Maintenance screen, click on the “Reports” tab 2 Click on “Signature Form’
Print School Budget Signature Form (WIP)
3 Input the following: Version – CM0 (Current Maintenance) Fiscal Year – 2016 (current fiscal year) Fund Center – 1XXXX01 SACS Fund – 010 LAUSD Program – five digit program code (7XXXX or 1XXXX) 6 Click “Execute” 4 Select “WIP Version” 5 Select “Print the Form”
Print School Budget Signature Form (WIP)
If BTS printing has not been set up type in: “LPDF” Click “Print Preview”
Print School Budget Signature Form (WIP)
SFE will generate a printable PDF version of the School Budget Signature form to be printed, signed (Principal and SSC), and submitted with all required documentation to the Fiscal Specialist for processing. CM0 2015 CM0 2015
School Site Approval Process
School Site Approval Process
1 Click on the “Approvals” tab The approval role is assigned to the school’s administrator. Approver must log into BTS, access the appropriate budget in Schools Front End, verify changes, and submit for approval.
School Site Approval Process
3 Click “Submit For Approval” (only School Site Principal will have access to this button) 2 Click on the “School Site Approval” dropdown menu under Pre-Approval Process to select “Approved”
School Site Approval Process
SFE will generate an to notify your Fiscal Specialist, Compliance Coordinator and other school site contacts that the budget was submitted for approval. A copy of the Budget Signature form will be attached to the . 4 Click on the checkmark to acknowledge
School Site Approval Process
2016 5 If you would like to add comments, click on the body of the and type. Click on continue
School Site Approval Process
6 The next dialog box gives you the option of attaching documents to the notification .
School Site Approval Process
7 After budget services receives all required approvals, the Fiscal Specialist will complete the budget adjustment approval process in SFE and an notification is sent to all fund center contacts. 2016
Delete the WIP
Delete the WIP 1 A Work in Progress can be deleted at anytime prior to the Approval process: Click on the “Delete WIP” button in the School Budget Maintenance screen
Delete the WIP 2 SFE will generate a warning message, to continue click ‘YES”
Delete the WIP 3 The system will take you back to the SFE home screen an a message will notify you that the WIP was deleted
Budget Management for Schools Reports Schools Front End (SFE)
Budget Services & Financial Planning Division School Fiscal Services Branch
agenda Position With Incumbent Report
School Discretionary Programs Report Estimated Rates By Budget Item Report
Accessing SFE (Schools Front End) Reports
SFE reports can be accessed from the School Budget Planning and Maintenance home screen, on the “Reports” tab
Position with Incumbent (PWI) Report
Position with Incumbent (PWI) Report
1 Click on “Position With Incumbent Report”
Position with Incumbent (PWI) Report
3 Select “Display in Form” under “Display Options” to generate a printable report in PDF format. 4 Click “Execute” to generate the report 2 Version: Click matchbox to select the version of your budget you would like to print. Choose CM0 (Current Maintenance). Fiscal Year : 2016 (for current year) Fund Center: 1XXXX01.
Position with Incumbent (PWI) Report
5 If BTS printing has not been set up type in: LPDF Click “Print Preview”
Click “Back” return to the previous screen
Position with Incumbent (PWI) Report 6 SFE will generate a PDF document that can then be printed or saved. Click “Back” return to the previous screen
School Discretionary Programs Report
School Discretionary Programs Report
1 Click on School Discretionary Programs Report
School Discretionary Programs Report
2 Select “Print The Form” under “Display Options” to generate a printable report in PDF format 3 Enter the Version, Fiscal Year, and Fund Center 4 Click the matchbox to select the desired programs
School Discretionary Programs Report
6 Click “Execute” to generate the report 5 Select “Categorical Programs I” or “Regular Programs”. Click on the green check mark. .
School Discretionary Program Report
7 If BTS printing has not been set up type in: LPDF Click “Print Preview”
School Discretionary Program Report
Column headings are the funding sources used in School Budget. Budget Items purchased 8 SFE will generate a PDF document that can then be printed or saved. Click “Back” return to the previous screen
Estimated Rates by budget item
Estimated Rates By Budget Item
1 Click on “Estimated Rates by Budget Item”
Estimated Rates By Budget Item
5 Click “Execute” to generate the report 2 Select “Display in Form” under “Display Options” to generate a printable report in PDF format 4 Enter the “LAUSD Program” (7XXXX or 1XXXX) 3 Select “Maintenance” (for CM0) under “Selection Criteria”
Estimated Rates By Budget Item
6 If BTS printing has not been set up type in: LPDF Click “Print Preview”
Estimated Rates By Budget Item
7 SFE will generate a PDF document that can then be printed or saved. This report displays estimated costs for Budget Items by Program Codes. Click “Back” return to the previous screen
Additional Resources School Fiscal Services Website Learning Zone
Learning Zone Local District XXX School Fiscal Services Contacts: Fiscal Services Manager Fiscal Specialists
Additional Resources Robin Foster, Fiscal Services Manager
(818) Sandra Edstrom, Budget Technician (818) Constancia Carandang, Fiscal Specialist (818) Michael De Vera, Fiscal Specialist (818) Ana Diego, Fiscal Specialist (818) Christine Esto, Fiscal Specialist (818) Sue Shu, Fiscal Specialist (818) Rose Rosas, Fiscal Specialist (818)
Budget Services & Financial Planning Division School Fiscal Services Branch
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