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SREB GO Alliance Brandy Johnson, Executive Director July 18, 2017

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1 SREB GO Alliance Brandy Johnson, Executive Director July 18, 2017
Michigan College Access Network: Increasing Postsecondary Access and Success for all Students SREB GO Alliance Brandy Johnson, Executive Director July 18, 2017

2 Our Mission To increase college readiness, participation and completion in Michigan, particularly among low- income students, first generation college-going students, and students of color.





7 Our Goal Increase the percentage of Michigan residents with degrees or postsecondary certificates to 60 percent by 2025.

8 Meeting Labor Market Needs
By the year 2020, 70% of the jobs in Michigan will require formal postsecondary education. The Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce shows how crucial the Big Goal is to our economy. It projects the shortfall of degrees nationally to be 3 million by Further, it’s data shows that by 2020, 70 percent of all jobs will require postsecondary training and degrees. Source: Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce report, Recovery – Job Growth and Education Requirements Through 2020

9 State Perspective: Michigan Attainment Rates
TRACKING THE TREND: Percentage of the state’s working-age population (ages 25-64) with at least as associate degree 2015 43.4% 2014 43.3%* 2013 38.4% 2012 37.4% 2011 36.8% 2009 35.8% 2010 36.4% 2008 35.7% Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2015 American Community Survey Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey *For the first time, Stronger Nation report also includes data on the attainment of postsecondary certificates

10 2017 Stronger Nation Report

11 Michigan Attainment Rates
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2015 American Community Survey

12 Michigan Poverty and Unemployment Rates

13 MCAN’s College Access Strategy

14 Theory of Change Increase College Completion by lowering barriers that prevent students from getting to and through college: Social Capital: Building Aspirations Academic Preparation: Ensuring Readiness College Knowledge: Navigating the Process Affordability: Maximizing Aid & Minimizing Debt

15 History of MCAN

16 MCAN’s Role Serve as the “umbrella” or “hub” for Michigan’s college access strategy Function as an intermediary organization… Advocate Build Capacity Connect Grantors to Grantees Convene Coordinate Develop Partnerships Disseminate Research Invest Strategically Provide Data

17 MCAN’s Strategies from 2012 Strategic Plan
Partnerships & Advocacy Advocacy and Leadership Coordination and Partnerships Community Investment Local College Access Network Development Statewide Initiatives NEW! AdviseMI/MSU CAC Capacity Building Professional Development NEW! Data, Innovation, Research, and Technology

18 Partnerships & Advocacy
Coordinate Michigan’s college access resources, programs, and services Strengthen existing like-minded and mission-aligned college access and success initiatives Share best practices amongst network Advocacy: Serve as Michigan’s authority on college access and success issues through leadership Advocate for policy reform that expands postsecondary opportunities for low-income students, first generation college-going students, and students of color.

19 Key Strategies Michigan College Access Alliance
Michigan Higher Education Attainment Round Table (MI HEART) & Reaching for Opportunity [Policy Work] Michigan Higher Education Advisory Board Michigan Promise Zone Association Michigan Veteran Education Initiative

20 Michigan College Access Alliance
The Michigan College Access Alliance brings together advise array of organizations in the college access and success field to serve as a collective voice, dedicated to increasing the number of Michigan residents who earn college degrees and other credentials valued in the new economy. Through effective communication and the alignment of programs and resources, the Alliance creates opportunities for meaningful collaboration. The members are committed to Goal 2025.


22 Reaching for Opportunity
Check out full Reaching for Opportunity report at org/

23 MI HEART Members: K12 – MAISA/MASSP
Higher Ed - MASU (Universities), MCCA (Community Colleges)/MI Center for Student Success, MICU (Private Colleges) Business – Business Leaders for Michigan Philanthropy – The Kresge Foundation Nonprofit/Advocacy - MCAN Government - MI Department of Education, MI Talent and Economic Development Department, Office of the Governor

24 Other Partnership/Advocacy Strategies
Michigan Higher Education Advisory Board Michigan Promise Zone Association Michigan Veteran Education Initiative

25 Community Investment Provide grants and other resources to local efforts that help our state move closer to Goal 2025

26 Key Strategies Local College Access Networks Statewide Initiatives
Grants Academies/Convenings Statewide Initiatives Michigan College Month Michigan College Cash Campaign Michigan College Decision Day Other Grantmaking AdviseMI

27 Local College Access Networks
Serve as critical infrastructure for Michigan’s college access movement Support the creation, quality, and sustainability of high-quality, community- based college access coalitions Provide consulting/training and funding 30+ LCANs across the state

28 LCAN Support Grants Technical Assistance Planning Implementation
Materials: LCAN Videos: Grants Planning Implementation Continuous Improvement Technical Assistance Coaching (Geographic/CI Condition) Maritime Academy & Advanced Maritime Academy Quarterly LCAN Development Convenings

29 Statewide Initiatives
Michigan College Month in October 2016: High Schools participated 2017: Partner Sites vs Host Sites Michigan College Cash Campaign Assistance and training to high schools that set and work toward a bold FAFSA completion goal Michigan Decision Day Webinars, resource manuals, videos/PSAs, promotional materials, connected to National Signing Day

30 Other Grantmaking Innovative Programming Grants
Professional Development Mini-Grants Promise Zone Grants Reach Higher High School Grants College Advising Grants – especially MSU College Advising Corps

31 AdviseMI

32 AdviseMI History of the Program The Program Model The Funding Model
College Partnerships High School Partnerships The Funding Model The Staffing Model Recruitment > Hiring > Training > Placement

33 Capacity Building Develop and strengthen the skills, abilities, and effectiveness of college access practitioners through professional development, research, data, innovation, and technology.

34 Professional Development
Postsecondary Planning Training Courses School Counselor Advanced School Counselor Other College Access Professionals In progress: Afterschool professionals, K12 Administrators MCAN Annual Conference in March

35 Data, Innovation, Research, and Technology
Summer Melt Pilot Project using texting Reach Higher High School Program Regional Data Briefs University of Connecticut Research Project on College Advising Course In process: Asset Map Project

36 Budget: Revenue

37 Budget: Expenditures

38 Executive Director: Brandy Johnson
Board of Directors Executive Director: Brandy Johnson Deputy Director, Advocacy & Partnerships: Sarah Anthony Director, Michigan Veterans Education Initiative: Mike Lee 12 Veteran Resource Representatives Senior Director, Capacity Building: Jamie Jacobs Program Assistant: Domonique Clemons Deputy Director, Community Investment: Ryan Fewins Bliss Program Assistant: Connor McLaughlin Director, AdviseMI: Melissa Steward Assistant Director, AdviseMI: Jacqueline Ruhland 8 Advisers Program Supervisor, WestMI: Emily Halling 16 Advisers Program Supervisor Metro Detroit: Kirsten Donoghue Program Supervisor EastMI: Karla Perez Garza Staff Accountant: Nancy Lynn Operations Manager: Vicky Wright Operations Assistant: Emma Walter

39 Discussion and Questions

40 MCAN Staff Senior Staff Sarah Anthony Deputy Director for Partnerships and Advocacy Ryan Fewins-Bliss Deputy Director for Community Investment Jamie Jacobs Senior Director of Capacity Building Strategy Staff Domonique Clemons Program Assistant Connor McLaughlin Program Assistant Operations Staff Emma Walter Operations Assistant Vicky Wright Operations Manager

41 Contact Brandy Johnson Michigan College Access Network

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