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Community Energy Champion Awareness Session

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Presentation on theme: "Community Energy Champion Awareness Session"— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Energy Champion Awareness Session

2 What is fuel poverty? Consider the official definition of fuel poverty but also what it means to be fuel poor Check NEA’s website for national and regional fuel poverty statistics For more detailed information on government statistics visit the Gov.UK website On all of the above, don’t go into too much detail, just provide headline information

3 What you can do to help Tailor this section to the audience so they can clearly see how they can make a difference Give some examples of ways in which they can help raise awareness locally; such as giving out leaflets, putting up posters, talking to local groups or clubs etc. To make it more interactive, ask people to think of different ways they can help.

4 Health implications of fuel poverty
Don’t go into too much detail, just provide headline information Include Excess Winter Deaths figures List health conditions impacted by fuel poverty How room temperature affects someone living in a cold home

5 Who are most vulnerable to the cold?
All are vulnerable to the effects of the cold but a list of the most vulnerable is helpful here

6 The signs of fuel poverty in the home
Not everyone who is fuel poor will proactively seek help. Provide information on the signs to look out for in the home. Consider non-visual triggers of fuel poverty, such as what people might say

7 Energy efficiency improvements
Include basic information on features and benefits of main heating / insulation measures e.g. cavity wall insulation, loft insulation etc. How to reduce damp / condensation Use the ‘heat loss house’ to demonstrate where the heat goes No cost / low cost measures

8 Energy Saving around the Home
Provide examples of energy saving actions that can be taken around the home at no cost or low cost e.g. turning room thermostat down by 1 degree, replacing lightbulbs with LED lightbulbs. Provide potential annual savings on each action and / or total of potential savings on a number of actions around the home.

9 Sources of advice, help and financial assistance available
Information on national, regional and local schemes for insulation / heating improvements Include details on Warm Homes Discount, Priority Service Register, benefits of switching supplier / checking on the cheapest tariff etc. Signpost to national / local advice agencies

10 Turning Fuel Poverty into Affordable Warmth
Recap on key points included in the presentation Reiterate the different ways in which they can help raise awareness locally; such as giving out leaflets, putting up posters, talking to local groups or clubs etc.

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