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Bao-An Li Collaborators:

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1 Bao-An Li Collaborators:
Symmetry Energy of Neutron-Rich Matter on Earth and in Heaven Bao-An Li Collaborators: Baojun Cai and W. G. Newton, Texas A&M University-Commerce, USA Farrooh J. Fattoyev, Indiana University, USA Plamen Krastev, Harvard University, USA Larry Weinstein, Old Dominion University, USA Or Hen, MIT, USA Lie-Wen Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Jun Xu, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, China Eli Piasetzky, Tel Aviv University, Israel

2 Outline What is nuclear symmetry energy? What do we know?
Why is it so uncertain especially at high densities? (e.g., effects of isospin-dependent short-range correlations) How to probe high-density symmetry energy with heavy-ion reactions? (e.g., near-threshold pion production) What are the astrophysics impacts of nuclear symmetry energy? (e.g., 1. gravitational waves from spiraling binaries of neutron stars, 2. breaking the EOS-Gravity degeneracy in massive neutron stars) 2

3 EOS of cold, neutron-rich nucleonic matter
symmetry energy Isospin asymmetry δ 12 12 12 Energy per nucleon in symmetric matter 18 18 3 Energy in asymmetric nucleonic matter Symmetric matter ρn=ρp ? ?? density Strangeness The axes of new opportunities Isospin asymmetry ??? 3

4 Characterization of symmetry energy near normal density
The physical importance of L In npe matter in the simplest model of neutron stars at ϐ-equilibrium In pure neutron matter at saturation density of nuclear matter

5 Esym(ρ0)≈31.6±2.66 MeV L≈ 2 Esym(ρ0)=59±16 MeV
Constraints on Esym(ρ0) and L based on 29 analyses of data Esym(ρ0)≈31.6±2.66 MeV L≈ 2 Esym(ρ0)=59±16 MeV L=2 Esym(ρ0) if Esym=Esym(ρ0)(ρ/ρ0)2/3 Bao-An Li and Xiao Han, Phys. Lett. B727, 276 (2013).

6 ? ? ? ? What is the high-density symmetry energy?
(Examples of theoretical predictions) Predictions using SHF or RMF energy density functionals Predictions using microscopic theories ? BHF Constraints near ρ0 ? ? ? M. B. Tsang et al., Phys. Rev. C86, (2012) Phys. Rev. C 92, (2015)

7 Why is the symmetry energy so uncertain
Why is the symmetry energy so uncertain? (Besides the different many-body approaches used) Isospin-dependence of short-range correlation due to the tensor force Spin-isospin dependence of the 3-body force Isospin dependence of pairing and clustering at low densities (Valid only at the mean-field level) Keith A. Brueckner, Sidney A. Coon, and Janusz Dabrowski, Phys. Rev. 168, 1184 (1968) Correlation functions Within a simple interacting Fermi gas model, the Fock term is Vnp(T0) ? Vnp (T1) fT0 ? fT1 , the tensor force in T0 channel makes them different

8 Tensor force induced (1) high-momentum tail in nucleon momentum distribution and (2) isospin dependence of SRC Theory of Nuclear matter H.A. Bethe Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci., 21, (1971) Fermi Sphere O. Hen et al., Science 346, 614 (2014)

9 Proton skins in momentum space
Input single-nucleon momentum distribution from many-body theories (e.g. SCGF: Self-consistent Greens’ function approach) and/or information extracted from data based on the n-p dominance model T. Otsuka et al., PRL 95, (2005); PRL 97, (2006) Proton skins in momentum space

10 Protons move much faster than neutrons in neutron-skins
Bao-Jun Cai, Bao-An Li and Lie-Wen Chen, PRC 94, (R) (2016) Co-existence of neutron skins in coordinate space and proton skins in momentum space Extended-Thomas-Fermi The average local momentum is defined via

11 Modified Gogny Hartree-Fock energy density functional incorporating SRC-induced
high momentum tail in the single nucleon momentum distribution Kinetic Zero-range two-body force Three-body force Momentum-dependent potential energy due to finite-range 2-body interaction SRC-induced HMT in the single-nucleon momentum distribution affects both the kinetic energy and the momentum-dependent part of the potential energy arXiv: [nucl-th] Bao-Jun Cai and Bao-An Li (2017)

12 Symmetry energy gets softened at both low and high densities
Readjusting model parameters to reproduce the same saturation properties of nuclear matter as well as Esym(ρ0)=31.6 MeV and L(ρ0)=58.9 MeV The isospin-dependence of nuclear incompressibility at ρ0 Symmetry energy gets softened at both low and high densities Data: MDI+HMT-exp: -492 MDI+FFG:

13 How does the SRC affect the kinetic symmetry energy?
Chang Xu and Bao-An Li, arXiv: Chang Xu, Ang Li and Bao-An Li, JPCS 420, (2013). Tensor force + Repulsive core Repulsive core only Esym>0

14 Can the symmetry energy become negative at high densities?
Yes, it happens when the tensor force due to ρ exchange in the T=0 channel dominates At high densities, the energy of pure neutron matter can be lower than symmetric matter leading to negative symmetry energy Example: proton fractions with interactions/models leading to negative symmetry energy M. Kutschera et al., Acta Physica Polonica B37 (2006) Tensor force and/or 3-body force can make Esym negative at high densities Affecting the threshold of hyperon formation, kaon condensation, etc 3-body force effects in Gogny or Skyrme HF Super-Soft

15 Among the promising observables of high-density symmetry energy:
π -/π +, neutron-proton differential flow in heavy-ion collisions Radii of neutron stars Neutrino flux of supernova explosions Strain amplitude and frequency of gravitational waves from spiraling neutron star binaries and/or oscillations/rotations of deformed pulsars A major scientific motivation of Rare isotope beam facilities around the world Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER of NASA) and various x-ray satellite (Chandra, LOFT, XMM-Newton, etc) (3) Various gravitational wave detectors EPJA, Vol. 50, No. 2 (2014)

16 The proton fraction x at ß-equilibrium
Isospin fractionation in heavy-ion reactions low (high) density region is more neutron-rich with stiff (soft) symmetry energy The proton fraction x at ß-equilibrium Slow cooling: modified URCA: Faster cooling by 4 to 5 orders of magnitude: direct URCA Bao-An Li, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002)

17 Probing the symmetry energy at supra-saturation densities
Stiff Central density density π-/ π+ probe of dense matter Soft Esym Stiff Esym n/p ? n/p ratio at supra-normal densities

18 Calculations: IQMD and IBUU04
Circumstantial Evidence for a Super-soft Symmetry Energy at Supra-saturation Densities W. Reisdorf et al. NPA781 (2007) 459 Data: Calculations: IQMD and IBUU04 Z.G. Xiao, B.A. Li, L.W. Chen, G.C. Yong and M. Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 (2009) A super-soft nuclear symmetry energy is favored by the FOPI data!!!

19 Signatures of high-density Esym in GW signals: Tidal deformability and mergers
Shibata, Keisuke; PRD73, (2006) Tidal field Eij drives f-mode (quadrupole deformation Qij) Resulting energy transfer appears as phase shift in gravitational waveform Detectable cleanly f≈ Hz Phase shift depends on one parameter: tidal polarizability λ (or Love number k2) Qij = -λEij M,R M’ a Flanagan, Hinderer, PRD77, (2008) Hinderer et al, PRD81, (2010)

20 Signatures of S,L(n>n0) in GW signals: Tidal deformability and mergers
Fattoyev, Carvajal, Newton, Li, PRC87, (2013) Detector sensitivities assuming Optimally oriented, equal mass binary at D=100 Mpc Damour, Nagar, PRD81, (2010) Damour, Nagar, Villain, PRD85, (2012) Hinderer et al, PRD 81, (2010) At 1.4MSUN, signature of the high density behavior of symmetry energy at limit of Adv LIGO sensitivity

21 A challenge: how can neutron stars be stable with a super-soft symmetry energy? If the symmetry energy is too soft, then a mechanical instability will occur when dP/dρ is negative, neutron stars will then all collapse while they do exist in nature TOV equation: a condition at hydrodynamical equilibrium Gravity Nuclear pressure For npe matter P. Danielewicz, R. Lacey and W.G. Lynch, Science 298, 1592 (2002)) dP/dρ<0 if E’sym is big and negative (super-soft)

22 • What is the nature of the dark energy? • How did the universe begin?
Connecting Quarks with the Cosmos: Eleven Science Questions for the New Century, National Research Council • What is the dark matter? • What is the nature of the dark energy? • How did the universe begin? • What is gravity? • Are there additional spacetime dimensions? • What are the masses of the neutrinos, and how have they shaped the evolution of the universe? • How do cosmic accelerators work and what are they accelerating? • Are protons unstable? • Are there new states of matter at exceedingly high density and temperature? • How were the elements from iron to uranium made? • Is a new theory of matter and light needed at the highest energies?

23 Competing Theories: Dark Matter or Modified Gravity
Observations hinting the existence of Dark Matter: rotational curve, Cluster dynamics, weak lensing, collisionless passing of Bullet cluster, …. Modified Newtonian Dynamics Dark Matter? Moti Some modified gravity theories, pass GR test at solar scale, can explain all observations including the Bullet Cluster without using Dark Matter R.H. Sanders, Astron. Astrophys. 136, L21 (1984). J. R. Brownstein, J. W. Moffat, MNRAS.382:29-47,2007

24 gravity EOS Gravity-EOS Degeneracy in massive neutron stars ?
Strong-field gravity: Generality Relativity or Modified Gravity? ? gravity GR+[Modified Gravity] Action S=Sgravity+Smatter ======== Massive neutron stars Matter+[Dark Matter]+[Dark Energy] EOS ? Contents and stiffness of the EOS of super-dense matter? For high-density neutron-rich nucleonic matter, the most uncertain part of the EOS is the nuclear symmetry energy

25 An example of EOS-Gravity degeneracy in Massive Neutron Stars
Simon DeDeo, Dimitrios Psaltis Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) Dimitrios Psaltis, Living Reviews in Relativity, 11, 9 (2008) Neutron stars are among the densest objects with the strongest gravity General Relativity (GR) may break down at strong-field limit and “there is no fundamental reason to choose Einstein’s GR over alternative gravity theories” Need at least 2 observables to break the degeneracy Uncertain range of EOS Stiff EOS: V. R. Pandharipande, Nucl. Phys. A 174, 641 (1971). Soft EOS: R. B. Wiringa, V. Fiks, and A. Fabrocini, Phys. Rev. C38, 1010 (1988) Scalar-Tensor theory with quadratic coupling:

26 Physics origin of the Yukawa term
In grand unification theories, conventional gravity has to be modified due to either geometrical effects of extra space-time dimensions at short length, a new boson or the 5th force String theorists have published TONS of papers on the extra space-time dimensions N. Arkani-Hamed et al., Phys Lett. B 429, 263–272 (1998); J.C. Long et al., Nature 421, 922 (2003); C.D. Hoyle, Nature 421, 899 (2003) Yukawa potential due to the exchange of a new boson proposed in the super-symmetric extension of the Standard Model of the Grand Unification Theory, or the fifth force In terms of the gravitational potential Yasunori Fujii, Nature 234, 5-7 (1971); G.W. Gibbons and B.F. Whiting, Nature 291, (1981) The neutral spin-1 gauge boson U is a candidate, it is light and weakly interacting, Pierre Fayet, PLB675, 267 (2009), C. Boehm, D. Hooper, J. Silk, M. Casse and J. Paul, PRL, 92, (2004).

27 Influences of the Yukawa term in modified gravity on Neutron stars

28 Supersoft Symmetry Energy Encountering Non-Newtonian Gravity in Neutron Stars
De-Hua Wen, Bao-An Li and Lie-Wen Chen, PRL 103, (2009) EOS including the Yukawa contribution Mass-shedding limit


30 The rise, fall and reappearing of the 5th force --- evidence of a new boson of 17 MeV
Ep=1.1 MeV

31 The rise, fall and reappearing of the 5th force --- evidence of a new boson of 17 MeV

32 Supporting theories ---- nothing seems to be wrong with a new boson of 17 MeV (interaction range of 12 fm, it does not affect properties of nuclei but neutron stars)

33 Can nuclear physics explain the anomaly observed in the internal pair production in the Beryllium-8 nucleus? Xilin Zhang, Gerald A. Miller, (Submitted on 14 Mar 2017), arXiv: [nucl-th] Particle Physics Models for the 17 MeV Anomaly in Beryllium Nuclear Decays Jonathan L. Feng, Bartosz Fornal, Iftah Galon, Susan Gardner, Jordan Smolinsky, Tim M. P. Tait, Philip Tanedo, Phys. Rev. D 95, (2017) On going and planed new experiments


35 Summary The study of nuclear symmetry energy and its astrophysical impacts is Exciting! Symmetry energy at supra-saturation densities is the most uncertain part of the EOS of dense neutron-rich nucleonic matter Symmetry energy has significant effects on terrestrial experiments and astrophysical observables

36 May the 5th Force be with You!
Symmetry Energy neutron SRC Hard protonn or Soft? Dark Matter or Modified Gravity?

37 What is the high-density symmetry energy?
Indications of experiments (model dependent) P. Russotto et al. (ASY-EOS Collaboration), Phys. Rev. C94, (2016). Z.G. Xiao et al, based on GSI/FOPI data Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, (2009).

38 Effects of isospin-dependent SRC on the kinetic symmetry energy of quasi-nucleons
Chang Xu and Bao-An Li, arXiv: Chang Xu, Ang Li and Bao-An Li, JPCS 420, (2013). While the Fermi momentum for PNM is higher than that for SNM at the same density in the mean-field models, if more than 15% nucleons are in the high-momentum tail of SNM due to the tensor force for n-p T=0 channel, the kinetic symmetry energy becomes negative Tensor force + Repulsive core Repulsive core only Reduced Density

39 Pion ratio probe of symmetry energy at supra-normal densities
GC Coefficients2 Pion ratio probe of symmetry energy at supra-normal densities 39

40 Average kinetic energies of neutrons and protons in nuclei
(1) Light nuclei: Predictions of the Variational Many-Body theory with AV18+UX interaction R. B.Wiringa, R. Schiavilla, S. C. Pieper, and J. Carlson, PRC 89, (2014). (2) Low-order correlation operator aproximation by Jan Ryckebusch et all. With SRC no SRC J. Phys G. 42, ( 2015).

41 Phenomenological nucleon momentum distribution n(k) including SRC effects guided by microscopic theories and experimental findings The n(k) is not directly measurable, but some of its features are observable. B.J. Cai and B.A. Li, PRC92, (R) (2015); PRC93, (2016). Isospin-dependent depletion of Fermi sea Isospin-dependent high momentum tail All parameters are fixed by Jlab data: HMT in SNM=25%, 1.5% in PNM, Contact C for SNM from deuteron wavefunction (3) Contact C in PNM from microscopic theories All parameters are assumed to have a linear dependence on isospin asymmetry as indicated by SCGF and BHF calculations

42 The high-momentum tail in deuteron scales as 1/K4
O. Hen, L. B. Weinstein, E. Piasetzky, G. A. Miller, M. M. Sargsian and Y. Sagi, PRC92, (2015). VMB calculations VMB calculations Ultracold 6Li and 40K Ultracold 6Li and 40K =k/kF K’=K/KF Stewart et al. PRL 104, (2010) Kuhnle et al. PRL 105, (2010)

43 EOS and contact C of pure neutron matter
B.J. Cai and B.A. Li, PRC92, (R) (2015). density The contact C of PNM is derived from its EOS Using Tan’s adiabatic sweep theorem n(k)=C/K4 S. Tan, Annals of Physics 323 (2008)

44 Proton fraction in neutron stars at β-equilibrium

45 The x parameter is introduced to mimic
Symmetry energy and single nucleon potential MDI used in the IBUU04 transport model The x parameter is introduced to mimic various predictions on the symmetry energy by different microscopic nuclear many-body theories using different effective interactions. It is the coefficient of the 3-body force term stiff ρ soft Default: Gogny force Density ρ/ρ0 Potential energy density Single nucleon potential within the HF approach using a modified Gogny force: C.B. Das, S. Das Gupta, C. Gale and B.A. Li, PRC 67, (2003). B.A. Li, C.B. Das, S. Das Gupta and C. Gale, PRC 69, ; NPA 735, 563 (2004).

46 N+π NN NΔ Probing the symmetry energy at high densities
π -/π + in heavy-ion collisions Neutron-proton differential flow & n/p ratio in heavy-ion coll. Neutrino flux of supernova explosions Strength and frequency of gravitational waves Where does the Esym information get in, get out or get lost in pion production? *1 Isospin fractionation, i.e., the nn/pp ratio at high density is determined by the Esym(ρ) *2 The isovector potential for Delta resonance is completely unknown *5.Pion mean-field (dispersion relation), S and/or P wave and their isospin dependence are poorly known, existing studies are inconclusive. How does the pion mean-field affect the Delta production threshold? Other final state interactions? NN NΔ 3. How to define the isospin asymmetry of the N+Δ matter? 4. The lifetime of Δ controls the effects of its mean field on pions N+π

47 Bao-Jun Cai, F. J. Fattoyev, Bao-An Li and W. G
Bao-Jun Cai, F. J. Fattoyev, Bao-An Li and W.G. Newton, PRC 92, (2015). Xρ=1

48 In the pi-N molecule model, assuming pions have no mean-field,the Delta isovector potential is linked to the nucleon isovector potential Bao-An Li, PRL88, (2002) and NPA 365 (2002) To study effects of the completely unknown Delta isovector potential, multiply the above with a Delta-probing-factor:


50 Delta isovector potential has NO effect on the high-energy spectrum!

51 WHY? Delta lifetime and mass distribution in Au+Au collisions at b=0
In-medium Delta width, H. Lenske et al. Delta lifetime and mass distribution in Au+Au collisions at b=0 WHY? High-mass Delta produced in energetic collisions decays too quickly to feel any mean-field effect! Only long-lived low mass Deltas have the time to feel mean-field effects.

52 Bao-An Li, Phys. Rev. C 92, (2015) Energetic pions are still sensitive to the Esym(ρ) in deeply sub-threshold collisions

53 Upper limits on the strength α and range λ of the Yukawa term
Torsion balance Upper limits on the strength α and range λ of the Yukawa term M.I. Krivoruchenko et al., PRD 79, (2009) E.G. Adelberger et al., PRL 98, (2007) D.J. Kapner et al., PRL 98, (2007) Serge Reynaud et al., Int. J. Mod. Phys. A20, (2005)

54 Constraining the energy dependence of symmetry potential at saturation density
RMF Isovector optical potential from nucleon-nucleus scattering J. W. Holt, N. Kaiser, G. A. Miller Phys. Rev. C 93, (2016)

55 Constraining the radii of neutron stars
Bao-An Li and Andrew W. Steiner, Phys. Lett. B642, 436 (2006) . Nuclear limits APR: K0=269 MeV. The same incompressibility for symmetric nuclear matter of K0=211 MeV for x=0, -1, and -2

56 What to we add and modify?
Extended+ Thomas-Fermi Approximation (ETF+) considering the isospin-dependent SRC and effectively ħ4 and higher order terms What to we add and modify? Mimic effects of ħ4 and higher terms H.Krivine and J. Treiner, PLB 88, 212 (1979) X. Campi and S. Stringari, NPA 337, 313 (1980) M. Barranco, M. Pi and X. Vinas, PLB124, 131 (1983) Isospin-dependent SRC constrained by data ΦJ=1 for sharp Fermi spheres, it is larger than 1 with SRC-induced high momentum tails Kinetic energy density in infinite matter

57 Confirmation by Microscopic Many-Body Theories
1. Isaac Vidana, Artur Polls, Constanca Providencia PRC84, (R) (2011) Brueckner--Hartree--Fock approach using the Argonne V18 potential plus the Urbana IX three-body force 2. Arianna Carbone, Artur Polls, Arnau Rios, EPL 97, (2012) Self-Consistent Green’s Function Approach with Argonne Av18, CDBonn, Nij1, N3LO interactions 3. Alessandro Lovato, Omar Benhar et al., extracted from results already published in Phys. Rev. C83:054003,2011 Using Argonne V’6 interaction 4. A. Rios, A. Polls, W. H. Dickhoff PRC 89, (2014). Ladder Self-Consistent Green Function Fermi gas They all included the tensor force and many-body correlations using different techniques with tensor correlation

58 Size of the high-momentum tail
data Predictions are model dependent: 10-25% Experimental indication: P2N(∞)≈20-30% in symmetric matter

59 Dominance of the isosinglet (T=0) interaction
Symmetry energy At saturation density Paris potential Self-consistent Green’s function BHF I. Bombaci and U. Lombardo PRC 44, 1892 (1991) PRC68, (2003)

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