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… is a Federation of Mediterranean NGOs

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Presentation on theme: "… is a Federation of Mediterranean NGOs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development
… is a Federation of Mediterranean NGOs …acts as a technical and political platform for the intervention of NGOs in the Mediterranean scene. … plays an active role for the protection of the environment and the promotion of the sustainable development of the Mediterranean Region also through co-operation with Governments, IGOs & other socio-economic partners,

2 Main Objective the Protection of the Natural Environment (flora and fauna, biotopes, forests, coasts, natural resources, climate) and the Cultural Heritage (archaeological monuments, traditional settlements, cities, etc.) of the Mediterranean Region. The ultimate goal of MIO-ECSDE is to promote Sustainable Development in a peaceful Mediterranean.

3 Main Activities Networking NGO Capacity Building
Promotion and Drafting of Common NGO Policies International Collaborations Raising Public Awareness, Participation and Consensus Building Research Environmental Education

4 the MEdIES Type II Initiative

5 What is MEdIES? Mediterranean Education Initiative for Environment &

6 MEdIES structure Core Group: Greece, Italy UNESCO, UNEP/MAP, MIO-ECSDE
Task Group: 40 members (NGOs, IGOs, Governments, Educ. Institutions) from MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES E-Network of Educators (~1700 EE and ESD Educators as e-members, feb 08) Coordinator: MIO-ECSDE

7 Main Activities Publications Conferences, trainings and exchanges

8 Methodology of work Regular contacts & Meetings of the Secretariat, Task Group and Core Group. Participatory Processes in drafting main activities and developing new educational materials. National Activities in countries in cooperation with the “national” Task Group meetings members (e.g. trainings, translations, etc.). Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs), in using the webpage as Communication platform, Bulletin Board (conferences, competitions, etc) Update on current International Processes in ESD, Library with main background texts and for ESD and ALL the publications in the existing languages Lesson plans, games, etc.

9 ESD Publications “Water in the Mediterranean”:
English, French, Italian, Greek, Turkish Arabic, Croatian, Spanish “Wastes in our life”: Greek, English Handbook on Methodology on EE: English, French, Greek Mediterranean Food, English, Greek, Italian Arabic, & Portuguese YouthXchange Kit on Consumption: Greek “Sust. Mediterranean” Issues No 30,34,38


11 Mediterranean launch of the Decade on ESD (Athens, November 2005)
Meetings Core Group meetings Athens, December 2002 Istanbul, October 2004 Task Group meetings Spain, December 2003 Greek Pedagogical team 2006 Greek Pedagogical team 2008 Educational and Training meetings Athens, December 2002 (regional) Athens, October 2003 (national) Rome, March 2004 (national) Athens, June 2004 (Evaluation) Turkey, October 2004 (national) Egypt, December 2004 Lebanon, November 2005 (national) Greece 2007 : Year of ESD Devoted by Ministry of Education to Consumerism and Environment. Series of Trainings in Athens – Creta – Patras – Corfu – Larissa – Akrata 2007: Amman (EG), Grosseto (IT), Rio Meyor (PT), Cairo (EG), Kairouan (TN), Rabat (MO): Training seminars for educators to promote the Mediterranean Food publication Mediterranean launch of the Decade on ESD (Athens, November 2005)


13 A few Statistics

14 A few Statistics

15 A few Statistics JULE 2008 1341 visits (45 per day)
(from GREECE=376, USA=111, India=69, Gr Britain=63, Ttaly, Croatia, Turkey, etc) 56 registries (~2 per day) 6 informative s from the Secretariat, 3 in GR & 3 ENG language

16 Economic Issues Since 2002, the MEdIES Initiative has been financed by: - the Greek Government (Ministry for Environment Spatial Planning & Public Works & Ministry for National Education & Religious Affairs, depending on projects) - the Italian Government (Ministry for Environment) - the Commission of the EU (through MIO-ECSCE’s Core Funding Programme) the GWP-Med (water-related activities) The EUWI (water-related activities) - private donors (depending on project)

17 How can someone get involved in MEdIES?
NGOs, IGOs, Educ. Institutions etc. send a letter of intention to the Coordinator (MIO-ECSDE) Individuals that are engaged with ESD programmes subscribe for free at

18 (
Tel , 267 Fax

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