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Paul A. Coleman, Architect, Deputy Director

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Presentation on theme: "Paul A. Coleman, Architect, Deputy Director"— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilities Development Division California’s Building Department for Hospitals
Paul A. Coleman, Architect, Deputy Director Chris Tokas, S.E., Deputy Division Chief Gordon Oakley, Deputy Division Chief Roy Lobo, S.E., Ph.D., Principal Structural Engineer Hussain Bhatia, SE, PhD, Supervisor Seismic Compliance Unit Glenn Gall, Architect, Supervisor Building Standards Unit Chris Dickey, E.E., Associate Construction Analyst Update for the California Hospital Association May 10, 2016

2 Workload in Construction Values 2012+

3 Workload in Construction Values for projects in Collaborative Plan Review - Custody Status

4 No. of Reviews 1st Qtr. 2016 ≈ 63 reviews/day ≈ 67 reviews/day 67% 64%
33% 36% ≈ 63 reviews/day 4th Qtr 1015 Numbers ≈ 67 reviews/day

5 No. of Reviews Year 2015 ≈ 64 reviews/day ≈ 61 reviews/day
63% 64.6% 37% 35.4% ≈ 64 reviews/day 2014 Numbers ≈ 61 reviews/day

6 Project Plan Review Data Analysis 1st Qtr. 2016
65% of the Plan Reviews are completed w/in 21 days or less 91% of the PAD Reviews are completed w/in 21 days or less Or 37% of Office Plan Approval Reviews S=527 or 14% of All Projects

7 Workload Summary/Performance

8 Workload in Construction Values for projects in the Plan Review State
Meeting with client required

9 Workload in Construction Values for projects in Construction - % Completion
50% 36% 14% 46% 31% 13% (4th Qtr Numbers)

10 Number of Permits – 4th Qtr. 2010 thru 1st Qtr. 2016
Statewide combined Office and Field Number of Permits Issued by Quarter 724 569 With SB 1838 Permits Without SB 1838 Permits

11 Number of SB 1838 Projects – 1st Qtr. 2016
Statewide Number of SB 1838 EXEMPT Projects Approved by Quarter 113 48

12 Seismic Compliance Update

13 Structure Performance Categories
* Based on 2001 Hospital Survey Results based on hospital “self-report” and then “state-of-the-art” FEMA 178 standards from 1996 ** SPC-5 includes buildings currently under construction For SPC - "Not Assigned" is for non-building structures such as equipment yards, cooling towers etc that are still under construction

14 Seismic Compliance per County

15 Hospital Seismic Compliance to Date
251 5/5/16 1062 Buildings 80.9%

16 SPC -1 Buildings = 251 SPC-1 Buildings with Approved SB 90 Extensions
177 SPC-1 Buildings with only SB 1661/AB2557/SB81 Extensions 26 SPC-1 Buildings with only SB 306 Extensions SPC-1 Buildings with only SB 499 Extensions 3 SPC-1 Buildings that currently have an extension 232 SPC-1 Buildings that do not have any extension beyond 2013* 19 Total 251 *No acute care services – some of these building have removal-of-acute-care-services projects – all have been sent a letter urging removing building from inventory.

17 SPC-1 Buildings with Extensions beyond 1/1/2013 = 232
SPC-1 Buildings with expired SB 90 Extensions 7 SPC-1 Buildings with expired SB 1661 Extensions 26 SPC-1 Buildings with expired SB 499 Extensions 3 SPC-1 Buildings that have expired extensions 36 SPC-1 Buildings with expired extensions that have occupancy/construction final - 32 Remaining* 4 *3 have projects in OSHPD/FDD for removal-of-acute-care-services from these buildings, 1 in process of revising SB90 milestones.

18 SB90 Extensions (177 – 10 with CO/CF = 167)

19 SB90 Milestone Reminder Letters
For the active 167 extensions over 78 facilities: Sent missed milestone letters in 2015 for 34 facilities Sent missed milestone letters in 2016 for 29 facilities There are 17 facilities that are common between the 2015 and 2016 letters.

20 Nonstructural Performance Categories
***Includes buildings under construction, tunnels and equipment yards For NPC - "Not Assigned" are for buildings and nonbuilding structures either under construction or where the nonstructural performance category has not been verified

21 SB499 Item 7, NPC-3 Extensions
34 Buildings over 6 facilities have not complied with the 1/1/2016 deadline for submittal of projects. Letters/ s send to all.

22 SPC-4D Added SPC-4D page to OSHPD website with: 25 meetings to date.
Final Express terms Detailed Flowchart Guidelines for submitting prior to 1/1/2017 25 meetings to date. So far 3 project submitted for SPC-4D upgrade and 7 for comprehensive data collection programs.

23 FAQ – Proposed Are free-standing psychiatric facilities (or skilled nursing) exempt from seismic retrofit requirements? FAQ includes code definitions and explanations of: GENERAL ACUTE CARE BUILDING (GAC Building) FREESTANDING ACUTE PSYCHIATRIC BUILDING NON-GENERAL ACUTE CARE BUILDING (Non-GAC Building) GENERAL ACUTE CARE HOSPITAL as used in Chapter 6, Part 1 Difference between Building and Facility

24 Are free-standing psychiatric facilities (or skilled nursing) exempt from seismic retrofit requirements? GENERAL ACUTE CARE HOSPITAL as used in Chapter 6,Part 1 means a hospital building as defined in Section of the Health and Safety Code and that is also licensed pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 1250 of the Health and Safety Code, but does not include these buildings if the beds licensed pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 1250 of the Health and Safety Code, as of January 1, 1995, comprise 10 percent or less of the totallicensed beds of the total physical plant, and does not include facilities owned or operated, or both, by the Department of Corrections. It also precludes hospital buildings that may be licensed under the above mentioned code sections, but provide skilled nursing or acute psychiatric services only. Seismic retrofit requirements apply to this definition of General Acute Care Hospital buildings, therefore buildings providing skilled nursing and acute psychiatric services only are exempt as long as no acute care services exist or remain in these buildings.

25 Are free-standing psychiatric facilities (or skilled nursing) exempt from seismic retrofit requirements? A seismically separate building designated as Acute Psychiatric or Skilled Nursing building is exempt from seismic retrofit requirements whether it is free-standing or not.  See Chapter 34A, Sections 3416A and 1317A of Part 2, Volume 2 of the 2013 California Building Code (CBC) for means of egress and utility routing requirements to, from or through an Acute Psychiatric or Skilled Nursing building in a general acute care hospital facility. All new construction, such as a new free-standing acute psychiatric hospital buildings or skilled nursing buildings, must comply with the building code in effect at time of plan review submittal (CBC Part 2, Volume 1, Section ). Remodels or alterations to existing acute psychiatric hospital buildings or skilled nursing buildings must also comply with the building code in effect at time of plan review submittal.

26 FDD Revenues

27 FDD Revenues

28 FDD Revenues

29 FDD Revenues

30 FDD Revenues

31 FDD Revenues

32 OSHPD’s New and Improved Electronic Plan Review
Announcing Integration of eSP and ePC + OSHPD’s New and Improved Electronic Plan Review

33 Announcing Integration of eSP and ePC
In March 2016 OSHPD announced the integration of the eServices Portal with ePlanCheck. Allows clients to submit electronic plans and construction documents immediately after submitting their application. Project status can be monitored in real-time. Comments or noted on the plans and on an electronic corrections report spreadsheet. Responses to comments are accommodated on corrections report for resubmittal of corrected docs. Resubmittal of plans with a mouse-click. Approved plans are digitally stamped and uploaded to eSP where clients can immediately download.

34 New Requirements for Submittals
Instructions for uploading plans and construction documents were ed to all clients in March 2016 and are available on the FDD web site at: s

35 New Requirements for Submittals
Plans (or ‘Plan sets’) must be saved in PDF format. Each file must be under 100MB in size. Please flatten the drawing layers in your CAD program before creating the PDF. Pages must be straight, clear with no streaks; sheets must be contrasting with background and not too light or dark. PDF bookmarks of each sheet are required; bookmark names must include the plan sheet number and sheet title.

36 New Requirements for Submittals
For small plan review projects or ACD, DSI or AMC submittals where the page count is under 50 sheets, creating a single PDF document is acceptable and the file name must be a describing prefix “Plan” followed by the OSHPD project number separated by an underscore:

37 New Requirements for Submittals
For projects with more than 50 sheets, construction plans must be divided into smaller PDF file sets that facilitate Electronic Plan Check. The instructions include a chart that illustrates some examples for the file naming conventions of plan sets for submittal to OSHPD, where the plans are grouped into logical ‘sets’. Choose the appropriate discipline code and insert an underscore character ( _ ) between this code and the filename, as shown in these examples:

38 New Requirements for Submittals
New Plan File Naming Conventions

39 New Requirements for Submittals

40 New Requirements for Submittals
Submitted plans must all be properly ‘oriented’, meaning face up, not sideways or upside down, so that the document can be viewed without rotating it. Failure to submit correctly oriented plans may result in the submittal being returned, which will delay review.

41 New Requirements for Submittals
Bookmarks: Each sheet must be provided with ‘bookmarks’ that list the sheet number and sheet title. Bookmarks must not be created in folders and subfolders: CORRECT NOT CORRECT

42 New Requirements for Submittals
To facilitate digital stamping a 3” x 4” OSHPD Approval Stamp Space is required on each sheet. This space must be located in the proximity of the right edge of the sheet or within or immediately adjacent to the overall title block area. The OSHPD Approval Stamp Space must be located in the same exact location on each sheet.

43 New Requirements for Submittals
Supplemental documents or attachments consist of any files that are not CAD plans. These may include Soils Reports, Specifications, Structural Calculations, Hydraulic Calculations, Testing, Inspection & Observation Programs, Reference Plans, images, etc. These must also be submitted in PDF format with a specific prefix, a space between this prefix and the filename and the OSHPD Project Number as the filename.

44 New Requirements for Submittals
Document Type Separato r Plan Filename Submitted Filenames w/ Document Code Specifications Space S Spec S pdf Calculations Calc S pdf TIO TIO S pdf Reference Plans Ref S pdf Soils Reports Geo S pdf Images Img S pdf Product Data Sheets Prod S pdf Other Documents Docs S pdf

45 New Requirements for Submittals
Corrected Plans The entire set of corrected plans must be submitted for backcheck review and approval. Do not resubmit only the corrected sheets. Please maintain and update bookmarks on each sheet. Provide a written response to all comments; the written response must include a description and a location of the corrections made to the construction documents. The OSHPD Plan Review Comments document is provided with a location for written responses to plans; this document must be resubmitted with corrected plans.

46 New Requirements for Submittals
Corrected Plans When available, use the Resubmit action link to upload the corrected plans – this will insure the corrected set is properly associated with the previous reviewed set.

47 New Requirements for Submittals
Use the EXACT same filename as the original submittal. DO NOT change the file names when submitting new ‘versions’. Maintaining consistent filenames will expedite the review process. DO NOT reorder, extract or insert pages in your corrected plans. For example, if a 4-page set of construction plans was returned to you for corrections, resubmit a 4-page set of corrected construction plans in the same page order. Rearranging, extracting or inserting pages out of order will cause delays in completing your plan review; plans that have been rearranged, had sheets extracted or had sheets inserted will be returned.

48 New Requirements for Submittals
If, in response to comments additional plan sheets are required new plan sheets or plan sets are being submitted: Revised/corrected plans must be submitted in the same page order as the previous submittal. Place new plan sheets at the end of the corrected plan set document. DO NOT place new pages in the middle or beginning of the submittal. Additional pages added to supplemental documents may be added in order and do not need to be added at the end of the document. If a plan sheet is deleted, revised/corrected plans must include a blank page placeholder in place of the deleted sheet with the words “DELETED SHEET” included on the page.

49 New Requirements for Submittals
Use virtual folders to resubmit corrected documents and keep them sorted properly. When plans are approved, all previously reviewed docs will be deleted and approved docs will be in the Approved Documents virtual folder.

50 HBSB Activities

51 HBSB Upcoming Meetings
Technology Committee - May 11, 2016 Structural and Nonstructural Regulations Committee - May 25, 2016 Standard Details Committee - June 2, 2016 Education and Outreach Committee - June 7, 2016 Administrative Processes and Code Changes Committee - June 22, 2016 Technology Committee - June 30, 2016 Hospital Building Safety Board - July 14, 2015

52 Facilities Development Division California’s Building Department for Hospitals
FDD foresees a continuation of small renovation projects and fewer large new buildings or additions The numbers of small projects may increase from current numbers SPC-4D projects will be coming into the office after January 1, 2016 Removal of acute care services from SPC-1 buildings continue to be problematic Removal of acute care services from SPC-1 and 2 buildings should increase in the coming years FDD has established a task force to look at repurposing existing hospital buildings There will be more than 700 SPC-2 buildings to deal with between now and 2030

53 Facilities Development Division California’s Building Department for Hospitals
FDD has established a Repurposing Hospital Buildings Taskforce CBC § 3408A.1 Conformance. No change shall be made in the use or occupancy of any building that would place the building in a different division of the same group of occupancies or in a different group of occupancies, unless such building is made to comply with the requirements of this code for such division or group of occupancies. Subject to the approval of the of the building official, the use or occupancy of existing buildings shall be permitted to be changed and the building is allowed to be occupied for purposes in other groups without conforming to all of the requirements of this code fro those groups, provided the new or proposed use is less hazardous based on life and fire risk, than the existing use. SPC Buildings – existing SPC-1s and more than 700 SPC-2s by 2020 Development of a P.I.N. Acute Psych pilot programs utilizing the FGI Guidelines Licensing and Certification will be included in process CHOC Adolescent Psych Unit - LOU If you build a bridge, others will come FDD has established a HBSB Hospital Energy Savings Committee

54 Facilities Development Division California’s Building Department for Hospitals
FDD foresees continued development of “Auto Codes” which will allow some code requirements to be electronically checked from the designers CADD drawings/model FDD will be transitioning to Electronic Plan/Archive storage – eliminate paper plan archives Continued development of manners in which clients may interact with FDD, such as Virtual OTCs, GO To Meeting, etc. – may eliminate need for off-site OTCs, such as San Diego Development of a web-based training program for Inspectors of Record Continuing trend to move closer to model codes with fewer amendments Continue to develop new programs and expand exiting ones

55 Acute Psych Pilot Programs Utilizing the FGI Guidelines

56 California Building Code

57 CBC? Existing building codes are outdated but may work for some projects CBC § Psychiatric Nursing Unit Renovation/conversion of existing unit in a GAC Hospital Treats patient rooms similar to medical nursing rooms Need to consider safety/anti-ligature requirements – hand wash fixtures, accessible shower hoses, etc.

58 AMC? Alternative to CBC – “Pilot Program” using 2014 Edition of FGI Guidelines Section 2.5 Specific Requirements for Psychiatric Hospitals Submitted as an AMC

59 What’s Required? Pre-design meeting recommended Involve CDPH L&C
Letter of Understanding Functional Program Submittal of AMC (AMC for code alternates reviewed on T&M basis after January 1, 2017) Submittal of T24 vs FGI Comparison Submittal of Construction Documents Review based on LOU and approved AMC

60 Letter Of Understanding
Facility information Purpose of project Project description Existing building information if applicable Proposed modifications Conditions and agreements Codes/AMC Architectural Structural Mechanical Plumbing Electrical

61 Functional Program CAC § 7-119. Functional Program
Sent to CDPH L&C for review

62 T24 vs. FGI

63 T24 vs. FGI

64 T24 vs. FGI

65 T24 vs. FGI

66 T24 vs. FGI

67 T24 vs. FGI


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