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Financing of microfinance: Debate with Auditors, Investors and Danida

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Presentation on theme: "Financing of microfinance: Debate with Auditors, Investors and Danida"— Presentation transcript:

1 Financing of microfinance: Debate with Auditors, Investors and Danida
Thursday 22 November 15.15 – 17.30 Copenhagen

2 Agenda 15.15 – 15.30: 15.30 – 16.00: 16.00 – 16.30: 16.30 – 17.00: : Welcome and introductions by Ole Dahl Rasmussen, member of the board of DFM, Ph.D. student and microfinance advisor in DanChurchAid (Folkekirkens Nødhjælp) Gregory Thys former CEO of MicroRate Africa – a leading rating and due diligence company of microfinance institutions in Africa and the MENA region Jens Ole Pedersen, Head of Microfinance Partners of May Invest investing hundreds of millions of DKK in microfinance Jørn Olesen, Senior Advisor responsible for microfinance, Technical Advisory Services, Danida - engaged in assessments and support for inclusive finance Discussion

3 Microfinance investments: Time for a double bottom line?
Ole Dahl Rasmussen DFM Board and DanChurchAid

4 Ole Dahl Rasmussen - Introduction
The progress 200m microfinance clients in 15 years Idea Movement Industry Ole Dahl Rasmussen - Introduction

5 Ole Dahl Rasmussen - Introduction
The concerns Debate about the evidence on short-term social impacts Risk of negativ effects: Overborrowing Benin: Pressure from investors, pressure from credit officers 50% of investments with 33 microfinance institutions Ole Dahl Rasmussen - Introduction

6 Ole Dahl Rasmussen - Introduction
The questions Microfinance is good business that expands markets, and thereby opportunities, for the world’s poorest. Is investment in microfinance always socially responsible investment? If not, what does it take for investment in microfinance to be socially responsible and what are the roles of investors, regulators, raters and NGOs in this respect? Ole Dahl Rasmussen - Introduction

7 Is it time for a double bottom line?

8 Agenda 15.15 – 15.30: 15.30 – 16.00: 16.00 – 16.30: 16.30 – 17.00: : Welcome and introductions by Ole Dahl Rasmussen, member of the board of DFM, Ph.D. student and microfinance advisor in DanChurchAid (Folkekirkens Nødhjælp) Gregory Thys former CEO of MicroRate Africa – a leading rating and due diligence company of microfinance institutions in Africa and the MENA region Jens Ole Pedersen, Head of Microfinance Partners of May Invest investing hundreds of millions of DKK in microfinance Jørn Olesen, Senior Advisor responsible for microfinance, Technical Advisory Services, Danida - engaged in assessments and support for inclusive finance Discussion

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