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Laws & Theories Warm Up? What happens when an experimental result is replicated and occurs over and over, and over again?

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Presentation on theme: "Laws & Theories Warm Up? What happens when an experimental result is replicated and occurs over and over, and over again?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Laws & Theories Warm Up? What happens when an experimental result is replicated and occurs over and over, and over again?

2 Vocabulary: Theory Law
Benchmarks Objective: Distinguish between scientific theories and laws. Identify examples of scientific theories Identify example of scientific laws. SC.7.N.3.1-Recognize and explain the difference between theories and laws and give several examples of scientific theories and the evidence that supports them. (Also assesses SC.6.N.3.1 and SC.8.N.3.2.)


4 What’s your Theory? Date Entry Theories vs. Law Notes
Theories vs. Law Chart

5 Video - BBC ueYY
How can this popping popcorn be a Theory? Can it ever be a Law that popcorn kernels pop? Why is this video called the Big Bang Theory? What makes popcorn popping a Theory?

6 What is the Big Bang Theory?
atch?v=cqy_5Pfidd0 How did life evolve? Primordial soup atch?v=fgQLyqWaCbA

7 Theories vs. Laws T chart.
Theories: An explanation for why natural events occur developed from extensive observations, experimentation, and reasoning. LAWS: A scientific principle that states what occurs during a natural event developed from extensive observations and experimentation.

I passed because I studied for two hours and got a good night's sleep. I got a 94% score, and missed the questions about gravity. Replace with Science based examples.

9 LAW: I got a 94% score, and missed the questions about gravity. - WHAT
Why! BILLY PASSED A TEST THEORY: I passed because I studied for two hours and got a good night's sleep. -WHY LAW: I got a 94% score, and missed the questions about gravity. - WHAT

10 Guess that Law or Theory
Law & Theory Bank: Theories! Laws! Where/What is the game?

11 Theories vs. Laws T chart.
Theories: Def: WHY things are this way. Plate tectonics Cell theory Evolution LAWS: Def.:What we observe. Law of Superposition. Conservation of Matter Natural selection

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