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Request for Flexibility Interest Form

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1 2016-2017 Request for Flexibility Interest Form
School: Roswell High School Learning Community: Northwest Concept Name Building the Foundation of Successful Math Students Strategic Initiative Increase flexibility of instructional time and master schedule parameters Brief Description of the Need/Challenge (with supporting data) When the Counseling PLC met with the Algebra and Geometry PLC’s, both groups of teachers indicated the need for additional time with weaker math students at the beginning of their high school curriculum. Prior years’ failure rates are as follows (numbers are from the 12 week progress report because semester totals are not accurate due to those who took advantage of recovery) Spring students failing GSE Algebra 1, 104 students failing GSE Geometry Fall students failing GSE Algebra 1, 163 students failing GSE Geometry Spring students failing CCGPS Coord. Algebra, 109 students failing CCGPS Analytic Geometry Fall students failing CCGPS Coord. Algebra, 140 students failing CCGPS Analytic Geometry Brief Description of the Concept and How It Addresses the Need/Challenge We are proposing to teach Foundations of Algebra as a 1st year, core credit-earning math course for students who meet set criteria from middle school. For students in the Foundations of Algebra course, they will learn basic Algebra standards and concepts before moving on to Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 to complete the 4 required credits to graduate. This will allow students to remain on track with their math credits, promotion, and on time graduation. Note that this is an optional path focused on RETENTION as the candidates for this program would be students who not only have a chance of failing a class, but have a strong chance of dropping out all together.  This will ultimately improve our graduation rate. Expected Results Adding 2 or 3 sections of this course will better support our weaker math students, building their foundation of math to be successful for the remainder of high school and beyond. More students will graduate on time with this alternative route to completion of 4 math courses. Students that take this course will be ready for a junior college or technical school upon graduation, and also have a path to being 4-year college-ready with additional summer school/online classes.  This option, unlike traditional remediation, allows a student who may have moved through/into our FCS system without a solid math foundation, to go back and more fully develop the fundamental math skills  necessary for success in higher Math.   Anticipated Cost and anticipated funding source No cost anticipated for the school, staffing already in place. Identify and explain Known Implications Students/Families: If students transfer from Roswell High School to another school, they will need to meet the math requirements of that school to graduate. If current Roswell students start in the Foundations Course but want to move to a more rigorous path, they could complete summer school or an online class to get ahead. No other implications in key areas.

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