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Sports newsletter of Bradfield Dungworth Primary School.

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1 Sports newsletter of Bradfield Dungworth Primary School.
Welcome to the Spring Sports newsletter of Bradfield Dungworth Primary School. The children have been very busy during the last few months doing all sorts of sport. We have all taken part in a day of Skipping and a day of Circus skills. Ruby class had a coach teaching them Ultimate Frisby which resulted in a Ultimate Frisby tournament. Competitions coming up. April 20th – y5/6 Orienteering April 23rd – Y3/4 Handball April 27th – Reception Balance Bike festival. May 4th – Reception Multi – sports May 11th – KS2 Tennis May 18th – Y1/2 Athletics May 21st – Y5/6 City Athletics After School Competitions So far this term children have taken part in the following: Y1 – Multi Sports Y5 – Benchball Y5/6 – Boys Futsal Y5/6 – Girls Futsal

2 Participation in extra curricular activity is : Rec & KS1 – 60%
Club Participation There have been lots of opportunities for children, throughout school to take part in a range of clubs both after school and during lunchtime. There has been football, basketball, ruggereds , multi skills and cross country. A big THANK YOU to Mrs Snowden and Alice Hague for running the Cross Country Club during the lunchtime. Participation in extra curricular activity is : Rec & KS1 – 60% KS % Lets see if we can increase this participation. We have 2 new clubs coming up – skipping and later on Cheer leading. Sports Premium Grant. This is the 2nd Year that the government has provided the grant. We have chosen to spend the money in a variety of ways. Mrs Watts is employed for ½ day /week to deliver high quality PE. We have joined LINKS who not only provide us with all the competitions but also have provided Faye Ruddlestone who has been teaching the chidren dance this term. We have also paid for our specialist days of Skipping and Circus Skills as well as cricket coaches in for Jade and Ruby classes. Thank you to year 6 Sports Leaders who are helping to run activities at lunchtimes. You are doing a great job – keep it up! Throughout the year children will help to fill in a memory of their sporting achievements.

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