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John Michnowicz Theresa Jackson Teri Medley

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1 John Michnowicz Theresa Jackson Teri Medley
Office of Sponsored Research Services 660 South Euclid, Campus Box 8018 St. Louis, MO 63110 Phone: ; Fax: John Michnowicz Director Theresa Jackson Secretary Sonia Moore Manager Teri Medley Manager Cheryl LaRue Grant Assistant II Simge Kundakcioglu Grant Analyst -Anatomy & Neurobiology -Center for the Study of Health Policy -Health Administration -IM Cardiology -IM Gen Med Science -IM Oncology -IM Renal Mary Altmiller Grant Analyst (In Training) -Psychiatry Waliah RaKhem(Web) Grant Analyst -IM ACTU -IM Applied Physiology -IM Ctr Human Nutrition -IM Geriatrics -IM Infectious Disease -IM Lipid Research -IM Metab. Endo.Lipid -IM Med School Admin -IM Proteomics Core -IM Schonfeld -IM Veterans Affairs -Med. Ed./Currriculum -Molecular Microbiology -Neurological Surgery -Ophthalmology Rob Andersson Grant Analyst -Biostatistics -Cell Biology -CTSA -Comparative Medicine -Developmental Biology -IM Bone & Mineral -Occupational Therapy - Radiation Oncology Jenni Barthlow Grant Analyst -Biochemistry -HRPO -IM Allergy & Immunology -IM Bioorganic Chemistry -IM Jewish Admin. Offices -OB/GYN -Pathology Matt Carril (Web) Grant Analyst -Center for Clinical Studies -IM Gastro -IM Hematology -IM Hospitalist -IM Pharmacogenomics -Med. School Admin/Misc. -Neurology Daniel Santacruz Grant Analyst (In Training) -Center for Health Behavior Research -DBBS -Emergency Medicine -IM Pulmonary -Radiology Angela Williams Grant Analyst -Cancer Center -IM Bone Marrow Transplant -IM Med House Staff -Library -Pediatrics -Physical Therapy Bethany Mason Grant Analyst (In Training) -Surgery Tanya Sawyer (Web) Grant Analyst -Anesthesiology -Continuing Med. Ed. -Genetics -IM Dermatology -IM Rheumatology -Orthopaedic Surgery -Otolaryngology -Neurotrophic Factors -Student Affairs OSRS Org. Chart as of 1/11/10

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