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Early Historic Culture

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1 Early Historic Culture

2 Clothing used animal skins for clothing cloth woven from grass and mulberry men wore shirts and pants, pants only, or breechcloths women wore long fringed skirts with loose tunics. moccasins were worn by most. children dressed like their parents.

3 Work Men worked together to clear the land, construct houses and build boats called pirogues Women gathered together to weave baskets, make pottery or craft other utensils Members of the tribe also made food, and made essential clothing and tools. What was not needed was traded for additional supplies

4 Houses The Indians of South Louisiana built their houses of canes, wood, or reeds. Used grass, cornhusks, or palmetto leaves for roofs.

5 Houses The Indians of South Louisiana built better homes. They used heavy wooden posts and a framework of clay or mud.

6 Food grain, fruits, berries, nuts bear, deer small animals, alligator buffalo wild honey beans, sweet potatoes, cabbage, pumpkins, melons

7 Tools had a few crude tools stone knives, hatchets, and stone-pointed spears bone fishhooks nets made of cedar chips funnel shaped fish traps

8 Weapons bows made of wood cane arrows with hard points stone knives, hatchets, and stone-pointed spears

9 Religion Based on their concept of the world
Everything had its place as a part of the sacred world preserve balance and harmony Ceremonies supervised by priests, chiefs and holy men The light of the sun represented a sacred power to several tribes Annual celebrations included a new corn festival and a harvest festival Dance and music were important in these religious festivals Some practices were not understood by the Europeans Sacrifice seemed cruel and evil, but to Indians it brought honor to the family and sent spirits to join the chief in the next world

10 Government War chief and peace chief usually led the tribe
War chief was military leader Tactics were different from Europeans: surprise attacks, hand to hand combat Peace chief handled tribal matters Punishment for criminal acts were severe and included beating, banishment, and even death Smoking the calumet (peace pipe) was a formal ceremony in agreement to avoid war Indians did not go to war without the required ritual or ceremony

11 Contact with Europeans
Interaction with French, Spanish, and British changed the Indian’s way of life forever internal tribal affairs were interfered with and tribes were relocated Involved Indians in their conflicts, enslaved them and even encouraged them to capture others as slaves Early Louisiana people changed from hunting and agriculture society to trade based Check for understanding 169 #1-5 Return to agenda

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