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Characterization Comparison

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1 Characterization Comparison
Characterization has been a main focus in collection 2. Create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Yollie and Mrs. Moreno character traits including: appearance, action, speech, thoughts, and feelings. Follow the directions below to complete the activity. Log into the computer. Your username is first initial and last initial and your id number. Example: rh *see Ms. Harmon if you need help logging in. After the computer has loaded, open Internet Explorer and allow the CPSB homepage to load. On the left hand side, there is a link for Blackboard. Click on the link to launch Blackboard. Click on Login to Blackboard. (You will use the same username and password to log into the computer.) Load Ms. Harmon’s Blackboard site by clicking on Moss Bluff Middle – Rachel Harmon To locate the template, click Class Content – Unit 2 – Mother and Daughter Folder – Right click on Character Diagram – Save Target As – Make sure you select desktop and save it. Double click to open the document from your desktop. You can click on the text boxes to edit your own text. Make sure that you fill in the heading (name, date, block #). You can refer back to pg. 128 to help you define the character traits. You will need to refer back to the story on pg. 137 to help you identify the specific character traits of Yollie and Mrs. Moreno. When you are finished typing the information, you may change the font, color, etc… To save the document, you will click on the floppy disk in the top left hand corner. Your document will be on your desktop. To turn in your document, go back to Blackboard. Click on Class Content – Unit 2 – Mother and Daughter folder – Locate the Taskcard Assignment 1. Click on Browse My Computer – Click on Desktop – Click on Character Diagram then open. Click on Submit and your document should appear. This task uses: Common Core/NG Standard(s): RL Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/ Rachel Harmon - School: Moss Bluff Middle School Grade Level/Subject: 7th Grade - ELA Task Card Level: Level 1 Special Directions/Considerations: This activity could be used with Microsoft Word or even Inspiration. Activity Evaluation: Level 1 Rubric Prerequisites for students: Elements of Literature Characterization lesson location on pages Text being used from Holt Elements of Literature First Course: Mother and Daughter located on pages

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