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Wikis and other online freebies for your math courses

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1 Wikis and other online freebies for your math courses
Reva Narasimhan Kean University

2 What is a wiki? wiki is Hawaiian for rapid and was named after the shuttle buses in Honolulu airport A wiki is a web site that can be individually or collaboratively edited using just a web browser. No special tools and no special skills are required. You do not need to ftp to a web server or know any HTML

3 Some interesting wikis
wikipedia You can search many wiki sites for a list of, say, education wikis

4 How do you start? Various sites on the Internet offer free wikis
Examples:, Pbwiki is free and also ad-free for educators Compares many popular wikis:

5 What can you do with a wiki?
Create your class web site very quickly Post syllabus and related materials You would make this a public wiki but only those with a password can change it You can make interactive projects as well by linking to java applets for graphing, for example

6 And you can add Images Files Even a working spreadsheet! Go to
for a math wiki


8 Online freebies These are listed in my wiki
Local page: Local page: freebies – part 1 Local page: freebies - part 2

9 Contact information Reva Narasimhan Kean University

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