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Curriculum Overview Year 5 Autumn Term

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1 Curriculum Overview Year 5 Autumn Term
Literacy In literacy this term we are keeping with our Industrial Revolution Topic and focusing on writing biographical recounts as if we are living and working in the Industrial Revolution, through writing diaries and letters. Children will develop initial ideas through reading and research of true recounts from this period, and developing their sentence structures to provide detail and description in their recount . Mathematics In mathematics we are looking at multiplication and rounding numbers. We will look at multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000, multiplying numbers using the grid method and column multiplication and dividing numbers by using written short division, (also known as the bus stop method ). All of the methods used are on the school’s calculation policy on the school website. Science In science we will be looking at different material s used in the Industrial Revolution, and seeing which materials are best for which job depending on their properties. We will also be looking at using our knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to solve the problem of recovering a substance from a dissolved solution. Computing In computing children will create a plan, program, debug and test their algorithms using Scratch. They will learn keywords such as sprite, backdrop, algorithm, animation, input, output, program, script and storyboard. . PE Invasion Games Dance – depicting the Industrial Revolution. Curriculum Overview Year 5 Autumn Term History / Geography In history we are looking at the lives of people living in Britain during the Industrial Revolution, and how they were affected by this key period. In Geography we are looking at human geography; looking at how the land changed due to migration and economic activity. The Arts In D & T we are looking at the design and use of canal boats in the Industrial Revolution, before making our own and testing whether they are fit for purpose! SMSC/British Values Children will discuss and distinguish right from wrong based on the criminal law of England, comparing it with previous laws from the Industrial Revolution. They will also understand how the law protects citizens and is essential for their wellbeing and safety, linking it to the working conditions of people during the Industrial Revolution. MFL The topic for French this term is ‘All about Moi!’, where the children will learn phrases to describe a bit about themselves. This can include their hobbies/interests, favourite food/animals, birthdays and family. RE: Children will learn about the Christian and Jewish followers, symbols and festivals. They will link their learning to the school’s Golden Rules, and understand how religious codes can influence their lives. .

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