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Working with Business Leaders to Catalyze action on energy efficiency

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1 Working with Business Leaders to Catalyze action on energy efficiency
Introduction to the Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator Rana Ghoneim, Industrial Development Officer, UNIDO

2 Agenda What is the IEE Accelerator & its role Country selection Plans

3 Leading Partners: UNIDO and Carbon Trust
Goal is to build capacity and embed EE best practice and innovation, so improving industrial productivity Key Stakeholders: Ministries of environment / energy, engineering firms, Industry associations, Banks, NGOs, etc. Supporting Organizations: EnWG, DOE, EEP, IPEEC, EP100, ClimateWorks, etc. Leading Partners: UNIDO and Carbon Trust Double the rate of EE in industry (SE4ALL goal)

4 The Accelerator will be a multi-stakeholder platform
Active engagement from a range of country actors. Governments Government encouragement, through energy management programs, of adoption of Energy Management Systems (EnMS) for energy-intensive companies and promotion energy efficiency in energy-intensive SMEs Public Utilities Incentivize EnMS through demand-side energy management programmes Target the most energy-intensive sectors Financial Institutions Mainstream energy efficiency financing in loan operations Provide technical and EnMS implementation assistance based on best practices Industrial Companies Implement energy management approaches (e.g. ISO 50001) in the most energy-intensive facilities Share success stories, tools, and training to spread EnMS across their supply chain Industry Associations Support roll-out of sector-specific collaborative frameworks Foster company leadership and action around common energy management goals Target SE4ALL Goal #3: Double the rate of energy efficiency in the industrial sector by 2030

5 The Accelerator seeks to support energy efficiency in through 4 pillars

6 A key part of the strategy is to choose countries and sectors to work with
Various criteria for selection: Sector is a priority for country (resents significant impact on country GDP, CO2, etc.) Opportunities exist to support on a regional sector basis (e.g., Steel in Peru, Columbia, etc) Countries are ready for change (ministerial support, access to local auditors, etc.) Iron & Steel Aluminium Ceramics Paper Glass Etc. Malaysia Chile South Africa Indonesia Peru Senegal Mexico Ukraine

7 The Accelerator plans to support activities in up to 15 countries in the first few years across a range of interventions Year  Country Roll Out 1 Initiate development of a global Multi-stakeholder process Develop the Accelerator toolkit Start with a focused effort on 5 priority country industry programmes 2 3 Expand to 10 supported countries in year 3 4 Expand to 15 supported countries in year 4 5 to 8 Evaluate country performance and build Accelerator  Activity Policy Design (initial programme design) EnMS (training, capacity building, technology best practice support) Advice (establish local advice programme to support ongoing Industrial energy efficiency deployment) Ongoing financial support through multilateral funders, regional development banks ad local financial institutions

8 How do to get engaged?
Get involved How do to get engaged?

9 Contacts Rana Ghoneim Industrial Development Officer Energy Branch
UNIDO T: E: Al-Karim Govindji Senior Manager Policy & Innovation Carbon Trust T: E:

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