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World War I Unit 8 Review.

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1 World War I Unit 8 Review

2  Along the western front the war had stalemated because both sides built elaborate _______and fought back and forth over _____ _______ _________ trenches Answer Clue Ditches & empty Answer No man’s land

3 During World War I, the Ottoman Empire deported 2 million _________ from their empire causing over 600,000 to starve to death. What ethnic group was the victim of this genocide? Clue Answer Armenians Not Legenians

4 Gavrilo Princip and the Black Hand were Nationalists from what country?
Clue Answer Serbia Bosnia

5 In 1918, World War I ended when an ____________________ was signed
In 1918, World War I ended when an ____________________ was signed. This meant Both sides agreed to stop __________. Armistice Answer Clue Answer not legistice Fighting

6 Not Mexican Outfluenza
More people died of _______________ _________________ during World War I than died in battle Clue Answer Spanish Influenza Not Mexican Outfluenza

7 Ruler of Germany who will be blamed for starting the war when he invaded Russia
Clue Answer Wilhelm II Willy 2

8 Powder Keg Exploding Crate Nationalist
the Balkans is considered the “_______ ________” of Europe because __________ groups in the region sought independence from Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. Powder Keg Answer Clue Answer Exploding Crate Nationalist

9 The causes of World War I were
Answers Clue: MAIN Imperialism Militarism Nationalism Alliances

10 Who were the members of the Allied Powers?
Answers Russia Great Britain United States France

11 the members of the Big Four were
Answers Georges Clemenceau David Lloyd George Vittorio Orlando Woodrow Wilson

12 Who were the members of the Central Powers?
Answers Austria-Hungary Germany Ottoman Empire Bulgaria

13 the German plan to end the war quickly was called
Clue Answer The Schlieffen Plan Sch _ _ _ _fen

14 The longest battle fought during World War I was…
Clue Answer Battle of Verdun Not Verstart

15 The political cartoon above is an example of…
Caption: “Babes on Bayonets,” The political cartoon above is an example of… Clue Answer Exaggerations Propaganda

16 the spark that set off the events that led to World War I was
Answer assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Clue Shot to death

17 The Treaty that ended World War I was
Answer Treaty of Versailles Clue Louis’ palace

18 strategies weapons Plans, guns
there were so many casualties in World War I because Commanders in the field used outmoded __________ against modern _____________. strategies Answer Clue Answer weapons Plans, guns

19 What country was the first to use poisonous gas during World War I?
Clue Answer Germany Bismarck’s Nation

20 What is the policy of glorifying power and keepings an army prepared for war?
Clue Answer Militarism armyism

21 The main cause of the rivalry between Great Britain and Germany before World War I was that both wanted to be the # 1 _______ __________in the world. Clue Answer Sea power Lots of Ships

22 What was the nickname of the Soldiers of each of these countries
Answers Germany Great Britain United States Australia Huns Tommies Doughboys Diggers

23 When the men in the trenches went “over the top” the greatest and most frequent danger they faced was from ___________ __________ Clue Answer Machine Guns Rat-a-tat-tat

24 Which nation dropped out of World War I in March of 1918 after a revolution brought the Communists to power? Clue Answer Russia Lenin was responsible

25 Which nation entered World War I in April of 1917 after Germany refused to stop unrestricted submarine warfare? Clue Answer United States Uncle Sam

26 Victoria’s Grandchildren
World War I was called a “family feud” because the __________ __________ of Europe were all related. Clue Answer Victoria’s Grandchildren Royal Families

27 Which nation dropped out of World War I in March of 1918 after a revolution brought the Communists to power? Clue Answer Russia Lenin was responsible

28 Which nation entered World War I in April of 1917 after Germany refused to stop unrestricted submarine warfare? Clue Answer United States Uncle Sam

29 ____________________ provision in the Treaty of Versailles known as the “war guilt clause” blaming only Germany for starting the war. Clue Answer number Article 231

30 nation that wanted revenge against Germany and got it in both land and war reparations
Clue Answer Parle vous France

31 Area of territory that sat between two enemy trenches was called
Clue Answer Not all Women territory No Man’s Land

32 During World War I theses military technologies were used for the first time: ____________ , ______________, and poisonous ________________ Answers Clues Tanks Airplanes gas 2 vehicles vapour

33 ____ million soldiers lost their lives during the Great War
Clue Answer Even # .3 8.3

34 President Wilson of the United States proposed ________ Points in his peace plan for World War I
Clue Answer number 14

35 Around the world 20 million people died in of the ____________ ____________ which broke out in the United States at Fort Riley, Kansas Clue Answer Iberian Vomit Spanish Flu

36 The Treaty of Versailles led to __________________ because the hardships imposed on Germany would help Hitler rise to power. Clue Answer Another War World War II

37 Essay Question: You are a German or British soldier serving on the Western Front. Write 3 letters home to your parents or wife. Each letter should be one page long and should describe one of the following: 1st letter: daily life in the trenches 2nd letter: a famous battle 3rd letter: Your experience with one new weapon of war----airplane, tank, machine gun, poisonous gas, etc.

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