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HSE Home Birth Service Clinical Professional Seminar & workshop for healthcare professionals.

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Presentation on theme: "HSE Home Birth Service Clinical Professional Seminar & workshop for healthcare professionals."— Presentation transcript:

1 HSE Home Birth Service Clinical Professional Seminar & workshop for healthcare professionals

2 Professional Policies/Procedures/Guidelines What’s in it for the Self Employed Community Midwife and for the women availing of a home birth service funded by the HSE? Janet Murphy Registered Advanced Midwife Practitioner: Midwifery Care University Hospital Waterford Designated Midwifery Officer Waterford Area DN student UCC

3 Content of presentation
Quality Safety Risk Agenda

4 Policies Procedures Guidelines.
What are Policies? A policy document outlines a principle that governs activity and which individuals are expected to follow. A written statement that indicates clearly the position and values of the organisation on a given subject - See more at: (NMBI) What are Procedures? A written plan that specifies procedures to be followed in defined situations, a protocol represents a standard of care that describes an intervention or set of interventions" What are Guidelines? A guideline is a principle or criterion that guides or directs action : "systematically developed statements to assist practitioner and patient decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances” Defined as a principle or criterion that guides or directs action. Guideline development emphasizes using clear evidence from the existing literature, rather than expert opinion alone, as the basis for advisor materials. - See more at: (NMBI) (Concise Oxford Dictionary 2014).


6 Helicopter view Midwives Women Support Mentorship Aid decision making
Guidance Educate /EBP Define your practice Audit purposes Pathway for CPD Pathway for positive birth Diversity / inclusion Sustainability /Confidence Choice/partnership Evidence based practice Individual assessment Education Quality Equitable

7 Working Groups/ PPGs Eligibility criteria Guidelines Policies
Continuous professional development

8 Key questions Are they practical? Are they understandable?
Are they evidenced based ? Are there alternatives? Can we audit? What are the outcomes? Do they support safe, quality care for women and infants?

9 Positive changes preventing “Hinting and Hoping”

10 Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland


12 Perceived Barriers

13 Perceived Benefits

14 What if.... Clinical judgement prevails Not always answers

15 Nursing and Midwifery Values in Ireland
Compassion “showing empathy and respect for the person to ensure that the dignity of the person is upheld at all times. The nurse and midwife upholds the trust of the person by providing care that is evidenced based on integrity, genuineness, kindness, comfort and presence “ Care “Care means having the required knowledge, skill and competence to connect with a person by genuinely listening to and communicating with the person, demonstrating safe evidence based and collaborative practice” Commitment “Commitment means having a person centred approach to professional practice. This requires professional courage, a commitment to life long learning that is demonstrated by intellectual engagement. Commitment is further demonstrated by a work ethic that is underpinned by passion and drive for professionalism to develop self and support teams with diligence and resilience “

16 Final thought .....


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