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Introduction to AgGateway

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1 Introduction to AgGateway
[Please see the “Notes” section of these slides for helpful information on each slide. This presentation can be used “as is” or tailored to specific needs.] LAST UPDATED

2 AgGateway A non-profit, collaborative membership association.
Helping agri-businesses reduce the cost and frustration of managing and exchanging complex data. Broad representation across ag segments. We’re a non-profit, member-driven, collaborative organization. We help agri-businesses use eConnectivity to increase productivity and profitability throughout the supply chain. AgGateway focuses on ways to enable data transfer and management -- to help reduce the cost and frustration of managing complex data in today’s industry. One of the reasons we’re successful is that you’ll find a broad representation of ag segments and functions all sitting at the table together to hammer out these issues.

3 To promote, enable and expand eBusiness in agriculture.
AgGateway’s Mission To promote, enable and expand eBusiness in agriculture. AgGateway’s mission.

4 Why eBusiness Mastering the use and exchange of data.
Success in agriculture today requires… Mastering the use and exchange of data. Maximizing efficiency and productivity. Tightening financial management of large-scale costs. eBusiness – sometimes also called eConnectivity -- is a critical factor to success in an industry focused on maximum efficiency and productivity. Mastering the use and exchange of data has been called one of the most revolutionary advances that agriculture will experience in our lifetimes. AgGateway is the forum where essential dialogue and work fueling this information revolution are taking place.

5 Companies also face… Increasing regulatory requirements
Traceability requirements Consolidation and global competition Need to do more (and grow more) with fewer resources. eBusiness (or “eConnectivity) plays a key role in navigating all of these concerns. eConnectivity plays a key role in navigating some of the top challenges facing agriculture.

6 AgGateway works to: Improve business processes
Streamline the supply chain Raise productivity Cut costs Enhance traceability Allow companies to meet customer expectations. Our member companies work together to identify and address specific areas to enhance eConnectivity – whether it’s an order-to-invoice process, tracing grain from field to market, barcoding, or interoperability of precision ag systems. Companies work together to develop and implement common industry standards and tools.

7 AgGateway: Who’s involved?
More than 200 member companies including: Ag Retailers Manufacturers (seed, crop nutrition, crop protection, equipment) Distributors Grain & feed companies Precision ag providers Specialty chemical manufacturers Software and data service providers Business and IT professionals from these member companies collaborate on AgGateway activities. Currently About 200 member companies, from many industry sectors – everything from crop protection to grain, and from ag retailers to precision ag technology providers. In our meetings and working sessions you’ll find business and IT professionals from these member companies. We need to hear from both parts of the office – from the managers of the business to know their priorities in terms of communication with trading partners, and from the data experts to make that wish a reality. Together the members develop and implement common industry standards, to make electronic connections possible. See a list of member companies under “About Us” at

8 Industry-wide, Global Solutions
AgGateway coordinates with: Standards groups Trade associations Government agencies AgGateway teams do not work in a void. We’re in conversation all the time with standards groups, trade associations and government agencies. The reason: Whatever solutions a team develops has to be compatible and workable throughout the industry, and often globally. There’s no point in re-inventing the wheel. We like to find what’s already been developed and make sure we adopt those standards or guidelines in the work we’re doing.

9 AgGateway Global Network
Another important partner: Separate but closely affiliated organization AgGateway mission globally Contribute to AgGateway standards and guidelines AgGateway Europe formed; groups in Latin America, Asia and Oceana in discussion AgGateway Global Network was founded in 2015 by global-minded AgGateway members as a separate, affiliate organization to expand the use of eConnectivity and the collaborative efforts that AgGateway began in North America to other regions of the world. Through AgGateway Global Network, regional organizations are being formed that will share and contribute to AgGateway Standards and Implementation Guidelines, and will work to expand eConnectivity in agriculture globally. One regional organization – AgGateway Europe – has already been established, and efforts are under way for affiliate organizations in Latin America, Asia and other regions.

10 What we’re working on at AgGateway
Precision agriculture Contracts, ordering, shipping, invoicing in seed, feed, grain, crop protection, other sectors Regulatory compliance Much more… We have a lot of activity in the Precision Ag area, with more than 100 companies involved in this area and several projects under way. We have activities in contracts, ordering, shipping and invoicing processes in several sectors. We’re also tackling regulatory reporting issues, which encompasses such things as coordination with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, help with the Food Safety Modernization Act compliance – especially through grain traceability – and such projects as paperless fertilizer tonnage reporting. The result is the eConnectivity that helps ag companies with strategic planning, inventory and resource management, traceability, and, overall, with improved productivity. The result: Companies and growers are better equipped for strategic planning, inventory and resource management, traceability, more accurate reporting.

11 Precision Ag Today’s farmers work with increasing amounts of data, but often their systems and equipment can’t exchange that data easily – the systems can’t “talk” to each other. AgGateway’s Precision Ag Council: More than 100 companies collaborating on ways growers can better manage data in field operations, irrigation, telematics, and crop insurance and compliance reporting. Today’s farmers work with an increasing amount of data, but often their systems can’t talk to each other. We have a very active group of companies collaborating on ways to help farmers better transfer and manage data in field operations, irrigation, telematics, and crop insurance and compliance reporting.

12 Precision Ag ADAPT framework: A set of software tools designed to simplify data exchange in field operations. SPADE Project: Developing key elements for that capability to exchange data. PAIL irrigation project: Implementing data exchange in irrigation work orders. Results once implemented: Growers and their advisors will be able to seamlessly exchange data. Growers can better manage resources and focus on profitability. The major focus at AgGateway has been on the new ADAPT Framework for inter-operability, the SPADE Project which develops key elements for field operations, and the PAIL Project which is focused on data exchange in connection with irrigation orders. The end result will be that growers, ag retailers and other advisors will be able to securely exchange and work with data for field operations. It will be easier for growers to manage farm resources and to focus on profitability.

13 Streamlining the Supply Chain
Contracts, orders, shipping, invoicing: eConnectivity achieved between many trading partners within the seed, feed, grain, crop protection, crop nutrition, specialty chemical, and other sectors. Sales and inventory reporting: Dramatic improvement in accuracy of inventory as it moves through the channel, and in sales reporting. The benefits: More accurate reporting, fewer manual errors, better resource allocation, higher customer satisfaction. From a transaction standpoint, AgGateway has a number of segments that have completed projects for eConnectivity in order-to-invoice, reporting and price sheet transactions. These segments have found a number of benefits, including more accurate reporting – because of fewer manual errors, better resource allocation, higher customer satisfaction. Such efficiency is quickly being regarded as the industry standard.

14 eConnectivity Resources
While AgGateway is known as a forum where member companies work together to expand eConnectivity, we also provide a wealth of resources to help companies implement those electronic connections.

15 AgGateway Standards There is no fee to access or use the AgGateway Standards. They are offered for the shared good of the industry. In addition, these standards can be – and are – used internationally. AgGateway standards provide the basic framework for electronic communication. There is no fee to access or use published AgGateway standards – they are available to the entire industry, for the shared good of the industry. You can find a list of these standards on the AgGateway website.

16 Ag Industry Identification System (AGIIS)
An interactive database that houses eBusiness data for agriculture. These data elements are the building blocks for electronic communication. Using common data elements allows companies to make seamless electronic transactions. AgGateway’s AGIIS is an interactive, robust database that houses eBusiness data for agriculture. These data elements are the essential building blocks for electronic communication. Using common data elements allows companies to make seamless electronic transactions.

17 Establishes Unique Industry Identifiers
Ag Industry Identification System Products GTINs (UPC) Characteristics Categories Ownership Entities GLNs Manufacturers Distributors End Users Etc, etc. Licenses Unique ID Linkages AGIIS Hundreds of agri-businesses use AGIIS each day. The directory contains more than 5 million unique entities – from names and locations, to crop protection chemicals and seed. It also contains almost one million licenses for seed. These identifiers are used to support key business transactions such as electronic ordering, sales reporting and product tracking. AGIIS does not process transactions; it is a directory resource that facilitates electronic communication. Records are added and maintained by the AGIIS user community. Web services allow companies to communicate with AGIIS seamlessly through computer-to-computer interaction securely and in real time. Some manual AGIIS searches are free as a means to promote eBusiness. In addition, AgGateway members receive a free search/view only subscription to AGIIS. Complete access to AGIIS requires a subscription.

18 AgGateway’s ADAPT As mentioned above, when implemented ADAPT will allow different software and hardware systems to seamlessly connect. Some manufacturers are already working with ADAPT. Will help growers and their advisors better manage valuable data. ADAPT is an open source project. One of the most exciting developments in precision agriculture is AgGateway’s ADAPT Toolkit, which will allow different software and hardware systems to seamlessly connect. ADAPT will help growers and their advisors to better use and better manage their valuable data. ADAPT is an open source project, openly available for use by the industry.

19 A one-stop location for agriculture terms, definitions, acronyms, key words, and synonyms. Publicly available at Another valuable resource is AgGateway’s AgGlossary is a one-stop location for agriculture terms, definitions, acronyms, key words, and synonyms. It is publicly available, for use by all segments of agriculture, at

20 Other AgGateway Resources
Implementation guidelines Web services and messaging guidelines Barcoding & RFID guidelines CLICK Project Implementation tools NEXUS e2e messaging tool (open source) …and more! Visit There are many other AgGateway resources to help members get connected. For more information go to the “Get Connected” section of the AgGateway website.

21 How AgGateway operates
By this time you may be wondering how we work, and how you can get more involved.

22 How is AgGateway organized?
Small number of staff Councils (by segment) Standing committees Standards & Guidelines, Data Privacy & Security, Communications, etc. Project teams and working groups AgGateway is truly a member-driven and member-run organization. There is a small number of staff whose job it is to support the work of the member companies. Beyond that, AgGateway is organized by councils, which are led by volunteers and supported by the staff. We also have a number of committees for everything from standards & guidelines to communications. And finally, there are project teams and working groups that conduct specific project work.

23 New Structure at-a-Glance
In terms of governance, we have a Strategic Board of Directors which is responsible for the organization’s strategic direction, policies and procedures, and the annual budget. Our Operational Management Board is responsible for the ongoing day-to-day management of AgGateway, and supports the work of the councils and committees.

24 Precision Agriculture
AgGateway Councils Ag Retail Allied Providers Crop Nutrition Crop Protection Grain & Feed Precision Agriculture Seed Specialty Chemical AgGateway is organized by councils, with each council focusing on a particular interest area. Here is a list of our current councils. Each council operates autonomously within the overall guidelines of AgGateway. This allows members to prioritize and implement common eConnectivity solutions in a specific area. Each council operates according to its charter and governance document, and maintains autonomy and control over its voting membership, priorities and projects. When companies join AgGateway they declare which council or councils they will participate in. Each council elects its own leaders, and its representation to the Operational Board.

25 AgGateway Committees ADAPT Oversight Architecture Communications
Conference Mid-Year Meeting Annual Conference Education Task Force Data Privacy & Security (AGIIS) Directory Oversight Membership Standards & Guidelines AgGateway has 8 committees that help AgGateway focus on its mission and vision. Committees are staffed and led by volunteers from the councils. Committee chairs and vice-chairs are appointed by the Operational Board. ADAPT – This committee is focused on providing open-source solutions that enhance agricultural data interoperability between systems that create and manage agricultural data. The intent is for AgGateway to create software components that will be licensed to any interested parties in an Open Source Software framework. This committee is composed of two teams: Business and Technical. Architecture - The Architecture Committee examines the big picture of how AgGateway and its members are executing the mission to enable and expand the use of eBusiness. This committee is AgGateway's primary source of architecture-related resources supporting AgGateway projects and other activities, to provide education on architecture-related topics, and to communicate to AgGateway's leadership best practices for technology adoption. Communications - The Communications committee seeks to communicate to members, potential members and the industry the benefits of involvement in AgGateway and – by extension – the benefits of eBusiness. The committee helps manage the AgGateway monthly newsletter, website, social media and media relations (press releases, etc.). Conference – This is one committee with 2 sub-committees working on the 2 annual AgGateway meetings. Both the mid-year and annual meetings are planned by a dedicated team of AgGateway members who meet on a regular basis to ensure we have successful conferences that further the goals of eBusiness. Data Privacy & Security –This committee addresses data privacy and security concerns. The committee provides member companies with a support forum to discuss opportunities and risks associated with information sharing, data privacy, data protection, data security, and any other member-driven data privacy topics.  Directory Oversight Committee - This committee is charged with establishing policies and procedures in the operation of AGIIS, the industry recognized repository of common entity and product information. This includes evaluating, prioritizing and executing enhancements; responding to subscriber and project requests; and overseeing the maintenance and care of the data in the directory. Voting membership of the Oversight Committee consists of council representatives and At Large members, each of whom serve three year terms. Membership – This committee works to attract and retain new members that come both from existing industry segments (where AgGateway is already at work), as well as in new industry segments. Standards & Guidelines - This committee coordinates standards and guidelines development, maintenance and publication. It encourages collaboration among councils and responds to requests for assistance with standards-related efforts.

26 AgGateway Events Join Us! Mid-Year Meeting – June
Annual Conference – November Join Us! See more under “Events” at

27 or (+1) 866-251-8618
For more information… Website: News and information on AgGateway activities, including a monthly newsletter. Member Services: A one-stop resource for AgGateway members and non-members. or (+1) One of our greatest resources is our Member Services department, which is an easy way for anyone interested in AgGateway to ask a question and get steered to the right place. We encourage you to peruse the AgGateway website and also to contact Member Services with additional questions. 27

28 Thank you!

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