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Presentation on theme: "PROSPECTS – EDUCATIONAL CLINIC MALTA"— Presentation transcript:

In collaboration with DEMETRA CORPORATE ADVISORS Friday, 10 June 2016

2 WHAT IS PROSPECTS? Prospects is a Multilateral Trading Facility (MTF) operated by the MSE which is a new market intended to facilitate access to capital for SMEs and Start-ups

3 Key Features : MTF Structure Admission granted by MSE MiFID Compliant No minimum IPO size Flexibility of issues shares or bonds Not pass-portable Require s a Corporate Advisor Requires a Business Plan

4 THE RULES The Rules provide for the creation of structures that will ensure a stable future for admitted companies The Rules provide for succession and continued growth and governance and corporate structure that create and effective management environment The Rules provide standardisation of Application and Disclosure Documentation

5 THE RULES Interpretation General Corporate Advisors Companies
Obligations of Securities’ Holders in Equity Securities Circulars Takeovers Appendices (Templates)

6 THE RULES Chapter 2 – General : Prospects & Rules
Applicability – Applicant Companies will be ineligible if they satisfy the requirements of the Listing Rules (Prospectus Directive) Retention of Documentation Prospects Committee Discipline & Sanctions – disclosure, fines, suspension, cancellation of Admission

7 THE RULES Chapter 2 – General : Continuing application of the Rules
Fees – Appendix 2.1 Risk Factors & Disclaimers Advertisements

8 THE RULES Chapter 3 – Corporate Advisors : An applicant company is required to appoint and retain a Corporate Advisor to gain and maintain admission to Prospects Approved by the Prospects Admissions Committee within one (1) week of end of Notification Period (2 weeks from receipt of all relevant application documents) Admission as Corporate Advisor effective as from date of issue of relevant Prospects Notice

9 THE RULES Minimum Admission Requirements :
Be either an individual or a legal person established in Malta or any recognised jurisdiction Employ, directly contract or in-source at least two designated qualified persons who shall demonstrate proven experience in corporate finance, corporate governance, accounting and management consultancy

10 THE RULES Be independent and impartial from client companies
A Corporate Advisor shall : Be independent and impartial from client companies Have in place procedures to prevent and detect conflicts of interest Assess the on-going appropriateness of an applicant company to be admitted and remain admitted Ensure disclosure of all material information related to a company at admission and on an on-going basis Objectively assess whether it has the capacity to prove the necessary advice, guidance and training to its clients at admission and on an on-going basis

11 THE RULES A Corporate Advisor shall :
Manage and co-ordinate other advisors at admission and on an on-going basis Present relevant information in a consistent, complete and accurate manner Deal with the Exchange professionally and promptly

12 THE RULES In addition to the general responsibilities described, before signing and submitting an application for admission, a Corporate Advisor shall: Ensure that the Directors of the applicant company can be relied upon to prepare and publish all relevant information Have explained to the Directors the nature of their responsibilities and obligations Have obtained confirmation from the Directors that the company has established provides enabling them to make complete and accurate disclosures as required by the Rules Complete all admission documents as required under these Rules

13 THE RULES Continuing Obligations:
Promptly advise the MSE of any material change that may impact its ability to comply with its responsibilities Continually assess whether it retains the capacity to meet its responsibilities Maintain a services agreement with each client company for the period during which it serves as Corporate Advisor (Appendix 4.17) Independently advise, support and update each client on its continuing obligations under these Rules

14 The path to Investor Protection:
THE RULES Issuer Corporate Advisor Reporting Accountant Lawyer Specialist (?) The path to Investor Protection: The CA : Lead Advisor for Admission Retained post-admission Co-ordinates other advisors Specialised skills are essential for investor protection – may be in-house or outsourced

15 THE RULES Application Process :
Formal Application for Admission – Appendix 3.1 Check List - cross-referencing to Rules and Documents Required Prospects Committee will meet with Applicant – where appropriate will meet with members of the corporate advisory team leading on legal and accounting matters

16 THE RULES Chapter 4 – Companies : Eligible securities : Equity, or
Corporate Bonds (including callable bonds) Companies may come to market without having an IPO

17 THE RULES An applicant company must : Be an SME or start-up
Have issued and fully paid up share capital of Euro 46,588 Ensure that its M & A or equivalent constitution document satisfies the relevant requirements as outlined in Rule Upon reasonable assumptions at the date of application be expected to be financially solvent for at least 12 months from the time of admission Appoint and retain a Corporate Advisor Provide complete and accurate information during admission process and on an on-going basis Maintain a website containing at least the same company specific information required to be disclosed under the Rules

18 THE RULES Other Rules relate to : Corporate Governance
Related party transactions Lock-in of Substantial Shareholders Dealing restrictions Continuing Obligations Voluntary suspension or termination Property Companies

19 THE RULES Chapter 6 – Circulars :
Circulars which must be approved by the MSE shall be issued by the Issuer in respect of amongst others : Allotment of securities and increase in share capital Capitalisation, bonus, scrip dividend Redemption of debt securities Amendments to M & A Related party transactions Share schemes

20 THE RULES Prospects securities will be available for trading on the MSE’s secondary market in accordance with the MSE’s Trading Rules as contained in Chapter 4 and Appendices of its Bye-laws Prospects Securities held within the MSE’s CSD will be cleared, settled and registered in accordance with the relevant procedures as set out in Chapters 6 and 7 and Appendices of the MSE’s Bye-laws

21 THE RULES Admission time-frames :
One month prior to submitting application, MSE to be notified of such application Approval by Prospects Committee within 10 days of fully compliant application Admission becomes effective upon issue of relevant Prospects Notice

22 THE RULES Appendix 4.1 – Documentation required with application for Admission Appendix 4.2 – Formal Application for Admission of Financial Instruments to Prospects Appendix 4.5 – Company Admission Document Template Appendix 4.6 – Accountant’s Report Template Appendix 4.7 – Financial Sustainability Forecasts Appendix Fees



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